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This article is the second of two papers that review the field of spatially sensitive social scientific research into the links between social status and transport disadvantage. The first paper undertook a comprehensive review of the social scientific and transport planning literature to mark the level of development in the field and identify conceptual and methodological issues and constraints in this field of inquiry. The present article supports the advancement of socially and geographically sensitive transport research by opportunities for the development of more sophisticated spatial analytical methodologies. The approach we present is able to account for factors not previously addressed in either social or transport planning research, in particular the temporal dimensions of transport service accessibility. The article articulates the methodology through an empirical case study of socio-spatial transport disadvantage within the Gold Coast City. The article demonstrates that there are important theoretical and practical lessons to be gained for researchers and policy makers in addressing the social dimensions of transport and infrastructure provision. Further, the article argues that an attentiveness to new ways of combining and representing social and transport data-sets can promote policy relevant empirical social inquiry. The article also contributes in a productive way to the empirical knowledge of Australia's sixth-largest metropolitan area, which is often overlooked by urban scholars.  相似文献   
Between 1998 and 2002, surface water samples were collected from several sites in the Don River and Humber River watersheds, both tributaries to Lake Ontario, and analyzed for a variety of pesticides, including those used for urban lawn care. Analyses included 152 pesticide active ingredients and eight metabolites. Samples were collected during base flow periods (i.e., dry events) and rainfall events (i.e., wet events). The objectives of the study were to determine which pesticides were detectable, whether there was a difference in the detection frequency between the two watersheds and between upstream and downstream in each river, and whether precipitation influenced the frequency of detection. Eleven pesticides and one metabolite were detected in surface waters of the Don and Humber rivers or their tributaries, with approximately 72% of samples containing at least one pesticide attributable to lawn care use. The pesticides and pesticide metabolite detected in this study included 2,4-D, atrazine, bromacil, carbofuran, chlorpyrifos, cypermethrin, diazinon, dicamba, MECOPROP, metolachlor, metribuzin, and an atrazine metabolite (des-ethyl atrazine). Four pesticides exceeded federal or provincial water quality guidelines/objectives. Diazinon exceeded the provincial water quality objective in 28% of the samples taken. For the three other pesticides (atrazine, carbofuran and chlorpyrifos) exceedance of a water quality criteria occurred in less than 1% of the samples.  相似文献   
The average diet in most developing countries is predominantly cereal based. Wheat, rice and millets are major staple foods. Although these diets are sufficient in iron, their low bioavailability is one of the most significant factors for iron deficiency anaemia. Traditional techniques like fermentation show promise in improving iron bioavailability. In vitro ionizable iron was estimated in 31 different combinations of rice, wheat, sorghum, black gram, bengal gram, green gram and coriander in five replicates with or without, fermentation in steamed products. Results indicate that in general cereal pulse combination and fermentation significantly ( P <0.05) increase the per cent ape of ionizable iron. Combination effects dominated in rice whilst fermentation dominated in sorghum. There was a significant reduction ( P <0.05) in phytate phosphorus on fermentation but no loss of tannin.  相似文献   
Abstract. The concepts of time invariance, stationarity, non-stationarity and immemorial time are considered for state space models (SSMs). Necessary and sufficient conditions for stationarity are given and connected with standard conditions. Expressions are given for the unconditional mean and covariance matrix of the state of a time-immemorial SSM. Application of the results is made to a variety of theoretical and empirical models and the initialization of the Kalman filter in the non-stationary case and for the ARIMA ( p, d, q ) model.  相似文献   
T. Bag 《Information Sciences》2006,176(19):2910-2931
In this paper, definitions of strongly fuzzy convergent sequence, l-fuzzy weakly convergent sequence and l-fuzzy weakly compact set are given in a fuzzy normed linear space. The concepts of fuzzy normal structure, fuzzy non-expansive mapping, uniformly convex fuzzy normed linear space are introduced and fixed point theorems for fuzzy non-expansive mappings are proved.  相似文献   
孙拥芳 《山西冶金》2003,26(3):38-39,44
通过对铸造湿型小件产品缺陷典型实例的原因分析,从型砂的选择及配制、造型工艺、浇注工艺等方面提出控制缺陷产生的工艺方法。  相似文献   
CIE TC8‐01 has adopted a new color appearance model: CIECAM021 replaces the CIECAM97s.2 The new model consists of a number of refinements and simplifications of the CIECAM97s color appearance model. This article describes further tests to the robustness of the forward and reverse modes. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 30, 99–106, 2005; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/col.20087  相似文献   
The minimum flow requirements in the Svartå River in Sweden are directed at maintaining fishlife and providing suitable dilution for waste flows. The implications of varying the minimum flow requirements in the river are examined using a mixed integer optimisation model. The model is formulated as a modified method-of-weights technique with the economic issues of hydro-electricity generation, irrigation and urban water supply placed in the objective function and the minimum flows specified within the constraint set. The integer component of the model is required to model the operating policy at the major flow regulation facility in the system and the restricted validity of the irrigation permits. Application of the model shows that in dry years where competition between minimum flow levels and the other economic uses, is most intense, the levels achieved by the various economic objectives are only slightly reduced even with significant increases in the minimum flow requirements. Variations in minimum flow requirements of up to 45% only produce changes of 10% or less in the economic objectives. The lack of sensitivity of the objective levels is due primarily to the level of control exerted indirectly on the whole system in dry years by the release regulation policy and the restricted validity of the irrigation permits. In normal to wet years these policies are not as restrictive and more choice is available. In such years, however, there is generally sufficient water to satisfy all requirements and allocation is not a critical issue. The model itself is formulated generally so that a range of scenarios beyond those examined specifically in the paper can be considered.  相似文献   
莫达非尼的绿色化学合成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陶文伟 《应用化工》2006,35(3):201-202,216
采用[bm im]BF4离子液体作为反应溶剂,以二苯甲硫醇为原料,经醚化、氨解、氧化得到新型提神醒脑药物莫达非尼。讨论了不同的氯乙酸酯和反应温度对醚化反应收率的影响,讨论了不同的二苯甲硫乙酸酯对氨解反应收率的影响,及离子液体的回收使用。研究表明,采用氯乙酸甲酯作为醚化试剂,反应时间4 h,反应温度100℃,二苯甲硫醇∶氯乙酸甲酯=1∶1.5(摩尔比),室温下氨解反应20 h,二苯甲硫乙酰胺收率76%;采用过氧化氢作为氧化试剂,反应时间3 h,反应温度60℃,过氧化氢∶二苯甲硫乙酰胺=1∶1(摩尔比),莫达非尼收率79%,反应总收率可达48%。  相似文献   
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