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为分析地表径流速度对城市内涝的影响,采用一维地下排水管网与二维城区地形的动态耦合模型,选取大连市某排水区块作为研究区域,设置4种地表径流速度10种设计降雨场景,模拟分析在不同重现期设计降雨及不同地表径流速度下研究区的内涝积水特性。结果表明:随着地表径流速度降低,管道排水压力变小,管道排水达标率最高可提升48.05%,且降雨重现期越短,地表径流流速对管道排水压力的削减效果越明显;地表径流流速对检查井溢流量影响显著,随着地表径流速度降低,检查井溢流量峰值最高可减小2 750 m~3,峰现时间最长可滞后56 min,同时随着降雨重现期增长,地表径流流速对检查井溢流量的削减效果减弱;研究区低、高风险区淹没面积随地表径流速度降低,最高可分别减小1.64万、8.37万m~2,但中风险区淹没面积变化反复。  相似文献   
社会结构对中国古代城市肌理的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王静 《山西建筑》2006,32(1):62-63,79
提出了中国的社会结构左右中国城市规划思想的看法,介绍了中国古代城市的规划思想,从中心位置选择,对称布局、街道分割、居住模式、市场变迁等方面论述了中国古代城市的规划实践,以促进我国城市规划的发展。  相似文献   
首先简要介绍了上海市目前交通拥堵状况和解决大城市交通问题的研究进展,在详细分析交通供需矛盾的现状和未来发展趋势的基础上,提出了从优化城市空间结构的角度解决交通问题的新思路。指出对于上海城市空间结构的分析显示出优化空间结构对于解决交通问题的现实必要性。最后就如何优化上海城市空间结构来解决上海交通问题提出了一些战略性的思考和建议。  相似文献   
人对环境具有本能的感觉和认知能力,不同环境给予社会群体(指具有一定的文化层次、道德修养、风俗习惯和生活水准等的社会各阶层)的心理感受和行为诱导也各有所异。在当前倡导和谐社会的形势下,构筑良好的城市环境设施,对提高居民的生活环境质量,培养他们健康积极的心理和行为,具有重要的作用和意义。  相似文献   
通过对地球科学发展历史的回顾 ,阐述了地球科学中的全球变化科学、城市环境、工程地质等现阶段研究状况 ,并对其将来研究方向进行了探讨 ,以便探求人类的应对策略  相似文献   
The notion that English hill towns can be identified as a particular type of settlement is reinforced and a systematic analysis of the characteristics that contribute to their identity in the wider landscape is undertaken. Fourteen towns that meet the working definition of an English hill town are examined in terms of four sets of characteristics that constitute their distinctive features: the continuing imprint of their origins, location and early functions; the influence of natural physical features on their founding and subsequent development; their morphological form; and the visual characteristics that are the medium through which their identity is mainly experienced — pre-eminent amongst these are a town's visual profile, its figure - ground relationship with the landscape, and its skyline. Groups of hill towns with consistent characteristics are identified, including 'classic' English hill towns. While the analysis is not directed explicitly towards the development and implementation of planning policy, the fuller understanding of hill towns gained through the analysis should enrich the policy process.  相似文献   
In this paper the migration routes of British Asian women living in London are examined. It is shown that British Asians connect with a myriad of landscapes abroad, including East Africa, India and Pakistan. These connections to past landscapes are mapped and considered here as valued environments of British Asian women in Britain. Through the mapping of their biographies, it is apparent that memories of other landscapes are embedded in environmental practices in Britain, therefore contributing to making the landscape in Britain inclusive and meaningful in the context of the South Asian migration. The maps of migration show the heterogeneity of landscapes experienced by the British Asian women. Memories of other lands manifest themselves in the UK. The effect of these memories on the South Asian home itself in the process of shaping diasporic geographies of belonging and being within the UK is illustrated.  相似文献   
This paper summarises recent trends in UK housebuilding and tries to place them within the wider context of the changes in housing provision in the UK. Based on relevant management literature it argues that recent changes in British urban policy, related to the types of land released and types of development promoted, have significant effects on housing production in the UK. Some indications of those changes are already visible in the type of industry outputs and in the practices of emerging industry leaders.  相似文献   
本文介绍了唐长安园林建筑文化的历史背景和发展的外部条件,并分析了唐代国林的主要设计手法和理论。最后,列出了中国西部景园建筑文化体系。  相似文献   
我国城市基础设施工程推行PFI融资模式的对策探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析PFI融资模式存在的优势、劣势以及我国城市基础设施工程推行PFI模式存在的机会与威胁,应用SWOT分析方法,综合考虑优势与劣势、机会与威胁,提出了促进我国PFI模式发展的各种对策,为我国城市更好地引入PFI模式进行城市基础设施项目的建设提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   
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