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从理论上和实践上对武钢1700、鞍钢1700改造前后、本钢1700改造前后和攀钢1450精轧机组的电动压下机构在带钢压下时的动特性进行计算和探讨,得出有说服力的结论。主题词:  相似文献   
台北101层国际金融中心之结构施工技术与其设计考量概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文旨在简要说明目前正在施工中之超高层大楼—台北国际金融中心之结构系统、钢结构工程、钢筋混凝土工程基础与深开挖工程等特殊施工技术,并佐以相关之设计考量与施工规划概要,以供工程界做参考。  相似文献   
针对单轴传动滚切式双边剪生产过程中出现的薄钢板经双边剪剪后出现“错牙”及“飞边”的问题,从多个方面入手对薄钢板出现“错牙”及“飞边”的原因进行了分析对比,提出了相应的解决方案,对今后滚切式双边剪的设计、制造及安装调试有借鉴和参考价值。  相似文献   
高速钢W6Mo5Cr4V2的脱磷试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘守平  刘道弟 《特殊钢》1998,19(6):27-30
在30kg感应炉上用CaO-Na2CO3-CaF2-FexO(MoO3)渣、MoCl6粉剂和Al-Ca合金作脱磷剂对高速钢W6Mo5Cr4V2进行脱磷试验。结果表明,CaO-Na2CO3-CaF2-FexO渣的脱磷效果最好,一般脱磷率可达26% ̄56%。  相似文献   
M.A. Deyab 《Corrosion Science》2007,49(5):2315-2328
Corrosion behavior of carbon steel in formation water associated crude oil from Egyptian western desert was studied at various concentrations of dodecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride (CS) as a cationic surfactant. Polarization curves indicate that CS has a good inhibition efficiency for carbon steel in formation water and behaves as cathodic inhibitor. The inhibition efficiency was found to increase with increase in CS concentration until reaches a maximum constant value corresponding to the critical micelle concentration of CS and decrease with increase in solution temperature. The adsorption of CS follows the kinetic thermodynamic model and Flory-Huggins isotherm. Thermodynamic parameters obtained indicate that that the presence of the CS increases the activation energy. Polarization and Impedance measurements indicate that the addition of KI has a significant synergistic effect with CS and results in increase the inhibition efficiency of CS in formation water.  相似文献   
Large elevated steel silos for the storage of bulk solids generally consist of a cylindrical vessel above a conical discharge hopper supported on a cylindrical skirt. The cone–cylinder–skirt transition junction is subject to a large circumferential compressive force which is derived from the horizontal component of the meridional tension in the conical hopper, so either a ring is provided or the shell walls are locally thickened to strengthen the junction. Extensive theoretical studies have examined the buckling and collapse strengths of these junctions, leading to theoretically based design proposals. However, no previous experimental study on steel silo transition junctions has been reported due to the considerable difficulties associated with testing these thin-shell junctions at model scale. This paper presents the results of a series of tests on cone–cylinder–skirt–ring junctions in steel silos under simulated bulk solid loading. In addition to the presentation of test results including geometric imperfections and failure behavior, the determination of buckling modes and loads based on displacement measurements is examined in detail.  相似文献   
研制了一种新型的结构化钢毛——胶结钢毛。和传统的普通钢毛相比,胶结钢毛具有很强的结构刚度和很低的钢毛流失量;同时,对高岭土有较高的除铁效率。  相似文献   
铝对W9Mo3Cr4V高速钢组织和硬度的影响   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
姚月岩  景利明 《特殊钢》1995,16(5):27-31
用X-射线仪,扫描电镜和透射电镜系统研究了铝对钨钼系高速钢铸态,退火以及淬回火组织的影响,铝含量超过2.0%,淬火组织中出现含析出合金的铁素体组织和晶界屈氏体,导致钢硬的降低。  相似文献   
方平 《钢管》1994,(1):18-20
定量描述了实际生产过程中三辊斜轧穿孔所产生的钢管壁厚极差和波浪形内螺纹,初步探讨了三辊轧管机对钢管壁厚极差和波浪形内螺纹的影响。  相似文献   
本文介绍了一种用于成品钢管生产线上的悬臂式钢管喷印装置,它是一台结构和功能都较复杂的大型机电一体化设备。文中简介了它的性能、特点和工作原理,对其各部分机械装置的构成及动作以及喷印控制系统的组成和功能进行了较为深入的描述。  相似文献   
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