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在阐述客户服务意义的基础上,提出对中国石化成品油销售企业客户服务体系建设的建议,即建立以客户为尊的服务理念;建设特色企业文化;完善员工服务体系;注重细节,提高服务质量;整合现有客户体系资源,拓展服务功能。  相似文献   
在探讨了Web查询服务的典型模型后,论文阐述了服务器端会话追踪机制的实现方式,设计了基于服务器端会话追踪的Web查询服务的典型解决方案。该设计方案可以较为安全地保存和维护客户的上下文信息,可靠地跟踪用户查询所处的状态,有效地实现有状态的Web查询服务。  相似文献   
许可  张春鹏 《世界电信》2004,17(10):23-26
分析了韩国、日本及国内运营商手机游戏业务的发展状况.探讨了手机游戏业务的模式.论述了该业务的战略定位和市场前景。从地区提供给移动通信市场对外部环境、产业链的准备是否充分以及运营商内部的资源和运营状况等三个方面阐明了手机游戏业务发展的关键因素。  相似文献   
欠平衡钻井过程中的井控新设备   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:2  
文章简述了欠平衡钻井中不压井操作的设备和方法,介绍了威得福公司的井下套管阀和海底泥浆举升钻井工业联合项目在深水钻井中研发的新钻杆阀在欠平衡钻井中的应用。通过在钻杆上安装钻杆阀和在套管上安装套管阀解决接单根及起下钻操作时因压井可能破坏欠平衡状态的问题,使全过程的欠平衡钻井得以实现。  相似文献   
为促进互联网的良性发展,要使设备制造商、电信运营商、虚拟运营商/集团用户、内容提供商和最终用户构成一条互联网业务价值链,价值链的创建对互联网接入设备提出了更高的要求,华为公司的Quid-wayTMA8010Expert多业务综合接入平台可构建宽带城域网分组语音解决方案、可平滑演进为下一代网络中的媒体网关、提供窄带价值链、提供唯一号码业务以及实现多业务综合接入。  相似文献   
本文概述INMARSAT 21世纪工程的规划及为实现这一规划,INMARSAT组织在本世纪末正在进行和即将进行的一系列卫星通信技术工作。着重阐述INMARSAT 21世纪工程的业务性能以及对三种卫星布局方案进行抉择的新动向。  相似文献   
New requirements of growing computer networks and information systems have an influence on extended client/server models with increased functionality. This forms the basis for service management in distributed systems which is realized by a service trading concept. This paper studies the requirements derived from the Open Distributed Processing (ODP) Reference Model in order to consider an open service market. Furthermore, it examines management possibilities for describing the service trading scenario. Because of similar architectures and properties ODP services, service offers, types, exporters and traders are mapped onto management components and modeled as managed objects. Therefore, the Guidelines for the Definition of Managed Objects (GDMO) are used. The final concept allows a precise and unambiguous study of the service trading scenario and provides means for exporting and importing of service offers in a distributed environment.  相似文献   
本主要介绍基于CDMA智能网平台的一种增值业务——“位置服务”,阐述这个业务的网络结构、涉及到的技术问题和解决方案,并将这个整体思路投入到开发业务中去。  相似文献   
姚剑 《电信快报》2002,(11):13-14,34
介绍短消息系统网络现状、基本原理,以及固定电话网短消息传送的全网结构、系统组网方案和建设方案。  相似文献   
Presents an obituary for Nicholas Hobbs. Just at the end of his stellar career of public service through psychology, Nick Hobbs received very appropriate honors showing that psychologists and many others knew what a precious national resource his life had been. Only days before his death from cancer on January 23, 1983, he participated in the dedication of the Nicholas Hobbs Laboratory of Human Development of the Peabody College for Teachers of Vanderbilt University, part of the Kennedy Center for Research on Education and Human Development that he founded and directed at its beginning. Two years earlier, he had received two parallel American Psychological Association (APA) awards--one for Distinguished Contributions to Psychology in the Public Interest and another for Distinguished Professional Contributions "utilizing psychological knowledge in the public interest and social policy." As the citations and testimonials on these occasions variously noted, Nick gave creative, responsible, and effective service to the institutions that he helped administer, to the Southern region from which he sprang, to the APA, and to the profession of psychology, but above all to the nation's children and youth, especially those who grew up with disadvantage and difficulty. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
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