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Abstract This article presents a study of a large scale incorporation of one data acquisitionsystem into physics teaching in Israel. By 1994 about 30% of the schools throughout the country used the V-scope, a 3-D multibody motion tracing system, in their lab programme. The views and reactions of post-training teachers, experienced teachers and students on various aspects of using the system are described, analysed and compared.  相似文献   
该文介绍了Mall的产生条件和国内发展概况,并结合实例分析,着重论述建筑设计方面的有关问题。  相似文献   
Yoshio Kato discusses the idea of village life as a model for sustainability based on better management of energy and entropy including reduced consumption, recycling and self-sufficiency. A recent house design in Japan by Kato incorporating these ideas is presented, along with questions of lifestyle and consumption that architects, their clients and others will have to consider in the transition toward sustainable design.  相似文献   
In many academic institutions plasma science is currently viewed as a basic physics discipline encompassing a broad range of applications including fusion, astrophysics, space physics, low temperature plasma physics for the semiconductor industry, and environmental remediation of nuclear and chemical waste. Although the applications are broad, it is accurate to state that the major development of the field has been driven by the scientific needs of a single program, fusion. As such, plasma science and engineering has played an important role in graduate education since the early days of the fusion program, late 50's, early 60's.  相似文献   
Hydrolysis mechanism plays a dominant role in the delicate balance of electron donor/electron acceptor ratios in BNR and EBPR systems as an important carbon source. In this study, the surface‐saturation‐type hydrolysis kinetics was investigated based on respirometric measurements, within the context of the theoretical and the practical identifiability of mathematical models. The identifiable parameters of a selected model were derived from respirograms. In addition, the information from the experiments was evaluated on the basis of Optimal Experimental Design (OED) methodology for different initial conditions of the batch respirometric experiment. © 2003 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
Abstract This paper describes an approach to the design of interactive multimedia materials being developed in a European Community project. The developmental process is seen as a dialogue between technologists and teachers. This dialogue is often problematic because of the differences in training, experience and culture between them. Conditions needed for fruitful dialogue are described and the generic model for learning design used in the project is explained.  相似文献   
扣件式钢管脚手架应用代表着建筑工业化的一个重要发展方向 ,如何安全、规范地使用扣件式钢管脚手架将是我们标准化施工的新课题  相似文献   
简易高性能纳秒脉冲发生器   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了实现电子散射飞行时间谱仪电子束的脉冲化及产生时一幅变换器的启动或停止信号。我们利用开关晶体管的雪崩特性研制了一个性能好,成本低的纳秒脉冲发生器。该发生器输出上升时间好于Ins,幅度达10V的负尖脉冲,用作时一幅变换器的启动或停止信号;也输出上升时间约3ns,幅度5-30V连续可调和宽度5-230ns可调的正脉冲,用作电子束脉冲化的调制信号,脉冲重复率为150×10^3s^-1。它可广泛用于类似  相似文献   
简述了中国传统职业道德教育思想;并就高职院校如何借鉴和发掘优秀传统职业道德教育资源,科学、合理、有效地运用优秀传统职业道德资源塑造当代新人进行了探讨。  相似文献   
Abstract This paper outlines the work of the Conceptual Change in Science project, funded as part of the ESRC InTER programme. The aims of this research project are to clarify and describe the process of change in learners' conceptual understandings of natural phenomena. The domain of reasoning selected for study is that of mechanics. Computer software which may be useful in exploring and developing pupils' reasoning and promoting conceptual change in this domain is being developed and evaluated. The group that is carrying out the research is based at the Universities of Leeds, Glasgow and the Open University.  相似文献   
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