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针对倾斜中厚矿体应用有底柱分段崩落法出现矿石贫化损失指标较大的问题,进行了室内放矿试验,将试验指标与生产指标对比分析之后,提出了若干改进采矿工艺结构参数的措施。  相似文献   
基于灰色系统理论的资源型城市主导产业选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以现有研究成果为基础,建立了资源型城市主导产业评价指标体系。基于灰色聚类的思想,采用主导产业优度的数学模型———定权聚类评估模型对辽宁省阜新市主导产业选择进行了实证分析。  相似文献   
我国现有地级以上城市188个,除少数大城市外,大部分为中等城市。研究和探索中等城市地下空间的开发利用,应该作为城市建设工作的一个重要课题。本文以镇江市为例,就我国中等城市地下空间的开发利用及其前景展望,提出一些意见和看法。  相似文献   
本文综合评述了国内外空间结构的发展状况,论述了空间结构的基本概念和分类(包括薄壳、网架、网壳、悬索及膜结构)及优点,并介绍了一些重要的工程实例。最后讨论了空间结构在建筑中应用的发展前景。  相似文献   
针对深井油管传输射孔作业中TCP监测识别系统无法监测到尾声信号弹发出的震动信号,同时存在尾声信号弹造成遇卡事故等问题,对尾声信号弹结构进行研究。通过ANSYS LS-DYNA仿真分析和地面试验验证,确定主装药采用分散装药,相比集中装药减轻了爆炸产物对本体的冲击,提升了主装药装药量。此外,本体采用非对称圆形泄压孔设计方案(一侧为φ8mm圆孔、另一侧为大于φ14mm圆孔)。地面试验结果表明该设计的外径胀大尺寸满足要求,有效减少了尾声信号弹的爆炸碎屑,降低了射孔管串在上提时遇卡的风险。大庆油田的使用效果说明其有效提升了TCP监测系统监测的成功率。  相似文献   
This article analyzes an important dimension in which the organization of the projects performed by the same firm can differ: the insourcing or outsourcing of an activity that needs to be undertaken in each of the different projects. Analyzing the variability of a firm's insourcing or outsourcing decision across its projects gives us a better understanding of the firm's decision-making process in terms of the stability of its choices across projects and the main determinants of that variability. This analysis is valuable because a firm that manages multiple projects can benefit from the careful analysis and consideration of the interactions among and the specificities of its projects. Using a comprehensive database of construction firms and projects, we conclude that firms demonstrate variability in their insource or outsource choices across projects and that this variability is explained by factors such as the number of projects simultaneously undertaken, the variability in a project's complexity, and their market power in local markets. These results suggest that the theories explaining firm boundaries in project-based firms should be expanded to include interrelationships between projects and the individual project characteristics that drive differences in insource or outsource choices.  相似文献   
从“高碳锁定”效应在资源型城市中的表现及其影响切入,以安徽省淮北市为例,从技术层面、产业层面、制度层面及其综合层面分析我国资源型城市“高碳锁定”的内在机制,进而结合淮北实际,探讨了资源型城市“高碳锁定”的解锁路径与策略.  相似文献   
Processing municipal and industrial wastes on land and particularly near inhabited centra has met with increased opposition. An apparent remedy to the problem is the establishment of such facilities offshore, hence various projects to build them on artificial islands. The paper examines a concrete proposal to locate such an island offshore from the Belgian Coast. Oceanographic and environmental aspects of the site are discussed, construction methods reviewed, erosion and corrosion effects looked at. The possibility of utilizing ocean power to provide the necessary operation energy is likewise considered.  相似文献   
本文主要介绍了深圳新基点基于自身产品升级开发的CloudMAX云智能管理系统在武汉经开万达广场的应用,包括系统结构、应用特点和主要实现功能。  相似文献   
厦门会展中心二期展厅跨度81米,施工工期异常紧张,采用张弦梁体系取得技术安全、质量可靠、工期短、造价经济、结构美观的良好效果,通过对会展中心张弦梁体系的选型、设计、施工难点分析,介绍了张弦梁结构的受力性能及应用实践,可供类似工程参考借鉴。  相似文献   
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