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In 2 studies, the authors examined autobiographical memories for the presence of 2 growth orientations that were expected to correspond differentially to maturity and well-being, which are considered to be key facets of "the good life" by L. A. King (2001). Mature participants emphasized integrative memories (conceptual integration and learning), whereas happy participants emphasized intrinsic memories (humanistic concerns). Both kinds of growth memories correlated more strongly with eudaimonic than with hedonic measures of well-being. Growth memories were largely independent of Big Five traits in relation to maturity and well-being. Finally, older participants were more likely than younger participants to have greater maturity (marginally) and well-being, but this was in part explained by older participants' greater tendency to have growth memories. The discussion considers the role of growth memories in the intentional cultivation of the good life. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Reports an error in Age differences in psychosocial predictors of positive and negative affect: A longitudinal investigation of young, midlife, and older adults by Tim D. Windsor and Kaarin J. Anstey (Psychology and Aging, 2010[Sep], Vol 25[3], 641-652). Contains an error in Figure 3, on page 649. The correction discusses where to find the correct data. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2010-18944-009.) Research has consistently shown that despite aging-related losses, older adults have high levels of emotional well-being relative to those in young and midlife adults. We aimed to contribute to knowledge around the factors that predict emotional well-being over the life course by examining age group differences in associations of positive and negative social exchanges and mastery beliefs with positive and negative affect in a sample of 7,472 young, midlife, and older adults assessed on 2 measurement occasions, 4 years apart. Results from structural equation models indicated lower levels of negative affect with advancing age. Mastery was consistently related to higher well-being, with the strongest associations evident for young adults. Older adults reported the most frequent positive and least frequent negative social exchanges; however, associations of social relations with affect tended to be stronger among young and midlife adults relative to older adults. Results are discussed in the context of life course perspectives on goal orientations and self-regulatory processes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Invited review: Effects of heat stress on dairy cattle welfare 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The effects of high ambient temperatures on production animals, once thought to be limited to tropical areas, has extended into northern latitudes in response to the increasing global temperature. The number of days where the temperature-humidity index (THI) exceeds the comfort threshold (>72) is increasing in the northern United States, Canada, and Europe. Compounded by the increasing number of dairy animals and the intensification of production, heat stress has become one of the most important challenges facing the dairy industry today. The objectives of this review were to present an overview of the effects of heat stress on dairy cattle welfare and highlight important research gaps in the literature. We will also briefly discuss current heat abatement strategies, as well as the sustainability of future heat stress management. Heat stress has negative effects on the health and biological functioning of dairy cows through depressed milk production and reduced reproductive performance. Heat stress can also compromise the affective state of dairy cows by inducing feelings of hunger and thirst, and we have highlighted the need for research efforts to examine the potential relationship between heat stress, frustration, aggression, and pain. Little work has examined how heat stress affects an animal's natural coping behaviors, as well as how the animal's evolutionary adaptations for thermoregulation are managed in modern dairy systems. More research is needed to identify improved comprehensive cow-side measurements that can indicate real-time responses to elevated ambient temperatures and that could be incorporated into heat abatement management decisions. 相似文献
目的将社群协作理念应用于社区养老服务中,探究老龄相关社群构建与场所营造的策略,通过创新服务模式来满足老龄群体的幸福感需求。方法运用参与式研究方法针对社区老龄幸福感需求展开调研;遵循Censydiam需求动机分析模型,归纳用户康乐行为特征和挖掘隐藏情感需求,聚类得出社交驱动型、休闲驱动型、兴趣驱动型和价值驱动型四种类型老年人,并以需求为导向探索设计机会点。结果通过社区老龄需求分析,得出粘性社群、增强协作与提升幸福感社群服务设计策略,结合利益相关者分析,构建社区与社群结合的老龄兴趣型社群服务系统并为其营造相关场所。结论通过原型测试发现,以社群开展协作能有效提高社区老龄的参与感和自我实现感进而增强老龄福祉,为社区老龄幸福感设计活动提供可借鉴的理论依据和新的参考思路。 相似文献
戴悦 《吉林化工学院学报》2020,37(4):86-89
幸福感是精神健康的核心要素,对于大学生个体的身心健康发展具有重要的影响.以某高校大一新生为对象,采用总体幸福感量表(GWB)对其总体幸福感的现状与个体差异进行深入的评估与分析,并为提升大学生幸福感水平提供可行的教育对策和建议. 相似文献
Hua Pang 《Telematics and Informatics》2018,35(8):2147-2156
Although WeChat has recently spawned significant resolutions in technology-mediated social contact and interpersonal communication, the research regarding the social and psychological impacts of the newly emerging technology is relatively few. The primary purpose of the current empirical research is to unearth whether and how WeChat interaction could enhance overseas students’ sense of subjective well-being by concentrating on social integration, bridging relationships, and bonding relationships. Using web-based data of 228 Chinese subjects, the obtained results reveal that the time spent on WeChat significantly and directly impacts users’ subjective well-being. Additionally, the findings demonstrate that social integration, bridging relationships, bonding relationships are all significant predictors to subjective well-being. Furthermore, the perceptions of social integration and social capital could play the crucial mediating roles in the connection between WeChat use and the dependent variable of subjective well-being. Therefore, these outcomes may shed light on a more nuanced comprehending of the influence of the new social media interaction on sojourner’s social adaption and overall life quality in the digital age. 相似文献
以569名大学生为被试,采用简明负面评价恐惧量表、大学生人际关系综合诊断量表及总体幸福感量表进行问卷调查,探讨负面评价恐惧对大学生主观幸福感的影响过程及人际关系困扰的中介作用机制。结果表明:负面评价恐惧女大学生得分显著高于男大学生,并存在显著年级差异;人际关系困扰总分及待人接物、异性交往两个因子男大学生得分显著高于女大学生,并在交际交友和异性交往两个因子上存在显著年级差异;大学生主观幸福感性别和年级差异不显著;负面评价恐惧与人际关系困扰总分及各因子呈显著正相关,与主观幸福感呈显著负相关;负面评价恐惧对主观幸福感有显著的直接效应,人际关系困扰在负面评价恐惧与主观幸福感之间起部分中介作用。 相似文献
主观幸福感是衡量个体生活质量的重要综合性心理指标,对高职学生在校学习和个人发展起到重要的促进作用。对苏北地区三所高职院校学生的主观幸福感进行调查研究时发现:主观幸福感在性别、年级和专业上的差异显著,女生主观幸福感得分高于男生,文科生显著高于理科生,大一学生显著地高于其他年级,主观幸福感的城乡差异不显著。从引导高职生树立积极的人生观、幸福观,塑造健康人格、提高综合素质,优化外部环境、健全社会支持体系和加强对特殊群体关怀与心理教育等方面探讨主观幸福感的提升策略。 相似文献