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毛泽东是中国革命事业的开创者,也是一位杰出的古典诗人。毛泽东诗词具有鲜明的民族性与时代性,前者主要表现为强烈的爱国主义情感、民族自豪感与自信心,后者主要表现为强烈的忧患意识与救亡图存的历史使命感。民族性与时代性是他诗词创作艺术的纵横两个维度,且二者互为表里,贯穿于他诗词创作的全过程。 相似文献
Tongbin Chen 《建筑学研究前沿(英文版)》2012,1(1):77-85
Stockaded villages of the Qiang nationality that are made up of watchtowers and watch-houses are an important part of its cultural heritage. The earliest documentary records of its blockhouse-styled construction can be found in Biography of the Ethnic Minority Groups in Southwest China of History of Eastern Han. In 2006, watchtowers and stockaded villages of the Qiang nationality was placed in the preparatory declaration list of world cultural heritage in China and became a minority architectural heritage that is of potential value for world cultural heritage. The Wenchuan earthquake, which happened on May 12th, 2008, caused severe damage to settlements of the Qiangs in the upper reaches of Min River, including the “Tangping Qiang village,” which plays a prominent role in Qiang stockaded villages. In conserving this important architectural heritage, we observe the idea “everything for heritage value”. We discuss and draw up a series of salvage conservation countermeasures and research for antiseimatic key technology during post-earthquake reconstruction period of Tibetan and Qiang settlement engineering projects, including six engineering principles on priority of structure rescue, heritage value, former address maintenance, traditional way of use, protection against and mitigation of earthquake disasters, and spot cleaning and separating. We draw up three rules in engineering strategy, namely: (1) we should follow ultimate orientation of heritage value protection in rescue, maintenance, and protection engineering; (2) degrees of priority of engineering measures should be differentiated according to the situation of the disaster and residential situations of stockaded villages and; (3) we should keep local smiths and conventional art as the base, and modern technology as a supplement in rescue, maintenance, and protection engineering. 相似文献
郝占鹏 《四川建筑科学研究》2010,36(3)
针对四川汶川大地震对羌族聚居区造成的严重破坏,结合羌族独特的自然地理环境和浓厚的民族文化特色以及对现代生活方式的适应性需求,探讨了灾区重建中羌族文化建筑表达的基本模式,重点从选址和重建建筑语汇更新两方面作了探讨,并提出了重建中所面临的一些思考. 相似文献
该文在分析探讨渝东南土家族山地传统民居聚落营建理念的基础上,重点分析了聚落的空间特征:民居平面型制的多样化特征、依山傍水的山地特征、耕地至上的环农特征、群—序—拓扑结构的形态特征,主要存在自由散点式布局和集中簇群式布局两种聚落空间形态。最后分析了聚落空间的成因,认为渝东南土家族山地传统民居聚落的空间特征只是在汉族传统院落民居的基础上,由于受到当地特殊地形条件的限制而进行的修正。 相似文献
从建筑类型的起源、建筑组织方式、建筑材料、细部装饰等方面论述了桂林汉族民居的特色,详细地比较了此类建筑与中原地区民居的异同,并根据实践,提出关于继承与发展桂林汉族民居特色的观点。 相似文献
建筑色彩设计的地域性、民族性、时代性分析 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
文章从色彩的地域性、民族性和时代性入手,对建筑色彩设计进行了探讨和研究。近年来,我国的城市建设发展迅速,城市规模急剧扩张,为了更好地从整体上把握建筑色彩设计、塑造良好的城市形象以及解决“干城一面”等诸多问题,设计者应该更多地考虑色彩的地域性、民族性和时代性因素,并使这些因素恰当地融入设计之中,服务于城市或区域环境的形象塑造。 相似文献
当代艺术与建筑貌似是两个互不相往来的意识形态,但其实互为贯通,只是一“墙”之隔。通过对朱锫设计的蔡国强四合院进行分析,对比两位所创作艺术的表达方式,寻找出了建筑与艺术是如何通过自己的媒介来诠释现代东方意境的。 相似文献