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全文围绕树立和落实科学发展观这一主题 ,研究和探索如何在新时期、新阶段进一步做好国土资源管理工作的新思路、新途径和新方法。提出要进一步加强国土资源宏观管理 ,更好地为甘肃省经济社会的协调、可持续发展提供保障服务。  相似文献   
针对农村生活污水直接排放已经成为影响我国农村水环境质量主要因素之一的现状,从适合我国农村的以村落或居民点为单位进行生活污水分散式处理的思维入手,介绍了我国现今主要的分散式生活污水处理技术的原理、特点、不足及其应用现状;继而综合比较了这些技术的技术经济指标,提出了适合我国农村的分散式生活污水处理技术的设计原则;最后提出发展有较高水力负荷,并具备小规模设备化特征和多种生物处理单元复合的创新技术是我国农村生活污水处理技术发展的主要方向。  相似文献   
本文简要讨论了土地利用效益评价的内涵与原则,提出了两类评估方法,即专家估计效益综合指数法与土地直接产出法。在南部的实践说明两种方法的结果高度正相关。  相似文献   
本文回顾总结了我国陆地观测卫星载荷体系、地面系统建设及数据应用等方面的发展现状和成就,分析了当前所面临的挑战和任务,以此为基础,对我国陆地观测卫星的未来发展进行了战略思考和展望,提出了加强国家顶层规划、加强地面系统统筹建设、实现系列化业务化运营、加强国际合作、推进产业化发展等建议.  相似文献   
Users expect applications to successfully cope with the expansion of information as necessitated by the continuous inclusion of novel types of content. Given that such content may originate from ‘not‐seen thus far’ data collections and/or data sources, the challenging issue is to achieve the return of investment on existing services, adapting to new information without changing existing business‐logic implementation. To address this need, we introduce DOLAR (Data Object Language And Runtime), a service‐neutral framework which virtualizes the information space to avoid invasive, time‐consuming, and expensive source‐code extensions that frequently break applications. Specifically, DOLAR automates the introduction of new business‐logic objects in terms of the proposed virtual ‘content objects’. Such user‐specified virtual objects align to storage artifacts and help realize uniform ‘store‐to‐user’ data flows atop heterogeneous sources, while offering the reverse ‘user‐to‐store’ flows with identical effectiveness and ease of use. In addition, the suggested virtual object composition schemes help decouple business logic from any content origin, storage and/or structural details, allowing applications to support novel types of items without modifying their service provisions. We expect that content‐rich applications will benefit from our approach and demonstrate how DOLAR has assisted in the cost‐effective development and gradual expansion of a production‐quality digital library. Experimentation shows that our approach imposes minimal overheads and DOLAR‐based applications scale as well as any underlying datastore(s). Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Full instrumental rationality and perfect institutions are two cornerstoneassumptions underlying neoclassical models. However, in the real world, thesetwo assumptions never hold, especially not in developing countries. In thispaper, we develop a game theoretical model to investigate if relaxations inthe full instrumental rationality and perfect institutions premise can explainthe conflicts that have been occurring between the various principals in theNarok district in Kenya with regard to land tenure and use.  相似文献   
Land surface evapotranspiration is one of the most important components in water cycle between earth and atmosphere, and plays a very important role in the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere of the planet. It is an urgent task to understand the evapotranspiration process over different surface types and conditions in agriculture, hydrogeology, forest, and ecology for the purpose of using water resources properly. Additionally, land surface evapotranspiration is a key parameter in the synop…  相似文献   
城镇土地定级信息系统的研制和开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地定级过程繁杂,周期长,数据处理量庞大,需要一套符合规程要求,科学、简便、实用的系统来辅助土地管理部门的工作,文中探讨了以计算机作为辅助工具,进行城镇土地定级系统的研制和开发。  相似文献   
Through the research on the model of the land reclamation in the refuse dump of Heidaigou open coal mines, it was concerned that ecology was the theoretical basic for the land reclamation of open coal mines. According to the principle of ecological substituting, the land reclamation can be divided into three stages: water and soil conservation, ecological performance and economic performance. Taking the land reclamation in the refuse dump of Heidaigou open coal mines as the practical example, explained the application of the ecological substituting principle on the land reclamation in the open coal mines .  相似文献   
基于设计模式的软件重用   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
许幼鸣  徐锦 《计算机工程》1999,25(3):13-14,36
针对软件重用。提出应用设计模式来记录软件设计知识。这可以使软件重用从构架重用提高到软件开发各阶段知识的重用。此外结合通用仓库/销售系统的实际对设计模式的用法进行了讨论。  相似文献   
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