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The layout of pages which carry information is the bread and butter of the graphic design profession. The rationale of what elements are chosen and where they are placed is based on tacit knowledge gained over a number of years of experience. The aesthetics associated with the overall finished design are often based on a style. Important elements of style are complexity and aesthetic value. In this paper I explore how various mathematical aesthetic functions can use complexity as an arousal enhancing or limiting mechanism in the application of layout designs.  相似文献   
主要介绍视频监控系统技术发展的历程。视频监控系统从最初的模拟监控系统到数字化监控系统,视频监控系统和通信技术借助网络功能使其应用更加方便。水利系统内视频监控技术的大量应用给防汛决策提供了直观的图像信息,提高了工作效率,推动了监控平台的功能整合信息共享的需求;亟待完善水利系统建设监控平台应有的标准规范。  相似文献   
社会网络信息的本体论建模与可视化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本体论是共享概念模型的明确的形式化规范说明,基于本体论对社会网络信息建模能够提供客观存在的本质认识,发挥本体论在信息表示与组织上的优势.提出一种针对社会网络信息的领域本体模型,将社会网络信息领域的客观存在抽象为3个主要本体:行动者、关系网络和群组,能够方便地定义各种社会网络分析与可视化方法,为社会网络信息可视化应用提供支持.着眼于社会网络结构分析中的需求,在上述模型框架下提出了基于规则对等组的群组分析方法和基于群组、角色分析的力导引布点算法.最后结合恐怖活动信息可视化实例,阐述了文中提出的领域模型与可视化方法的应用.  相似文献   
The warehouse order-picking operation is one of the most labour-intense activities that has an important impact on responsiveness and efficiency of the supply chain. An understanding of the impact of the simultaneous effects of customer demand patterns and order clustering, considering physical restrictions in product storage, is critical for improving operational performance. Storage restrictions may include storing non-uniform density stock keeping units (SKUs) whose dimensions and weight constrain the order-picking operation given that a priority must be followed. In this paper, a heuristic optimisation based on a quadratic integer programming is employed to generate a layout solution that considers customer demand patterns and order clustering. A simulation model is used to investigate the effects of creating and implementing these layout solutions in conjunction with density zones to account for restrictions in non-uniform density SKUs. Results from combining layout optimisation heuristics and density zoning indicate statistical significant differences between assignments that ignore the aforementioned factors and those that recognise it.  相似文献   
Michell’s problem of optimizing truss topology for stress or compliance constraints under a single load condition is solved analytically for plane trusses having a square-shaped line support. Geometrical characteristics of the Hencky nets giving the truss layout are expressed in terms of Lommel functions. Analytically derived truss volumes for the above problem are compared with those of trusses supported along circles of equivalent area. Some general implications of the results are also discussed.  相似文献   
针对目前手机应用程序普遍存在的平台单一、界面布局难、适配程度不高等问题,提出一种基于弹性盒子模型的跨平台手机应用界面布局方法,并用基于HTML 5的跨平台开发框架AppCan实现一个典型页面的弹性布局,得到了较好的布局效果。  相似文献   
提高规划与管理的科学性,促进小城镇健康发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了科学的城镇规划与管理的基本任务,进而从四个方面阐述了如何把握这个基本任务促进本城镇经济与社会健康、迅速而稳步地发展:1)科学地研究城镇的性质与规模;2)合理地安排城镇用地布局;3)切实地制定近期建设规划;4)宜人地创造本镇风貌特色。  相似文献   
基于约束理论的设施规划的改进   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在市场经济环境下,生产设施规划改进是企业的一项持续不断的工作。本文提出运用约束理论的基本分析步骤,结合工艺流程图分析等手段来分析生产系统的约束因素,并寻求改善和解决方案。  相似文献   
平面编排设计是门信息艺术,好的版面编排将会吸引人们的视线,发挥其良好的广告效果。掌握视觉流程法则在平面编排设计中的原理及运用,将是提升编排设计能力的关键。  相似文献   
基于碰撞算法的冲裁件优化排样系统的开发   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
把碰撞理论应用在冲裁件优化排样中,通过增加对圆弧分段处理的步骤,采用直接对圆弧计算的方法,减少了计算复杂度。解决了排样件的非直线轮廓线性化所带来的离散精度与计算效率的矛盾。适合用于解决含有圆弧的复杂轮廓的同类零件优化排样。基于此算法作者开发了冲裁件的优化排样系统,自动计算零件间的碰撞距离、冲裁步距和最优排放角度。利用本研究的对头双排法裁料,可以把材料利用率从普通双排的76.6%提高到81.4%。  相似文献   
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