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Telecoupling in urban water systems: an examination of Beijing’s imported water supply 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Urban centres increasingly have difficulties meeting water needs within their hydrologic basins. To sustain urban water supply, cities and water source regions have increased telecouplings (socio-economic and environmental interactions over distances). To analyse these complex interactions, we apply the new telecoupling framework to the water-stressed megacity of Beijing’s imported water supply. We found that Beijing’s remote water sources have lower risk than local supply, but connections impact the sending systems. The telecoupling framework provides a standard, systematic and flexible tool for evaluating the sustainability of urban water supply. It also identifies a number of research gaps for future quantification efforts. 相似文献
绿色基础设施提供的非原位生态系统服务通过服务流动耦合存在空间分异的自然系统和人类系统,并以需求效度表征远程供需空间和数量上的匹配程度,才能真实反映绿色基础设施的绩效能力。在生态智慧的引领下,运用远程耦合框架对供需关系进行重新思考,通过空间关联、空间过程和空间协同的系统性内涵,深化绿色基础设施非原位生态系统服务在空间上的认知,同时运用生态系统服务理论及其评价体系为远程空间的复杂关系呈现提供理论和量化途径,重建绿色基础设施绩效评价的技术框架。最后,基于远程耦合的空间系统、路径系统和交付意愿实现供需匹配、分配和利益的正和博弈,同时认知绿色基础设施的关键生态系统服务,识别、测度和制图绿色基础设施“供给-流-需求”的全过程,反馈需求效度并进行重点空间的调控,构建绿色基础设施绩效评价的实施框架。 相似文献