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The average diet in most developing countries is predominantly cereal based. Wheat, rice and millets are major staple foods. Although these diets are sufficient in iron, their low bioavailability is one of the most significant factors for iron deficiency anaemia. Traditional techniques like fermentation show promise in improving iron bioavailability. In vitro ionizable iron was estimated in 31 different combinations of rice, wheat, sorghum, black gram, bengal gram, green gram and coriander in five replicates with or without, fermentation in steamed products. Results indicate that in general cereal pulse combination and fermentation significantly ( P <0.05) increase the per cent ape of ionizable iron. Combination effects dominated in rice whilst fermentation dominated in sorghum. There was a significant reduction ( P <0.05) in phytate phosphorus on fermentation but no loss of tannin.  相似文献   
Abstract. The concepts of time invariance, stationarity, non-stationarity and immemorial time are considered for state space models (SSMs). Necessary and sufficient conditions for stationarity are given and connected with standard conditions. Expressions are given for the unconditional mean and covariance matrix of the state of a time-immemorial SSM. Application of the results is made to a variety of theoretical and empirical models and the initialization of the Kalman filter in the non-stationary case and for the ARIMA ( p, d, q ) model.  相似文献   
T. Bag 《Information Sciences》2006,176(19):2910-2931
In this paper, definitions of strongly fuzzy convergent sequence, l-fuzzy weakly convergent sequence and l-fuzzy weakly compact set are given in a fuzzy normed linear space. The concepts of fuzzy normal structure, fuzzy non-expansive mapping, uniformly convex fuzzy normed linear space are introduced and fixed point theorems for fuzzy non-expansive mappings are proved.  相似文献   
孙拥芳 《山西冶金》2003,26(3):38-39,44
通过对铸造湿型小件产品缺陷典型实例的原因分析,从型砂的选择及配制、造型工艺、浇注工艺等方面提出控制缺陷产生的工艺方法。  相似文献   
CIE TC8‐01 has adopted a new color appearance model: CIECAM021 replaces the CIECAM97s.2 The new model consists of a number of refinements and simplifications of the CIECAM97s color appearance model. This article describes further tests to the robustness of the forward and reverse modes. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 30, 99–106, 2005; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/col.20087  相似文献   
莫达非尼的绿色化学合成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陶文伟 《应用化工》2006,35(3):201-202,216
采用[bm im]BF4离子液体作为反应溶剂,以二苯甲硫醇为原料,经醚化、氨解、氧化得到新型提神醒脑药物莫达非尼。讨论了不同的氯乙酸酯和反应温度对醚化反应收率的影响,讨论了不同的二苯甲硫乙酸酯对氨解反应收率的影响,及离子液体的回收使用。研究表明,采用氯乙酸甲酯作为醚化试剂,反应时间4 h,反应温度100℃,二苯甲硫醇∶氯乙酸甲酯=1∶1.5(摩尔比),室温下氨解反应20 h,二苯甲硫乙酰胺收率76%;采用过氧化氢作为氧化试剂,反应时间3 h,反应温度60℃,过氧化氢∶二苯甲硫乙酰胺=1∶1(摩尔比),莫达非尼收率79%,反应总收率可达48%。  相似文献   
设φ:Rn →Rn 是一个线性映射,对任意x∈Rn ,都存在与x有关的线性保控映射ψx ,使得φ(x)=ψx(x),则称φ是欧氏空间上的一个线性局部保控映射。线性保控映射是线性局部保控映射,其逆命题不成立。文中定义了两个与φ相关的Rn的子集Iφ和IIφ,如果任意Rn上的点都属于Iφ(或IIφ),那么这个线性局部保控映射φ是线性保控映射。  相似文献   
介绍了VB自带工具“打包和展开向导”的工作原理和过程,提出了用这个工具打包含有用户子目录程序时出现的问题,并针对这些问题设计了一个算法,通过修改“打包和展开向导”中setup1.exe的源程序,使得“打包和展开向导”在打包含用户子目录程序的过程简单而且不出现问题。  相似文献   
为提高大小和数量都不确定的数据动态存储的空间利用率和处理速度,针对常规系统动态存储分配存在的问题,提出一种高效的动态存储再分配方案。通过减少系统动态存储分配的执行次数,在有效提高存储空间利用率的同时,提高存储空间动态分配的速度,给出动态存储再分配方案的具体实现算法,用实际数据对其性能进行测试。测试结果表明,该方案能节省36%至75%的系统存储空间,分配速度提高了20至50倍。  相似文献   
This paper explores the limitations of contemporary interface design and offers the potential of more profound forms of interaction by drawing on the rich and much older heritage of interactive art. Whilst HCI design is preoccupied with making the computer more simple to use, installation work, kinetic sculpture, and interactive multimedia art forms have generally been more concerned with the predicament of human/technological negotiation, whilst remaining a salient form of human communication. HCI activity sets out to make the complex systems of computing easy to understand and use, whilst interactive art often uses simple technology to make complex, inspiring and esoteric statements and experiences. In many ways the more simple and 'low resolution' the technology the more immersive, acute and intimate the experience. 'Low resolution' examples such as telephone-sex-lines are explored alongside more immersive systems, such as biofeedback interfaces, and other interactive experiments drawn from the 'technic' strand of art history.  相似文献   
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