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Lung deposited surface area (LDSA) is a relatively new metric that has been argued to be more accurate at predicting health effects from aerosol exposure. For typical atmospheric aerosol, the LDSA concentration depends mainly on the concentration of ultrafine particles (e.g. vehicular exhaust emissions and residential wood combustion) and therefore optical methods cannot be used to measure and quantify it. The objective of this study was to investigate and describe typical characteristics of LDSA under different urban environments and evaluate how a diffusion charging-based Pegasor AQ Urban sensor (Pegasor Ltd., Finland) can be used as an alternative to optical sensors when assessing local combustion emissions and respective LDSA concentrations. Long-term (12?months) sensor measurements of LDSA were carried out at three distinctly different measurement sites (four sensor nodes) in the Helsinki metropolitan area, Finland. The sites were affected mainly by vehicular exhaust emission (street canyon and urban background stations) and by residential wood combustion (two detached housing area stations). The results showed that the accuracy of the AQ Urban was good (R2 = 0.90) for the measurement of LDSA when compared to differential mobility particle sizer. The mean concentrations of LDSA were more than twice as high at the street canyon (mean 22 µm2 cm?3) site when compared to the urban background site (mean 9.4 µm2 cm?3). In the detached housing area, the mean concentrations were 12 µm2 cm?3, and wood combustion typically caused high LDSA peaks in the evenings. High correlations and similar diurnal cycles were observed for the LDSA and black carbon at street canyon and urban background stations. The utilization of a small-scale sensor network (four nodes) showed that the cross-station variability in hourly LDSA concentrations was significant in every site, even within the same detached housing area (distance between the two sites ~670?m).  相似文献   
采用异佛尔酮二异氰酸酯(IPDI)、聚乙二醇200、400、600、800(PEG200、PEG400、PEG600、PEG800)、2,2-二羟甲基丙酸(DMPA)、1-苯基-1,2-乙二醇、中和剂三乙胺(TEA)、甲乙酮肟等为原料,制备了一种阴离子聚氨酯分散剂.通过FTIR、GPC、TG表征了分散剂的结构与性能.利用自制的分散剂采用研磨法制备了液体靛蓝分散液,以液体靛蓝分散液粒径、离心稳定性、储存稳定性为指标,探讨了分散剂链长、用量对分散液性能的影响.结果表明,研磨1 h后,以PEG400为软段合成的聚氨酯分散剂用量为染料质量的60%时制备的液体靛蓝粒径为277.1 nm,1000 r/min离心稳定性达到93.98%,3000 r/min离心稳定性为51.13%,常温放置7 d后粒径变化在20 nm以内,染色后织物的颜色深度(K/S)为10左右,约是粉状靛蓝染色K/S的2倍,染色织物的颜色性能并未改变,SEM显示分散体颗粒大小分布均匀,与分散剂甲基萘磺酸钠的甲醛缩合物(MF)和木质素85A相比,其分散体系稳定性差别不大.  相似文献   
This paper analyses the performance of the anaerobic selector (A/O process) in a full-scale activated sludge process receiving mostly industrial sewage discharge (> 60%) in Singapore. In addition to the sludge settleability, enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) was studied. The sludge volume index (SVI) reduced from 200 to 80 ml g(-1) and foaming was suppressed significantly, indicating the effectiveness of the anaerobic selector in improving sludge settleability. The phosphorus removal efficiency was 66%, and 7.5 mg HAc-COD was consumed per mg PO4(3-) -P removed. In the anaerobic compartment, 31% of the SCOD and 73% of the acetic acid in the settled sewage were removed with PO4(3-) -P release of 14.1 mg PO4(3-)-P l(-1). The linear correlation between PO4(3-) -P release in the anaerobic compartment and PO4(3-) -P uptake in the aerobic compartment indicates that there is about 0.8 mg PO4(3-) -P release in the anaerobic compartment per mg PO34(3-) -P uptake in the aerobic compartment. The fates of volatile fatty acids (VFAs) and its short chain acids (SCAs) in the process were studied and discussed.  相似文献   
光荣 《西北水电》2006,(4):80-81
宁东供水工程供水水泵共有卧式和立式离心泵2种方案可供选择,也是工程论证时争论的焦点,经综合比较及主机设备的国际招标,最终确定了奥地利安德里兹公司的卧式双吸中开式离心泵为宁东供水工程的供水水泵。  相似文献   
在充分调研阵列声波测井分波提取方法的基础上,针对阿特拉斯公司的交叉多极子阵列声波测井(XMACⅡ)提供的单极波形信息,研究纵波时差提取及高分辨率处理方法。首先利用相关-互功谱法高精度地提取纵波时差,然后针对XMACⅡ仪器的接收阵列,研究组合子阵列的方法,形成共发射子阵列和共接收子阵列,最后利用子阵列对提取的纵波时差做高分辨率处理。处理现场实际测井资料,并将高分辨率处理成果与引进的eXpress软件处理成果、实测的国产高分辨率声波(纵波)测井曲线及岩心纵波时差对比分析,表明该方法提取的纵波时差曲线的纵向分辨率有很大提高,时差计算准确可靠,提取的单极纵波时差与国产高分辨率声波时差及岩心纵波时差的平均相对误差均小于7%。该方法具有较高的实用价值和广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   
A series of small–capacity units has recently been constructed in regions of oil field development and crude oil and gas condensate production to satisfy the requirements for such petroleum products as naphtha, diesel fuel, kerosene, and boiler fuel and to reduce costs for delivery of these products. There are almost no data in the technical literature, particularly in periodicals, on the construction and operation of small–capacity units. We attempt to generalize the experience of Orgeneftekhimzavody Trust in this area. We hope that this experience will be useful to specialists in the development and management of small–capacity plants.  相似文献   
井下液气分离器分离原理及结构改进   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
液气分离器就是充分利用电泵机组的高转速、气体和液体之间悬殊的密度差异进行液气离心分离。经过多年的发展,在传统的液气分离器结构基础上又出现了许多新的设计和改进,大大提高了液气分离器的分离效果。文章重点论述了液气分离器的分离原理和结构上的改进之处。  相似文献   
介绍了Freescale公司嵌入式微处理器MCF5282的原理、特点,给出了该处理器在嵌入式操作系统uClinux下通过I2C硬件扩展数字输入的原理,以及I2C总线的驱动程序设计流程.  相似文献   
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