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In view of the problems in the construction of characteristic professional groups in higher vocational colleges, the professional group of "intelligent manufacturing" is taken as the research object, and the "platform + module" suitable for the development of the industry will be constructed according to the content of the vocational ability planning courses of the post group. The curriculum system establishes the framework of professional groups, and explores and forms a strategic study to optimize and integrate professional group resources.  相似文献   
In this paper, a nonconforming finite element method (NFEM) is proposed for the constrained optimal control problems (OCPs) governed by a bilinear state equation. The state and adjoint state are approximated by the nonconforming EQ1rot element, and the control is approximated by the orthogonal projection through the state and adjoint state. Some superclose and superconvergence properties are obtained by full use of the distinguish characters of this EQ1rot element, such as the interpolation operator equals the Ritz projection, and the consistency error is one order higher than its interpolation error in the broken energy norm. Finally, some numerical results are provided to verify the theoretical analysis.  相似文献   
The effects of Sr2+ substitution for Ba2+ on microwave dielectric properties and crystal structure of Ba3-xSrx(VO4)2 (0 ≤ x ≤ 3, BSVO) solid solution were investigated. Such Sr2+ substitution contributes to significant reduction in sintering temperature from 1400 °C to 1150 °C. Both permittivity (r) and quality factor (Q × f) values decreased with increasing x value, which was determined to be related with the descending values of average polarizability and packing fraction, whereas the increase in τf value was explained by the decreased average VO bond length, A-site bond valence. BSVO ceramics possessed encouraging dielectric performances with r = 12.2–15.6 ± 0.1, Q × f = 44,340 - 62,000 ± 800 GHz, and τf = 24.5–64.5 ± 0.2 ppm/°C. Low-temperature sintering was manipulated by adding B2O3 as sintering additive for the representative Sr3V2O8 (SVO) ceramic and only 1 wt.% B2O3 addition successfully contributed to a 21.7% decrease in sintering temperature to 900 °C, showing good chemical compatibility with silver electrodes, which render BSVO series and SVO ceramics potential candidates in multilayer electronic devices fabrication.  相似文献   
大别山是全国著名的革命老区,地处中原,拥有良好的“红色”和“绿色”旅游资源。随着我国经济的快速发展以及区域旅游市场的形成,大别山旅游业发展面临着空前的机遇与挑战。旅游业是一项复合产业,是一项关联性极强的系统工程。它可以为山区带来大量的人流、物流、资金流和信息流,通过旅游发展带动其他产业,最终实现大别山地区整体经济的发展。本文以河南新县为视点,对大别山地区“红”、“绿”旅游资源进行了近域市场的区域对比,并提出了大别山区“红”、“绿”旅游资源的开发方向和策略。  相似文献   
马超 《工程建设》2007,39(3):56-59
简要介绍了湖南湘西地区开发建设的基本概况,开发建设中存在的主要环境问题及保护对策。  相似文献   
煤矿安全生产状况与行业的经济技术发展水平密切相关。对煤矿安全生产状况的变化趋势进行分析,用数理统计分析方法建立煤矿死亡人数、百万吨死亡率与煤炭行业经济技术发展水平之间的关系模型,揭示其内在规律,提出改进煤矿安全生产措施和建议。  相似文献   
Under reduction atmosphere, a blue sky rare earth silicate light storage and emission material was prepared by high temperature solid phase synthesis. The best constituent ratio of this material was determined through orthogonal experiment, and its excitation and emission spectra and X-ray diffraction patterns were measured. And a comparative study was conducted on its application properties.  相似文献   
浦东机场跑道冲击碾压地基处理试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对浦东机场跑道系统的地质条件,提出了“井点降水+垫层+冲击碾压”地基处理试验方案,在试验过程中进行了监测和检测,对试验数据进行了分析,为大面积地基处理设计、施工和检测标准的制定提供了直接依据。  相似文献   
我国西部地质环境的基本特征及存在的主要问题。提出西部地质环境保护的主要对策 ;立法和建立四级地法环境监测体系 ,增加投入、部门关系和落实规划措施 ;开展区域性环境地质调查 ;加强地质环境有关的数据集成及科研与地质灾害的综合整治  相似文献   
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