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应对气候变化已成为全球共识,国家公园和自然保护地既是应对气候变化的重要阵地,也是受气候变化影响的敏感区域,但中国目前的研究和实践均还较薄弱,亟须借鉴域外经验。系统梳理了美国国家公园体系中,气候变化对自然、文化和社区的影响,概述了美国国家公园管理局的气候变化应对行动,指出情景规划是重要的气候变化应对工具。总结了美国国家公园在气候变化中开展情景规划的流程,提炼其规划特征,并以魔鬼塔国家纪念区为案例,详析其情景规划实践过程。在此基础上,总结了中国国家公园及体制试点区可能面临的气候变化风险,对比了情景规划与传统规划的区别,明确目前推广条件的欠缺,指出应逐步推广情景规划,并从实现科研储备、奠定实践基础、建立规划体系三方面提出可能的路径,对中国开展国家公园和自然保护地应对气候变化的相关工作具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
中国生物多样性及其保护规划发展研究现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在全球共同倡导生物多样性保护的大背景下,经过几十年的努力,中国的生物多样性保护工作成效显著,国家相关政策体系趋于完善,科研学术领域日益重视,地方各级政府陆续编制生物多样性保护规划,确保了该项工作的顺利实施。从生物多样性保护的政策体系、科学研究和保护规划编制3方面入手,结合自身编制规划的工作经历,全面系统介绍中国生物多样性保护的政策体系,总结国内各地区保护规划编制现状,发现问题,提出建议,以期为我国生物多样性保护工作提供更加有力的理论依据和行动指导,全面推动我国该项事业的顺利开展。  相似文献   
鸟类热点生境判别对于掌握鸟类空间分布格局、 识别保护空缺及指引生境修复策略具有科学价值。采用最大 熵模型确定深圳湾2000与2020年的鸟类热点生境,分析鸟 类生境的变化及其与景观格局演变的关系。结果表明:1)各 环境因子对不同生态类群的鸟类影响程度各不相同,除鸣禽 以外水源距离对其他类群鸟类的影响较大,其次为高程和 年降水量;2)2020年深圳湾的鸟类热点生境占总研究区的 3%(22km2),呈现从自然保护区向城市内陆逐渐减少的趋 势,存在2km2的保护空缺;3)20年间深圳湾鸟类的热点生 境减少了7%,热点生境下降的地区主要集中在深圳湾沿海滩 涂、香港山贝河与屯门河流域中,且猛禽与游禽的生境退化最 为严重;4)鸟类热点生境面积随斑块的数量、密度、形状与用 地类型等景观指数的增加而降低,景观破碎化和景观连通性降 低是导致鸟类生境退化的主要原因。研究为深圳湾鸟类多样性 保护及生境修复提供了参考,对粤港澳大湾区协同生态保护与 城市建设的关系具有重要意义。  相似文献   
This is a report on sacred forests of Odisha, a large and densely forested state in eastern India. Using district-level data from government agencies on geographical area, demographics, forest cover, and sacred forest sizes and numbers, we test what factors influence the observed distributions and abundance of sacred forests. Results show that at the district level, population size of scheduled tribes was unrelated to total population size. Forest area was greater in larger districts, and where tribal populations were greater, but per cent forest cover declined with overall population density. There are 2166 documented sacred forests in the state of Odisha, with most being small (median = 0.2 ha). Multiple regression analyses show that the number of sacred forests is unrelated to total forest area but is significantly positively associated with Tribal population size. Sacred forests have survived decline during recent deforestation, and indigenous cultural practices appear to promote the persistence of natural vegetation.  相似文献   
运用系统保护规划(SCP)的方法建立保护地(protected area)对生物多样性资源及其所提供的生态系统服务价值具有重要保护作用。笔者归纳总结了自 19 世纪 80 年代以来系统保护规划思想产生和发展的历程,随后基于近 20 年来系统保护规划相关文献,梳理得到现阶段影响保护规划最为核心的两大背景—气候变化及生态系统服务,此背景对系统保护规划六步法关键步骤的研究动态产生深刻影响,并推动了新的研究进展的产生,其中涵盖了规划理念更新、保护目标多元化、数据及模型算法拓展、管理框架变更。笔者结合中国的自然保护地规划背景和相关实践,从关键内容、监测评估、实施管理 3 个方面提出未来的研究方向,以期通过借鉴国际上保护规划的方法、工具、经验对完善中国的保护地体系构建的实践提供参考。  相似文献   
In the second part of his green design series, Ken Yeang highlights how a prospective site can provide the essential springboard for eco-masterplanning. A full survey of the site and its sensitive development allows the built environment not only to be designed analogously with existing ecological systems, but also to reach out beyond the immediate footprint and to have a restorative effect on the surrounding area. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
基于用地多样性评析的城市生态建设及规划调整   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了将城市用地多样性与城市生态建设和规划调整协同考虑的观点.构建了城市用地多样性评价指标体系.以盱眙市中心城区为例,对其现状的用地多样性进行了评价和分析.以此为基础,提出了盱眙市中心城区生态建设方案和规划布局调整方案.在对规划方案的用地多样性评价和分析的基础上,通过与现状的用地多样性水平的比较,对规划方案的可行性作了进一步的分析和论证.  相似文献   
This paper analyses the land use/cover dynamics of land degradation through the interpretation of aerial photographs (1958 and 1980) and 2006 SPOT-5 satellite image of the Gerado catchment. Other, non-visual data were gathered from personal interview and focus group discussions conducted in 2010 and 2011 with local elders, farmers and development (agricultural extension) agents. The results identified the presence of cultivated and rural settlement land, shrubland, woodland, bare land, grassland, urban built up area and forest. Throughout the period 1958–2006, urban built-up area, forest and cultivated and rural settlement land expanded at an average rate of 6.85%, 1.85% and 0.14% per year at the expense of shrub, wood and grasslands, which declined by 0.77%, 0.21%, 0.65% per year, respectively. The land use/cover dynamics of 1958–2006 resulted in the reduction/loss of biodiversity, occurrence of high soil erosion and ramification of gullies. The triggers for these changes were population growth, land cultivation, expansion of farmland, inappropriate land management, civil war and fuel wood demand. These led to further land degradation and more food insecurity among many farming households. Land resources have to be used according to their suitability. Thus, the exposed and steep mountains of the area have to be protected from cultivation and should be re-afforested. The paper discusses other implications for management and policy formulation also.  相似文献   
Recent reviews of the priority policy options and research needs for nature conservation have identified the importance of new land use policies for restoring and rebuilding biodiversity including habitat banking, ‘no net loss’ of biodiversity, restoring flood plain functionality and ecologically coherent networks. Such policies are usually delivered by habitat creation, habitat restoration and habitat enhancement. Habitat translocation is another mechanism that can contribute to the delivery of these policies. Habitats can be restored and created by translocating ecological resources from sites as part of ongoing habitat management, where habitat diversity or early successional habitats are required. Habitat translocation can be used to salvage ecological features and their associated ecosystem services from sites for consented or permitted development projects. Critical success factors for translocation of aquatic and terrestrial habitats are identified. New policy issues and research topics relating to habitat translocation are proposed.  相似文献   
长三角一体化绿色发展是中国的重大战略,乡村生态状况是长三角城市群生态健康发展的基础。针对长三角城市群乡村植被生物多样性保育和生态系统服务功能提升需求展开研究,调研了28个乡村共256个植物群落样地,分别进行了科属种构成和生活型分析;通过群落聚类,划分出47个群落类型和8个植被型,分析了植物群落构成和分布特征;进行了物种生物多样性分析,并将长三角乡村植被特征与城市区域和自然区域的植被特征进行比较;最后,从物种保护、生境维护、群落保育和生态美学引导等方面提出了长三角乡村植被生物多样性保育与构建的具体对策。  相似文献   
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