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This article deals with the issue of input-to-state stabilization for recurrent neural networks with delay and external disturbance. The goal is to design a suitable weight-learning law to make the considered network input-to-state stable with a predefined -gain. Based on the solution of linear matrix inequalities, two schemes for the desired learning law are presented via using decay-rate-dependent and decay-rate-independent Lyapunov functionals, respectively. It is shown that, in the absence of external disturbance, the proposed learning law also guarantees the exponential stability of the network. To illustrate the applicability of the present weight-learning law, two numerical examples with simulations are given.  相似文献   
A major determinant of fruit production in longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour.) is the difficulty of blossoming. In this study, high-throughput microRNA sequencing (miRNA-Seq) was carried out to compare differentially expressed miRNAs (DEmiRNAs) and their target genes between a continuous flowering cultivar ‘Sijimi’ (SJ), and a unique cultivar ‘Lidongben’ (LD), which blossoms only once in the season. Over the course of our study, 1662 known miRNAs and 235 novel miRNAs were identified and 13,334 genes were predicted to be the target of 1868 miRNAs. One conserved miRNA and 29 new novel miRNAs were identified as differently expressed; among them, 16 were upregulated and 14 were downregulated. Through the KEGG pathway and cluster analysis of DEmiRNA target genes, three critical regulatory pathways, plant–pathogen interaction, plant hormone signal transduction, and photosynthesis-antenna protein, were discovered to be strongly associated with the continuous flowering trait of the SJ. The integrated correlation analysis of DEmiRNAs and their target mRNAs revealed fourteen important flowering-related genes, including COP1-like, Casein kinase II, and TCP20. These fourteen flowering-related genes were targeted by five miRNAs, which were novel-miR137, novel-miR76, novel-miR101, novel-miR37, and csi-miR3954, suggesting these miRNAs might play vital regulatory roles in flower regulation in longan. Furthermore, novel-miR137 was cloned based on small RNA sequencing data analysis. The pSAK277-miR137 transgenic Arabidopsis plants showed delayed flowering phenotypes. This study provides new insight into molecular regulation mechanisms of longan flowering.  相似文献   
木瓜齐墩果酸的研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
王汉屏  王立志 《食品科学》2007,28(10):621-624
木瓜齐墩果酸是木瓜果实和叶中重要的活性成分,具有多种医疗功效。本文综述了木瓜齐墩果酸的提取分离、测定方法、生理活性及应用现状等方面的研究进展,并展望其在生物制药、医药保健和经济开发等方面的应用前景。为木瓜齐墩果酸的合理开发和应用提供了科学的依据。  相似文献   
A 72-year-old female patient with mixed rheumatic mitral valve disease and persistent atrial fibrillation underwent mitral valve replacement and suffered from a combined thrombosis of the bioprosthetic valve and the left atrium as soon as 2 days post operation. The patient immediately underwent repeated valve replacement and left atrial thrombectomy. Yet, four days later the patient died due to the recurrent prosthetic valve and left atrial thrombosis which both resulted in an extremely low cardiac output. In this patient’s case, the thrombosis was notable for the resistance to anticoagulant therapy as well as for aggressive neutrophil infiltration and release of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) within the clot, as demonstrated by immunostaining. The reasons behind these phenomena remained unclear, as no signs of sepsis or contamination of the BHV were documented, although the patient was diagnosed with inherited thrombophilia that could impede the fibrinolysis. The described case highlights the hazard of immunothrombosis upon valve replacement and elucidates its mechanisms in this surgical setting.  相似文献   
An accurate prediction of earth pressure balance (EPB) shield moving performance is important to ensure the safety tunnel excavation. A hybrid model is developed based on the particle swarm optimization (PSO) and gated recurrent unit (GRU) neural network. PSO is utilized to assign the optimal hyperparameters of GRU neural network. There are mainly four steps: data collection and processing, hybrid model establishment, model performance evaluation and correlation analysis. The developed model provides an alternative to tackle with time-series data of tunnel project. Apart from that, a novel framework about model application is performed to provide guidelines in practice. A tunnel project is utilized to evaluate the performance of proposed hybrid model. Results indicate that geological and construction variables are significant to the model performance. Correlation analysis shows that construction variables (main thrust and foam liquid volume) display the highest correlation with the cutterhead torque (CHT). This work provides a feasible and applicable alternative way to estimate the performance of shield tunneling.  相似文献   
边坡稳定安全系数求解格式的分类统一   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5  
根据极限平衡条分法所满足的平衡条件,将现行13种极限平衡条分法分为4大类:M类(仅考虑对选定求矩中心的力矩平衡)、VM类(考虑垂直方向力的平衡和对选定求矩中心的力矩平衡)、HV类(考虑水平方向力的平衡和垂直方向力的平衡)和HVM类(考虑所有平衡条件)。其中,M类(瑞典法)有显式解,VM类(简化Bishop法)有隐式的安全系数表达式,迭代并不困难。将现有极限平衡条分法对条问力的假定表示成统一形式,根据力和力矩的平衡,推导出十分简明的条间力递推方程和条问力矩递推方程。根据条问力递推方程,建立了传统意义上(保持原有方法所满足的平衡条件、对条间力的假定和未知量小变)基于力平衡(HV类)的安全系数统一求解格式。根据条间力递推方程和条问力矩递推方程,通过Newton-Raphson法建立了传统意义上基于严格半衡(HVM类)的安全系数统一求解格式。不但便于程序的编写,而且有利于不同方法优缺点的比较和理解。  相似文献   
Xilei Dai  Junjie Liu  Yongle Li 《Indoor air》2021,31(4):1228-1237
Due to the severe outdoor PM2.5 pollution in China, many people have installed air-cleaning systems in homes. To make the systems run automatically and intelligently, we developed a recurrent neural network (RNN) that uses historical data to predict the future indoor PM2.5 concentration. The RNN architecture includes an autoencoder and a recurrent part. We used data measured in an apartment over the course of an entire year to train and test the RNN. The data include indoor/outdoor PM2.5 concentration, environmental parameters and time of day. By comparing three different input strategies, we found that a strategy employing historical PM2.5 and time of day as inputs performed best. With this strategy, the model can be applied to predict the relatively stable trend of indoor PM2.5 concentration in advance. When the input length is 2 h and the prediction horizon is 30 min, the median prediction error is 8.3 µg/m3 for the whole test set. For times with indoor PM2.5 concentrations between (20,50] µg/m3 and (50,100] µg/m3, the median prediction error is 8.3 and 9.2 µg/m3, respectively. The low prediction error between the ground-truth and predicted values shows that the RNN can predict indoor PM2.5 concentrations with satisfactory performance.  相似文献   
Connectionist models of sentence processing must learn to behave systematically by generalizing from a small training set. To what extent recurrent neural networks manage this generalization task is investigated. In contrast to Van der Velde et al. (Connection Sci., 16, pp. 21–46, 2004), it is found that simple recurrent networks do show so-called weak combinatorial systematicity, although their performance remains limited. It is argued that these limitations arise from overfitting in large networks. Generalization can be improved by increasing the size of the recurrent layer without training its connections, thereby combining a large short-term memory with a small long-term memory capacity. Performance can be improved further by increasing the number of word types in the training set.  相似文献   
针对航空发动机滑油系统状态监测问题,提出了递归过程神经网络模型。其隐层和输出层为过程神经元,该网络的输入信号为时变函数或过程,并且含有一个特别的关联层,在建模过程中能储存系统过去更多时刻的状态信息,使得网络结构适于预测时间序列问题。文中给出了相应的学习算法,并且分别利用人工神经网络和递归过程神经网络对航空发动机滑油系统状态进行预测。结果表明,递归过程神经网络预测精度高,优于传统人工神经网络的预测能力。为航空发动机滑油系统状态监测问题提供了一种有效的方法。  相似文献   
针对碳捕集与封存条件下科里奥利质量流量计测量气液两相CO_2动态过程质量流量时误差较大的问题,本文提出了一种基于门控循环单元(GRU)的动态过程下气液两相CO_2质量流量校正方法。利用GRU适合动态过程预测的特点,使用来自CO_2气液两相流实验平台的采集数据,对GRU网络模型进行训练,并使用网格搜索法结合K折交叉验证优化模型参数。使用八组典型工况下的测试集对优化后的GRU模型在测量精度和泛化性能方面进行了评估,并与最小二乘支持向量机(LS-SVM)模型进行了对比分析。实验结果表明GRU模型优于LS-SVM模型,并且GRU模型在动态波动发生后的平稳阶段,其输出结果能够快速跟随CO_2质量流量变化,相对误差在±5%以内。  相似文献   
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