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M.A. Deyab 《Corrosion Science》2007,49(5):2315-2328
Corrosion behavior of carbon steel in formation water associated crude oil from Egyptian western desert was studied at various concentrations of dodecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride (CS) as a cationic surfactant. Polarization curves indicate that CS has a good inhibition efficiency for carbon steel in formation water and behaves as cathodic inhibitor. The inhibition efficiency was found to increase with increase in CS concentration until reaches a maximum constant value corresponding to the critical micelle concentration of CS and decrease with increase in solution temperature. The adsorption of CS follows the kinetic thermodynamic model and Flory-Huggins isotherm. Thermodynamic parameters obtained indicate that that the presence of the CS increases the activation energy. Polarization and Impedance measurements indicate that the addition of KI has a significant synergistic effect with CS and results in increase the inhibition efficiency of CS in formation water.  相似文献   
Polyphenols with antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic properties are present in fruits, vegetables and legumes. In this study, the Salmonella typhimurium tester strains TA98 and TA100 were used in the microsuspension assay to examine the antimutagenic effect of phenolic compounds extracted from the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) against mutagenicity induced by aflatoxin B 1 (AFB 1 ). A dose-response curve was constructed for AFB 1 ; from which a level of 40ng AFB 1 /tube was selected for all antimutagenicity assays. The AFB 1 and phenolic extract (PE) were not toxic to the bacteria at concentrations tested. In the case of PE, results were similar to the number of spontaneous revertants for TA98 and TA100. The inhibitory effect of PE against AFB 1 mutagenicity was dose-dependent at the lower concentrations tested (2.5, 5, 10, 12.5, 15 and 25 μg-equivalent ( + )-catechin/tube for TA98; 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2.5, 5, 10 and 25 μg-equivalent ( + )-catechin/ tube for TA100). Further, a two-stage incubation procedure was used to investigate the potential interaction between PE and AFB 1 . The greatest inhibitory effect of the PE on AFB 1 mutagenicity occurred when PE and AFB 1 were incubated together. When the bacteria were first incubated with PE followed by a second incubation with AFB 1 , lower inhibition was observed. Lower inhibition was also observed when the bacteria were first incubated with AFB 1 followed by a second incubation with PE. The results suggest that the mechanism of inhibition could involve the formation of a chemical complex between of PE and AFB 1 .  相似文献   
The GILDES computer model, incorporating Stumm's concept of proton- and ligand-promoted dissolution, has been used to simulate the exposure of copper at room temperature to 210 ppb sulfur dioxide and 80% relative humidity. The agreement is good between the calculations and laboratory exposures performed under these exposure conditions. Surface reactions are relatively more important at lower relative humidities and the dominant corrosion products formed are solid state Cu2SO3, CuSO3 and Cu2U. Free-radical redox processes are important participants and control the relative distribution of Cu(I)- and Cu(H)-containing corrosion products.  相似文献   
It is demonstrated that glassy carbon powder can be thermochemically activated. During activation, a film with open pores is created on the glassy carbon particles. This film has a large internal surface area, which is accessible to liquids and gases. A simple model for the evolution of the internal surface area in glassy carbon powder during thermochemical gas-phase oxidation is also presented and compared with experimental data. Experimental results are in qualitative agreement with the model. We found that a sharp particle size distribution is desirable with regard to potential technical applications.  相似文献   
A multiplant Quality Improvement Team [QIT] was firmed to develop and implement an evaluation program for various color measurement .systems as potential replacements for the then-current aging systems. The emphasis qf this article is the analytical methodology utilized to evaluate the various color systems. The evaluation program consisted cf two phases. Phase I was a general overview/review of several systems, while Phase II was an extensive internal comparative evaluation measurement systems. These were Milton-Roy's ColorMate HDS, HunterLab's Ultrascan, Datacolor's CS-5, and BYK-Gardner's The Color Sphere [TCS]. The main comparison criteria were interinstrument agreement [agreement between two instruments ofthe same system], user-friendly software and computer interface capability, vendor amenability to a long-term logistical and maintenance relationship, and price. All systems were evaluated by duplicate measurements on various color tiles, yarns, and polymer flakes-over 1600 measurements on each system. The systems were compared with an instrument matrix, a decision matrix, and a product matrix. The instrument matrix was a comparison qfinstrument parameters, software/math treatments, and economics. The decision matrix was a forced ranking of each system by each criteria category [1–4 scale, with 1 representing the best and 4 representing the worst]. The product matrix accentuated the relative importance ofone criterion category over another by multiplying the forced ranking by the criticality of the category. The criticality of a given category wus determined by consensus within the QIT. Thr combination qf the three matrices allowed the evaluator[.s] t o select the color rneasuremmt system that best satixfied the color measurement needs and requirements of their facility and their products. For this evaluation, all ofthe evaluated systems were superior to the then-current agingsystems. As a result of this methodology, one instrument emerged as clearly superior. © 1994 John Wrley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
High resolution XPS analysis of chemical functionalised multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) was done with ESCA300 (overall instrument resolution of 0.35 eV). Information to the degree of functionalisation was ascertained by argon ion bombardment of the samples followed by XPS analysis to detect the functional groups, the percentage atomic concentration of various elements present and whether or not the detected functional groups imposed a chemical shift on the CNT atoms. The results show that true chemical functionalisation was achieved and by argon ion bombardment these functional groups can be altered relative to the C 1s carbon atoms of the CNT. The choice of chemicals used for functionalisation, the techniques employed and the types of nanotubes treated are important factors in chemical characterisation. The carbon atom on the nanotube ring to which the functional group (atom) is bonded, the chirality of the CNT, the electronegativity of the functional group, the bond type and whether the CNT is single-wall or multi-wall, or cut (short) could play a role in determining the chemical shift on the CNTs atoms. These investigations are relevant to chemical functionalisation of carbon nanotubes for various applications for example DNA sensors and other biomedical sensors.  相似文献   
铟(Ⅲ)与钼酸铵和罗丹明B在PVA存在下的酸性水溶液中形成离子缔合物而产生显色反应,该体系的灵敏度高,摩尔吸光系数ε=2.44×105L·mol-1cm-1,离子缔合物稳定性好,至少稳定48h。研究了显色体系的光度特性和30多种共存离子的影响,该法应用于纯锡中痕量铟的测定,结果满意。  相似文献   
In this study, waste biological sludge is converted to an adsorbent by chemical activation with sulphuric acid. The adsorbent obtained is then applied to the aerated vessel of an activated sludge process treating glucose and phenol to improve the quality of the treated effluent. The sludge-based carbonaceous adsorbent was found to be mesoporous in nature, with a good adsorption capacity for large molecular weight compounds and limited removal efficiency for smaller molecules such as phenol. The addition of carbon, either sludge-based or commercial, enhanced phenol removal from 58% to 98.7% and from 87% to 93% the organic matter removal as measured by the chemical oxygen demand (COD) when operated with feed concentrations of 100 mg phenol/l and 2500 mg COD/l. No differences were found between the activated sludge-activated carbon bench scale continuous reactors operating with either commercial or sludge-based adsorbents in spite of the higher adsorption capacity of the former. It is suggested that powdered adsorbent bioregeneration in the combined AS-PAC system may be impaired by the obstruction of pores due to bacterial growth, the effect being more important for the commercial activated carbon with a narrower pore size distribution.  相似文献   
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