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Home ownership has been associated with health, social and economic benefits. However, a decline in ownership has been observed over the past decade in New Zealand. Minority groups, including Pacific people, have been disadvantaged in the housing sector. This study investigated housing tenure and the relationship between tenure and health among mothers of a birth cohort of Pacific children in New Zealand. Findings showed that most families lived in state or private rental accommodation with few (15.4 per cent) owning their own homes. Homeowners were more likely to be older, partnered and have higher incomes. Better mental health was observed for homeowners compared to renters. Findings can inform housing and public health policy for Pacific families.  相似文献   
Provides the biography of Dante Cicchetti and announces that he has received the APA Award for Distinguished Senior Career Contributions to Psychology in the Public Interest (2004) for his seminal role in bridging theory, research, and practice by fostering the emergence and coalescence of the field of developmental psychopathology. A selected bibliography is also provided. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
Ten areas of health knowledge were investigated in 2 studies, 1 of college students (N=169) and 1 of adults from the community (ages 19-70; N=176). Measures assessed knowledge of aging, orthopedic/ dermatological concerns, common illnesses, childhood/early life, serious illnesses, mental health, nutrition, reproduction, safety, and treatment of illness/disease. Significant gender differences favoring women were found for most areas of health knowledge, especially reproduction and early life. Results showed that cognitive ability accounted for the most variance in health knowledge with nonability (personality and interest traits) and demographic variables accounting for smaller but significant amounts of variance across most knowledge domains. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
Through an ergonomic approach, this study aimed to evaluate whether workers involved in forest harvesting activities in rural properties are subject to the development of work-related diseases, as well as their consequences. A cross-sectional study with 267 forest workers in rural properties in the Brazilian Central region was used. The following evaluations were performed for each of the activities (felling, delimbing, tracing, manual extraction and manual loading): physical workload evaluation; biomechanical evaluation; risk of repetitive strain injuries/work-related musculoskeletal disorders; environmental noise and vibration factors, where relevant, and thermal overload through the Wetbulb Globe Temperature index. The results showed that in general the physical workload was very high, exceeding the cardiovascular load limits and adding to the need for work reorganization. All activities exposed workers to serious and imminent risks of developing injuries to the spine and lower limbs. Likewise, in general the risk of the appearance of RSI/WMSDs was very high for all activities evaluated. Such results are due to the combination of organizational work factors and factors of the work environment such as exposure to bad weather, uneven terrain, lifting and handling loads above tolerable limits, excessive noise and thermal overload. All of this allows to conclude that ergonomic risks and workers’ health hazards in forest harvesting in rural properties are latent and very worrying, and that these workers are exposed to a form of labor exploitation that invariably leads to physical and emotional exhaustion and therefore to their decreased labor capacity and useful working life.  相似文献   
高校学报是高等教育体系的有机组成部分,对高校学报的考察和定位不可脱离这一关系。高校学报的使命与高等教育的使命紧密相连,其基本属性与高等教育的基本属性是一致的。高校学报是公益性的出版单位,其出版的学报属于准公共产品。在出版业改革中,作为公益性出版的高校学报与所在学校的隶属关系无需改变。撇开与大学的整体关系,以刊论刊,孤立地将学报与营利性期刊等同对待是片面的。  相似文献   
2016年安徽在全省推进美丽乡镇建设,乡镇基本公共服务均等化是推进工作中的一个短板,为搞清安徽乡镇现有基本公共服务均等化供给情况,找出短板,本课题着重分析了安徽乡镇基本公共服务均等化面临的六大主要挑战,并提出了加快安徽乡镇基本公共服务均等化的对策。  相似文献   
通过鱼骨图的方法对现有智能公交投币机存在识别率偏低的问题进行了分析,提出在智能投币机中采用闭式五角叶轮或增加硬币预处理部分,对现有的智能公交投币机进行改进,使智能公交投币机的硬币辨识率得到提高.  相似文献   

Public key cryptography is widely used for secure data transfer in various applications. The Public key infrastructure provides a foundation that supports public key cryptography, and it is required to deliver the public keys to existing systems or users securely. The public key is exchanged digitally in the form of digital certificates having a certain period of validity. Circumstances may arise under which the validity of the certificates should be ceased, and they need to be revoked. The fast growth of e-commerce demands verification and data transfers to be done in minimum time to maintain high efficiency of communication. In this paper, a new method of developing certificate revocation lists is proposed. The formal model of enhanced PKI for mobile commerce security is put forward. The performance of NTRU is compared with the RSA algorithm and the ElGamal algorithm. The paper also sets forth a comparative analysis of the proposed method with other existing techniques. The results show that the proposed technology has the upper hand over the current methods.  相似文献   
从道家思想中挖掘其美学内涵,融汇于高校校园公共艺术的营造之中,并能呈现大学校园的文化及人文内涵。道家思想影响下的高校公共艺术具有非常丰富的美学内涵,即综合蕴含了天人合一、和谐共生、以和为美等诸方面要素。  相似文献   
媒体舆论引导仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用multi-Agent的建模思想,以现实为基础建立了一个舆论涌现的仿真模型.该模型主要由个体和媒体以及它们之间的规则组成.个体的属性包括了个体之间的信任度、个体观点的可信度和个体的从众性;媒体的属性包括媒体的影响范围和权威度.规则包括个体交互规则和个体与媒体的交互规则.通过仿真证明了模型是合理的,并且用该模型来仿真媒体对舆论演化的引导作用,从媒体的数量和报道频率2个方面研究媒体在舆论形成过程中的引导作用,结果发现积极媒体的数量越多对舆论的引导作用越强,媒体的报道频率增加会对舆论的形成产生积极效果,但是超过一定次数时对舆论的影响作用有限.最后通过对模拟结果的分析,提出了通过媒体来引导舆论的方式.  相似文献   
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