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In this paper, a nonconforming finite element method (NFEM) is proposed for the constrained optimal control problems (OCPs) governed by a bilinear state equation. The state and adjoint state are approximated by the nonconforming EQ1rot element, and the control is approximated by the orthogonal projection through the state and adjoint state. Some superclose and superconvergence properties are obtained by full use of the distinguish characters of this EQ1rot element, such as the interpolation operator equals the Ritz projection, and the consistency error is one order higher than its interpolation error in the broken energy norm. Finally, some numerical results are provided to verify the theoretical analysis.  相似文献   
我国非煤矿山安全生产发展历程与技术需求   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对我国非煤矿山安全生产的发展历程与现状进行了综述与分析,论述了目前安全生产技术发展的思路。在此基础上,详细讨论了适应目前我国非煤矿山安全生产发展的技术需求。  相似文献   
Recently, the limit state design (LSD) or performance-based design have got popularity in the field of building design in Japan as well as in other countries. In the two design methods the structural reliability theory plays an essential role in setting design criteria as well as demonstrating the target reliability level to society. However, the conventional load and resistance factor design (LRFD) has been basically formulated supposing that safety checking is done on the basis of linear assumption of member forces and displacement. Therefore, when applying the LRFD for seismic design, for more accurate treatment of the non-linearity, a new procedure has to be explored especially for the ultimate limit state. Although several procedures for the structural reliability evaluation, treating non-linear displacement responses, have been proposed, they require complex procedures that may not be used in the practical design process. Accordingly, for applying it to a seismic LSD format based on the probabilistic concept, it is essential to manage two important requirements at the same time, accuracy and simplicity of procedure. In the present study, a new design format using the following two-step procedure is proposed to maintain both accuracy and simplicity; (1) a non-linear LRFD formulation, and (2) a formulation based on non-linear dynamic response analysis. Also, two design examples are presented.  相似文献   
摘要介绍了国内、外主要规范关于少筋混凝土构件的设计方法,并作了比较和评述,归纳出一个适用于不同要求的少筋混凝土受弯构件脆性破坏的附加系数公式,作为结构重要性系数的一个组成部分,以便于设计.  相似文献   
中山陵园风景区系统分析及其格局重组与完善   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在对中山陵园风景区进行系统分析的基础上,明确存在问题与价值取向,并着重就该风景区格局的重组与完善提出对策。  相似文献   
游乐设施设备基础作为一种特种结构,在我国建筑行业相关标准中还没有给出其相应的规范和条文。在《游艺机与游乐设施安全》(GB8408—2000)中也没有明确设备基础的设计方法与安全储备。结合欢乐谷工程的混凝土圆环柱设计,针对上述问题开展研究与探讨,通过优化结构形式和合理选取安全储备系数,采用近似计算与有限元分析相结合的方法进行设计,较好地解决了上述问题,并对圆环柱在弯、剪、扭作用下的结构计算进行了探讨。  相似文献   
为了进一步了解 JP-10燃料在航空发动机燃烧室中的蒸发燃烧机理,基于 SRK 状态方程,运用数学建模的方法,对 JP-10液滴蒸发过程进行了数值模拟并分析了环境因素对液滴蒸发表面温度变化及液滴生存时间变化的影响。研究表明,气体介质与液滴间的相对速度和环境压力及温度对 JP-10液滴蒸发湿球温度、升温过程及生存时间影响明显。  相似文献   
李岚 《兵工自动化》2006,25(5):82-83
Mealy和Moore型电路的输出具有时差特性.前者比后者的输出序列超前一个时钟周期.Moore型比Mealy型的电路状态数多.当Mealy型电路的状态数为2n时,Moore型比Mealy型电路因多一个状态而更为复杂.当Mealy型电路的状态小于2n时,二者的复杂程度一样.其简化方法相同.  相似文献   
电力变压器是电力系统及变电站的最至关重要的设备之一。对电力系统进行运行维护时,监测并预报变压器运行状态并且能够有效地监测并判断变压器的故障情况具有非常现实的意义。基于设备状态信息融合技术,分析了D-S证据理论的基本原理、组合规则和决策过程。通过具体的实例论述了诊断方法的具体可行性,比较了单一诊断方法(只经神经网络判断的结果)与信息融合技术的正确率,并指出信息融合技术的发展优势和可实现性。  相似文献   
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