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海泡石原矿加工与橡胶应用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
暨雄卓 《中国矿业》1998,7(6):79-81
我国海泡石矿,普遍品位偏低,仅为国外的1/4左右。由于海泡石的强粘结性、强吸水能力,使得其精选工艺难于过关。研究原矿的特殊性,通过对原矿的加工,表面活化处理,使其成为优质的橡胶补强剂,取代炭黑和白炭黑,提高了海泡石原矿的应用价值。  相似文献   
中山陵园风景区系统分析及其格局重组与完善   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在对中山陵园风景区进行系统分析的基础上,明确存在问题与价值取向,并着重就该风景区格局的重组与完善提出对策。  相似文献   
Tungsten carbide and cobalt are the main components of hard metal alloy while other metals such as chromium, niobium, tantalum, titanium and vanadium are sometimes added in smaller amounts. Exposure to hard metal dusts can induce a lung fibrosis with cobalt playing a major role. In order to provide information on the role that each metal may have in causing this disease, determination of the total content and the distribution of inhaled metals in lung tissue of hard metal workers is of paramount importance. However, samples such as transbronchial biopsy and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), often used in the medical diagnosis of pneumoconiosis, only allow for a small amount of material. This calls for sensitive and accurate analytical procedures for microdetermination and distribution of metals in pulmonary tissue and cellular material, such as macrophages. This work proposes a combination of sophisticated analytical techniques such as neutron activation analysis (NAA), currently applied to the determination of the total concentration of more than 30 elements in biological specimens, and PIXE analysis, particularly microPIXE, which has a great potential for microdistribution analysis in small biological samples. Principles and perspectives for the combined use of these techniques for the analysis of human tissue are outlined and discussed. NAA: determination of hard metals in lung tissue are carried out by neutron irradiation (2 × 1014 neutrons cm−2 s−1) in the HFR reactor of Petten. After neutron activation, radiochemical separations of 60Co, 187W, 182Ta, 51Cr followed by computer-based high resolution gamma ray spectrometry allow the measurement of these elements in pulmonary tissues with sensitivities ranging from 10−4 μg (Cr) to 10−6 μg (W). PIXE: this technique is multielemental and of relatively high sensitivity (μg/g) even in small total sample masses of from 10 to 100 μg, thus allowing the analysis of parts of needle biopsies. Whereas PIXE has been successfully applied to many medical problems, its usefulness is limited in the total samples analysis for cobalt-related hard metal disease, due to the low levels of cobalt in tissue combined with severe element interferences from the generally more abundant metal, iron. Nevertheless, microPIXE, a special variety of the method scanning over the sample with a focussed ion beam of about 2 × 2 μm2, could complement the NAA findings in total samples in the sense of achieving a microdistribution analysis of hard metals (including cobalt) in suitable thin tissue sections.The availability of specialized facilities at the JRC such as the powerful HFR reactor (Petten), the NAA laboratories (Ispra) and the microPIXE facility (Geel) could represent a European ‘reference pole’ for the study of metals in tissues of hard metal diseased subjects.  相似文献   
游乐设施设备基础作为一种特种结构,在我国建筑行业相关标准中还没有给出其相应的规范和条文。在《游艺机与游乐设施安全》(GB8408—2000)中也没有明确设备基础的设计方法与安全储备。结合欢乐谷工程的混凝土圆环柱设计,针对上述问题开展研究与探讨,通过优化结构形式和合理选取安全储备系数,采用近似计算与有限元分析相结合的方法进行设计,较好地解决了上述问题,并对圆环柱在弯、剪、扭作用下的结构计算进行了探讨。  相似文献   
金左培 《建筑节能》2003,31(5):19-20
玻璃的结构和组分与粒化高炉矿渣类似,用碱来激发玻璃可获得一种新型的碱激发材料,目前在国内尚无人尝试,其应用有待开拓。着重介绍碱激发玻璃材料的方法及激发的条件。  相似文献   
国内传统城市公园规划设计多从景观美学以及游憩的角度作为规划与经营的方向,大都以决策者为导向的方式进行,而对于是否符合使用者的需求以及发展的原则并没有太多的着墨。本文以长沙橘子洲公园为例,从景观设计维护、人际关系、休憩设施、厕所满意度、自然生态水池满意度五个方面对公园进行POE研究,并在此基础上提出规划改造策略与建议,为创造生态活力、“以人为本”的城市公园提供依据。  相似文献   
Concepts to facilitate the conversion of epoxides with carbon dioxide to the corresponding cyclic carbonates commonly focus on the activation of the epoxide. Herein we report a catalytic system which allows the simultaneous activation of carbon dioxide and the epoxide. This convergent activation concept is realized by combining a suitable carbene as catalyst for the carbon dioxide activation with a second catalytic system based on potassium iodide for epoxide activation. Initial experiments showed synergistic effects and thus proving the feasibility of this activation concept. Moreover a standard protocol was developed and the substrate scope under these conditions has been studied. Under mild and solvent‐free conditions 14 epoxides could be converted. The respective cyclic carbonates were obtained in good to excellent yields with selectivities ≥ 99 % after simple filtration.


A highly efficient protocol for the synthesis of pyrrolidones by the copper‐catalyzed alkynylation/annulation of aliphatic amides with alkynyl carboxylic acids is discussed in this paper. A broad range of easily accessible alkynyl carboxylic acids were introduced at the β‐methyl group of aliphatic amides with the assistance of an 8‐aminoquinolyl auxiliary group via decarboxylation to achieve the subsequent cyclic C N bond formation within one hour. High selectivity of β‐methyl groups over methylene groups was observed, and the extension of this catalytic system to the activation of methylene C H bonds failed. The substrates with two different groups at the α‐position of the aliphatic amides lead to the formation of diastereoisomers which is determined by 1H NMR spectroscopy. The initially produced products with Z‐configurations can be easily transformed to the corresponding products with E‐configurations by the treatment with dilute p‐toluenesulfonic acid after the reaction. This catalytic tandem decarboxylative cyclization provides a new opportunity for the direct functionalization of sp3 C H bonds.


The palladium‐catalyzed ketone‐directed dual sp2 C H activation and sp3 C H functionalization has been applied for fullerene functionalization for the first time. The sec‐alkyl aryl ketones have been exploited to react with [60]fullerene (C60) to provide the novel and scarce C60‐fused tetralones. The combined use of a highly active cationic palladium(II) catalyst and trifluoromethanesulfonic acid is crucial for the improvement of the reaction yield. A plausible reaction mechanism leading to the observed products has been proposed, and the electrochemistry of the fullerene products has also been investigated.


We report here that a cobalt catalyst generated from a cobalt(II) salt and a ligand using magnesium metal is capable of promoting hydroarylation reactions through chelation‐assisted C−H activation. With the appropriate choice of the ligand and other reaction conditions, ketimine‐ or aldimine‐directed branched selective hydroarylations of styrenes and ketimine‐directed hydroarylations of vinylsilane have been achieved. The reported catalytic systems may serve as more convenient alternatives to previously developed catalytic systems employing Grignard reagents as reducing agents.


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