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The structure and properties of high density polyethylene (HDPE) functionalized by ultraviolet irradiation at different light intensities in air were studied by electron analysis, FTIR spectroscopy, contact angle with water, differential scanning calorimetry and mechanical properties measurement. The results show that oxygen‐containing groups such as C?O, C—O and C(?O)O were introduced onto the molecular chain of HDPE following irradiation, and the rate and efficiency of HDPE functionalization increased with enhancement of irradiation intensity. After irradiation, the melting temperature, contact angle with water and notched impact strength of HDPE decreased, the degree of crystallinity increased, and their variation amplitude increased with irradiation intensity. Compared with HDPE, the yield strength of HDPE irradiated at lower light intensity (32 W m?2 and 45 W m?2) increases monotonically with irradiation time, and the yield strength of HDPE irradiated at higher light intensity (78 W m?2) increases up to 48 h and then decreased with further increase in irradiation time. The irradiated HDPE behaved as a compatibilizer in HDPE/polycarbonate (PC) blends, and the interface bonding between HDPE and PC was ameliorated. After adding 20 wt% HDPE irradiated at 78 W m?2 irradiation intensity for 24 h to HDPE/PC blends, the tensile yield strength and notched Izod impact strength of the blend were increased from 26.3 MPa and 51 J m?1 to 30.2 MPa and 158 J m?1, respectively. Copyright © 2003 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
Using boundary element based three dimensional modelling for linear fracture mechanics, we present an analysis of cracking in a homogeneous medium subject to contact load. The proposed iterative solution procedure allows a simultaneous treatment of a reasonable number of partially closed cracks. It is shown that the most probable direction of propagation of a vertical internal crack is strongly dependent on its size compared to the contact radius and its location with respect to the axis of maximum normal load.  相似文献   
Large deflections of pulse-loaded elliptic and round plates made of hardenable elastoplastic materials are investigated analytically using an energy-based approach. Formulas that are convenient for engineering design have been derived.  相似文献   
简要介绍了伴随内转换电子发射产生的俄歇电子能量与强度的计算方法、计算程序及工作流程,并以^129Iβ^-衰变为例说明其具体应用。  相似文献   
This paper presents a methodology for comparing the performance of model-reduction strategies to be used with a diagnostic methodology for leak detection in water distribution networks. The goal is to find reduction strategies that are suitable for error-domain model falsification, a model based data interpretation methodology. Twelve reduction strategies are derived from five strategy categories. Categories differ according to the manner in which nodes are selected for deletion. A node is selected for deletion according to: (1) the diameter of the pipes; (2) the number of pipes linked to a node; (3) the angle of the pipes in the case of two-pipe nodes; (4) the distribution of the water demand; and, (5) a pair-wise combination of some categories.The methodology is illustrated using part of a real network. Performance is evaluated first by judging the equivalency of the reduced network with the initial network (before the application of any reduction procedure) and secondly, by assessing the compatibility with the diagnostic methodology. The results show that for each reduction strategy the equivalency of networks is verified. Computational time can be reduced to less than 20% of the non-reduced network in the best case. Results of diagnostic performance show that the performance decreases when using reduced networks. The reduction strategy with the best diagnostic performance is that based on the angle of two-pipe nodes, with an angle threshold of 165°. In addition, the sensitivity of the performance of the reduced networks to variation in leak intensity is evaluated. Results show that the reduction strategies where the number of nodes is significantly reduced are the most sensitive.Finally this paper describes a Pareto analysis that is used to select the reduction strategy that is a good compromise between reduction of computational time and performance of the diagnosis. In this context, the extension strategy is the most attractive.  相似文献   
在客源时间分布上,计算乌镇游客游览时间强度指数,得到游客游览时间主要集中在二、三季度,并以7、8月份为最高峰。而在客源市场的分布上,鸟镇已经形成了以浙江为核心,上海、北京等地为一级,安徽、河南等地为二级的国内客源市场。在长三角古村落旅游发展迅速的今天,乌镇与周边的周庄、同里等古镇的竞争日益激烈,而旅游产品的创新、加大宣传迅速占领国内二级客源市场等措施将有助于乌镇在竞争中脱颖而出,占领主导地位。  相似文献   
CMC在珠光颜料涂布纸中的应用试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对添加羧甲基纤维素钠改善水性珠光涂布纸云母系列珠光涂料的性质做了初步研究.试验结果表明,羧甲基纤维素钠不仅能改善涂料的稳定性,提高涂层的表面拉毛强度,还能起到辅助胶粘剂的作用.通过优化试验得到了较理想的羧甲基纤维素钠配比.  相似文献   
We review, unify and extend work pertaining to evaluating mode mixity of interfacial fracture utilizing the virtual crack closure technique (VCCT). From the VCCT, components of the strain energy release rate (SERR) are obtained using the forces and displacements near the crack tip corresponding to the opening and sliding contributions. Unfortunately, these components depend on the crack extension size, Δ, used in the VCCT. It follows that a mode mixity based upon these components also will depend on the crack extension size. However, the components of the strain energy release rate can be used for determining the complex stress intensity factors (SIFs) and the associated mode mixity. In this study, we show that several—seemingly different—suggested methods presented in the literature used to obtain mode mixity based on the stress intensity factors are indeed identical. We also present an alternative, simpler quadratic equation to this end. Moreover, a Δ-independent strain energy release based mode mixity can be defined by introducing a “normalizing length parameter.” We show that when the reference length (used for the SIF-based mode mixity) and the normalizing length (used for Δ-independent SERR-based mode mixity) are equal, the two mode mixities are only shifted by a phase angle, depending on the bimaterial parameter ε.  相似文献   
介绍了ZF12-145(L)三相共箱式气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备断路器的技术参数、性能、灭弧室的计算分析和主要特点.  相似文献   
The scaled boundary finite‐element method is extended to the modelling of thermal stresses. The particular solution for the non‐homogeneous term caused by thermal loading is expressed as integrals in the radial direction, which are evaluated analytically for temperature changes varying as power functions of the radial coordinate. When applied to model a multi‐material corner, only the boundary of the problem domain is discretized. The boundary conditions on the straight material interfaces and the side‐faces forming the corner are satisfied analytically without discretization. The stress field is expressed semi‐analytically as a series solution. The stress distribution along the radial direction, including both the real and complex power singularity and the power‐logarithmic singularity, is represented analytically. The stress intensity factors are determined directly from their definitions in stresses. No knowledge on asymptotic expansions is required. Numerical examples are calculated to evaluate the accuracy of the scaled boundary finite‐element method. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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