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In the presented work some properties of a recently developed Si3N4/SiC micro/nanocomposite have been investigated. The material was tested using a pin on disc configuration. Under unlubricated sliding conditions using Si3N4 pin at 50 % humidity, the friction coefficient was in the range of 0,6 ‐ 0,7. The reduction of humidity resulted in a lower coefficient of friction, in vacuum the coefficient of friction had a value of about 0,6. The wear resistance in vacuum was significantly lower then that in air. The wear patterns on the Si3N4+SiC disc revealed that mechanical fracture was the wear controlling mechanism. Creep tests were realized in four point bending configuration in the temperature interval 1200‐1400 °C at stresses 50,100 and 150 MPa and the minimal creep deformation rate was established for each stress level. The activation energy, established from the minimal creep deformation had a value of about 360 kJ/mol and the stress exponent values were in the range of 0.8‐1.28. From the achieved stress exponents it can be assumed that under the studied load/temperature conditions the diffusion creep was the most probable creep controlling mechanism.  相似文献   
通过对相变增韧陶瓷及一种可切削玻璃-陶瓷动态疲劳(恒应力速率)试验中高应力速率区断裂应力下降现象的理论分析,发现这种现象与材料的阻力特性(R-curve)密切相关。确立的σ_f-σ理论关系能够很好地描述整个应力速率区间内的动态疲劳试验结果。高应力速率区σ_f-σ在双对数坐标下为负斜率直线,直线斜率为(m为阻力曲线KR=k(△a)~m的指数),断裂主要由材料阻力行为控制;低应力速率区,σ_f-σ在双对数坐标下为正斜率直线,直线斜率为 (n为应力腐蚀指数),断裂主要由材料应力腐蚀行为控制。建立了测定材料阻力特性的一种新方法,分别用这种方法及压痕/弯曲方法对一种可切削玻璃-陶瓷的阻力特性进行了实验测定,两种方法所得结果有很好的一致性。  相似文献   
Twenty-one 15- to 17-year-olds attempted to purchase cigarettes in 232 stores in the manner that confederates typically do in access studies, as well as in the manipulative ways (e.g., lying about their ages) that youth smokers do, thereby modeling youth access to tobacco within versus outside of studies, respectively. Youth typical-research versus manipulative behavior was contrasted with clerk behavior (requests for youth ID cards) to examine the relative contributions of both to youth access to tobacco for the 1st time. Results revealed that clerk behavior was the strongest predictor of cigarette sales to youth and hence underscore the need for interventions with merchants. Sales nonetheless were higher under youth-manipulative conditions and thereby highlight the low ecological validity of access research. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
Behavioral cues to deception are instrumental in detecting deception. As one of the primary sources of deception behavior, text has been analyzed at the level of sub-sentence or message but not the discourse of interaction. Additionally, empirical studies on cues to deception in the case of multiple receivers remain nonexistent. To fill these voids, we propose a discourse framework and six hypotheses about deception behaviors in a multi-receiver environment. The deception behaviors are operationalized by discourse features based on an analysis of real-world data. The results of statistical analysis validate the efficacy of discourse features in discriminating deceivers from truth-tellers.  相似文献   

In this research, the effect of particle size on the surface oxidation and flotation behavior of galena in the lime system was studied. Coarse (?0.074 + 0.038 mm), intermediate (?0.038 + 0.025 mm) and fine (?0.025 mm) galena particles were used in the experiment. The dissolution tests, flotation tests, and sorption tests were accomplished. Through further analysis by XPS, the effect of particle size and lime was observed. The decrease of mineral particle sizes increased the adsorption ratio of collector and the dissolution of galena, while the hydrophilic product OH?/Ca(OH)+ produced by dissolution occupied the dominant position, which led to the minerals hydrophilic.  相似文献   
利用差示扫描量热仪研究了丙烯酸接枝线形低密度聚乙烯(PE-LLD-g-AA)的热学行为,结果表明,与纯线形低密度聚乙烯(PE—LLD)相比,PE-LLD-g-AA的熔融温度(Tm)略有增加,结晶温度(Tc)增加大约4℃,熔融焓(AHm)随AA含量的增加而降低。还利用差示扫描量热仪研究了PE—LLD和PE—LLD-g—AA的等温结晶动力学,用扫描电子显微镜观察了PE—LLD-g—AA等温结晶形态。结果表明,PE-LLD-g-AA的结晶速率大于纯PE—LLD的,随着接枝率的增加,PE-LLD的球晶半径减小,接枝到PE—LLD分子链上的AA分子起到了成核剂的作用。  相似文献   
Heliothis subflexa males were flown in a wind tunnel to a variety of combinations of synthetic pheromone components admixed on a filter paper disk. Blends containing (Z)-11-hexadecenal (Z11–16:Ald, 1000 ng), (Z)-9-hexadecenal (Z9–16:Ald, 500 ng) and (Z)-11-hexadecenol (Z11–16:OH, 10–500 ng) elicited upwind flight and source contact in 52–69% of males. All these compounds have previously been isolated and identified from female H. subflexa gland extracts and volatile pheromone emissions. Males were not attracted by blends in which Z9–16:Ald was omitted (0% source contact). Similarly, blends lacking Z11–16:OH were unattractive to male H. subflexa (3% or less source contact). Males were extremely sensitive to the presence of Z11–16:OH; however, responding in high numbers (57–69% source contact) to blends containing a dosage of 1% (10 ng) or greater Z11–16:OH. Males were unresponsive to blends in which Z9–16:Ald was replaced with a variety of dosages of (Z)-9-tetradecenal, a secondary component of a closely-related congeneric species, Heliothis virescens. Another compound present in the blend emitted by conspecific females, (Z)-11-hexadecenyl acetate (Z11–16:Ac), did not inhibit H. subflexa males (69% source contact) when added to the three-component mixture (1:0.5:0.1) at a ratio of 0.1 (100 ng) with respect to Z11–16:Ald. These results indicate that Z9–16:Ald and Z11–16:OH are required in addition to Z11–16:Ald to elicit significant levels of upwind flight in H. subflexa males. The effects of Z11–16:Ac are more subtle, but at the dosage tested in these experiments, this compound does not have an antagonistic effect on upwind flight and source location by H. subflexa males.  相似文献   
自工业革命以来形成的社会生活方式,在信息数字技术的影响下发生着悄无声息的变化.从原子到比特,数字化生存是必然的趋势.网络媒介的出现使得人们在交流和机会等方面获得平等的权利.随之产生的人们的生活方式、行为的改变已经为艺术领域带来了新的变化.通过对艺术创作的考察,为建筑领域的相关问题提供了参照、借鉴.在建筑创作中,"图"与"底"的关系正在模糊化,信息交流方式更多样化并具有一定的阶段性,动态的模数将导致更具个性化的设计,空间界面更为柔化,设计成果的生成也具有了更多的不可预见性.  相似文献   
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