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The procedure is proposed for calculating the characteristics of flow and heat exchange of coal-water fuels as applied to the pipeline hydraulic transport and heat-mass exchange in the apparatus of ecologically clean combustion in the objects of power engineering.  相似文献   
粉煤灰制备PAFCS絮凝剂   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
李晔  吴飞  胡海  许时 《有色金属》2002,54(4):114-116
用正交试验和单因素试验,研究以粉煤灰为原料合成PAFCS的最佳工艺和条件。通过两步酸溶和聚合步骤,在pH=1.40,[Al^3 ]/[SO4^2-]=15-20条件下,制成高效无机复合絮凝剂聚氯硫酸铝铁(PAFCS)。处理模拟废水试验表明,PAFCS比工业PAC去浊率高,耗量少,适用处理水的pH值范围为6-12,以粉煤灰为原料合成PAFCS,实现了以废治废。  相似文献   
本文结合以往对建筑物倾斜,建筑物间缝碰头的纠偏加固实例,介绍掏土卸荷与压密注浆,锚杆静压桩相结合的纠偏方法,这种综合法经工程实践验证,是成功的,可以在上海地区推广使用。  相似文献   
为了进一步了解 JP-10燃料在航空发动机燃烧室中的蒸发燃烧机理,基于 SRK 状态方程,运用数学建模的方法,对 JP-10液滴蒸发过程进行了数值模拟并分析了环境因素对液滴蒸发表面温度变化及液滴生存时间变化的影响。研究表明,气体介质与液滴间的相对速度和环境压力及温度对 JP-10液滴蒸发湿球温度、升温过程及生存时间影响明显。  相似文献   
This research continues the thermodynamic analysis of steady-state solid oxide fuel cells initiated in Sieniutycz (Sieniutycz, S., 2010, Thermodynamic aspects of power generation in imperfect fuel cells: part I. International Journal of Ambient Energy, 31 (4), 195–202). This analysis focuses on the effect of incomplete conversions in chemical reactions. A general approach is developed that attributes lowering of the cell voltage below its reversible value to polarisations and imperfect chemical conversions. Relevant model, appropriate for systems with complete conversions, is extended to imperfect cases. The performance curves of a fuel cell and the effect of typical design and operating parameters on the cell behaviour are analysed. A general result is obtained for power limits of fuel cells propelled by linear transport phenomena.  相似文献   
For the purpose of obtaining fully dense B4C with micro hole array of high quality and precision, synthesis of B4C powders were carried out by micro powder injection molding. Five kinds of additive systems were used and their influences on mechanical properties were investigated. The relative density, Vickers hardness, bending strength, and fracture toughness of the B4C ceramics with BS10AY additive sintered at 2000 °C for 2 h could reach 97.56%, 3580.4 HV, 355.3 MPa and 5.87 MPa m1/2, respectively. The temperature was generally 100–200 °C lower than reported temperatures which was attributed to the additives. The improvement in mechanical properties was attributed to grain refinement. A mixture of intragranular and transgranular fractures occurred due to the fine microstructures and the additive systems in the B4C ceramics after sintering. Micro-hole array with the diameter of 450 μm and the length-diameter ratio of more than 8 were obtained. The inhomogeneous filling of feedstock from the substrate to the thin wall between two adjacent micro holes caused the inhomogeneous shrinkage of the substrate and micro holes.  相似文献   
塔河油田主力油藏为碳酸盐岩缝洞型油藏,辖区油井分布广且井间距离大,前期主要是依靠人工井口测试获取液面数据;受到人员及监测仪器设备数量及运行情况的影响,测试工作量大、监测数据存在滞后,人工监测不能实时全面反映油井能量变化、机采井异常等情况。针对油田生产中动液面无法连续测量的问题,开展了液面远程在线监测,实现液面的连续监测和远程采集。通过液面远程在线连续监测,为油水井动态分析提供完整液面数据,可及时判断油井生产状况、调整优化机采工作制度,保证油井处于高效、安全的生产状态,达到节能降耗和油井效益最大化的目的。  相似文献   
塔河油田碳酸盐岩油藏具有储集体埋藏深、非均质性强、储集空间变化大的特征,储集体类型以缝洞型油藏为主。随着油田的开发,能量和底水问题逐渐成为影响自然递减的主要因素。在水驱采油能力大幅下降的同时,注气提高采收率成为油田开发的重要手段。该文介绍在塔河油田注气过程中通过实践摸索,针对不同类型油藏注气开发的经验及规律,在注气选井原则提出新的认识,为碳酸盐油藏提高气驱效率、指导注气开发拓宽思路和方法。  相似文献   
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