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A novel technique has been developed to produce Fe–Al intermetallic coatings on steel. This technique applies mechanical vibration to a retort, which is loaded with Al powder, alumina filler, ammonium chloride activator and FeCrAl alloy balls. The operation temperature was from 440 to 600 °C. This technique produced coatings with thickness of 17 μm for 15 min and 90 μm for 120 min treatment at 560 °C. The coatings appear to be homogeneous, with a high density and free of porosity, and have excellent adherence to the substrate. The coatings consisted mainly of η-Fe2Al5 with small amounts of θ-FeAl3 and β-FeAl, and exhibited a nano-structure. Microstructure studies suggested that the formation of the intermetallic phases at a low temperature has a complex mechanism, including the formation of a thin Al layer on the substrate by ball milling; Al-rich phases nucleation, growth and formation of an initial alloy layer; severe plastic deformation which increases the local temperature and produces a nano-structure; and fast outward diffusion of Fe and formation of Fe–Al intermetallics. This technique reduced the treatment temperature and duration significantly compared with the conventional Al pack cementation processes, providing a new approach to industrial diffusion coatings with great energy and time savings.  相似文献   

In this research, the effect of particle size on the surface oxidation and flotation behavior of galena in the lime system was studied. Coarse (?0.074 + 0.038 mm), intermediate (?0.038 + 0.025 mm) and fine (?0.025 mm) galena particles were used in the experiment. The dissolution tests, flotation tests, and sorption tests were accomplished. Through further analysis by XPS, the effect of particle size and lime was observed. The decrease of mineral particle sizes increased the adsorption ratio of collector and the dissolution of galena, while the hydrophilic product OH?/Ca(OH)+ produced by dissolution occupied the dominant position, which led to the minerals hydrophilic.  相似文献   
为解决传统病房有线呼叫系统存在的布线复杂、易出故障、维修不便、不能在现有床位基础上及时增加新床位信息等问题,提出了无线呼叫系统设计。采用STC89C52系列单片机作为主控芯片,nRF905作为无线收发的核心芯片,并配以相应的LCD显示屏和声光报警器,设计出了无线病房呼叫系统。结果表明,该系统可靠传输距离达90 m以上,具有一定的抗干扰性,且可以临时方便增加床位显示信息,能够满足医院的临时实际需求。该系统性能稳定,操作简便,可以有效代替传统有线呼叫系统。  相似文献   
类延强  黎英 《微处理机》2013,34(1):61-64
采用NUC100LE3AN为主控芯片,设计了通用文本型HMI(Human Machine Interface),实现了与大部分品牌PLC的通信连接。介绍了该装置的构架原理、功能及其软硬件设计思想。详细讨论了FLASH存储器空间分配、APROM区与LDROM相互跳转原理、以及应用程序区任务模块的组织形式等。最后通过与信捷XC1-32型PLC连接,进行了功能测试,结果表明设计满足了功能需求。  相似文献   
OPC作为一种有效的设备间信息数据传输方式,在工业控制领域已经得到了广泛的应用。本文提出应用OPC的通信方式,在INTERBUS控制系统中,实现其现场控制站与VB操作员站之间的数据传输,从而实现对整个系统的监控和管理。  相似文献   
Abstract: The artificial neural networks(ANN) , which have broad application, are proposed to develop Cu-Pb composite plates materials. Based on the back propagation(BP) algorithm of the forward muhilayer perceptron, the model to predict the shear stress under different ingredient of the third element and the hot dipping temperature for Cu-Pb composite plates are established. Then the relational model among the third element, hot dipping temperature and shear stress by using the limited data are studied, and the forecast average error is 4%. This model can satisfy the requirements of the precision of forecast in the project experiment process. The results show that the corresponding shear stress is greater when the third element in the element contains more Sn; the most appropriate temperature of hot-dip plating about is 340℃, 'after predicted with lead/the third element/the best performance of copper composite material element of the third group is the one-element Sn, hot dip plating temperature is 335 ℃ ; two-element is 90% Sn 10% Bi, and hot dip plating temperature is 345 ℃. The prediction results can be used for a reference in instructing the further experimental design.  相似文献   
超细鳞片状铝粉和铝银浆由于其特殊的二维平面结构,具有良好的遮盖力、显著的屏蔽效应、光学反射能力;超细鳞片状铝粉和铝银浆颜料的制备方法很多,本文采用机械化学法制备超细鳞片状铝粉和铝银浆。  相似文献   
对多部电梯进行综合调控管理具有广泛的现实意义,本文提出了在乘客等待条件下的电梯调度问题,以作为上班高峰期电梯优化调度的一种近似。并利用概率论的方法得到了电梯往返运行一次的平均时间,建立了电梯优化调度的数学模型,且采用动态规划的方法求得了乘客在等待条件下的最优调度方案,并对实例进行了计算。  相似文献   
The photoluminescence (PL) and vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) excitation properties are studied for the BaZr(BO3)2:Eu3+ phosphor with incorporating the Al3+, La3+, or Y3+ ion into the lattice. The excitation spectrum shows an absorption band in the VUV region with the band-edge at 200 nm and a very weak charge transfer band of Eu3+ at about 226 nm. The luminescence spectrum shows a strong emission at 615 nm (5D0  7F2 transition) and weak emission at 594 nm (5D0  7F1 transition) in BaZr(BO3)2:Eu3+, with a good red color purity. The PL intensity is increased by incorporating Al3+ into the BaZr(BO3)2 lattice. The PL intensity has also increased by incorporating La3+ into the lattice, however, the red color purity has deteriorated because of the increased centrosymmetric nature of the site. With the incorporation of Y3+ into the BaZr(BO3)2 lattice, the PL characteristics of the Eu3+ activator resembles that in the YBO3 lattices. The intensity of the red PL for the Eu3+ activator is the highest with good color purity for BaZr(BO3)2:Eu3+ incorporated with both Al3+ (10%) and La3+ (0.5%).  相似文献   
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