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The authors highlight several possible ways in which the construction industry could lower present emissions of the greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide. It is an excellent discussion document and is recommended reading.  相似文献   
In this study, we measured growth trends in oxygen and carbon isotopic ratios in whole sagittal otoliths from three adult centropomid fish (Lates stappersii) from each of three sub-basins of Lake Tanganyika, East Africa. Sampling density was 20 to 50 samples per otolith. Both δ18O and δ13C values increase with age. The δ18O data suggest that otoliths were precipitated near the expected equilibrium with the ambient environment (ca. +3.5‰) and support a migration pattern from surface waters during larval stages to deeper waters (40 to 80 m) for mature fish. Relatively high δ18O values in the southern sub-basin are consistent with cooler temperatures in the region during seasonal upwelling. The δ13C increase from otolith core to edge is large (up to 4‰) and is interpreted as due to ontogenetic changes in diet and contributions from a decrease in the proportion of respired CO2 incorporated into otolith carbonate as metabolic rates of the fish dropped with maturity. The data seem to successfully reveal life strategy and migration patterns of L. stappersii, document regional differences in lake conditions, and provide a record of temperature within the water column during which the fish lived. Higher resolution studies and analyses of historical samples could be used to constrain modern and past growth patterns, and to reconstruct past temperature gradients and productivity patterns in the lake.  相似文献   
This study describes a process of relating the perceptual analysis of the colors of the terrestrial atmosphere to currently available pigments used in artists' painting systems. This process sought to discover how the colors of the sky could be defined and simulated by these pigments. The author also describes how confusion over the bewildering choice of suitable pigments on offer in the market place can be clarified. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 32, 249–255, 2007  相似文献   
本文介绍了一个基于微机的X射线分析自动测量系统。该系统有三个基本功能:自动获取数据、自动换样和处理谱数据。  相似文献   
介绍一种利用C++Builder编程工具自动处理聚乙烯环境应力开裂(ESCR)试验数据的方法。此方法利用计算机简化试验数据的处理过程,消除标准试验方法中作图法所引入的人为误差,并可以大幅度缩短试验时间。  相似文献   
Concrete structures in main coal cleaning plants have been rebuilt and reinforced in the coal mines of the Shanghai Da-tun Energy Sources Co. Ltd., the first colliery of the Pingdingshan Coal Co. Ltd. and the Sanhejian mine of the Xuzhou Mining Group Co. Ltd. In these projects, the operating environment and reliability of concrete structures in the main plants of the three companies were investigated and the safety of the structures inspected. Qualitative and quantitative analyses were made on the spe-cial natural, technological and mechanical environments around the structures. On the basis of these analyses, we discuss the long-term, combined actions of the harsh natural (corrosive gases, liquids and solids) and mechanical environments on concrete structures and further investigated the damage and deteriorating mechanisms and curing techniques of concrete structures in the main coal cleaning plants. Our study can provide a theoretical basis for ensuring the reliability of concrete structures in main coal cleaning plants.  相似文献   
随着社会的飞速发展和要求,培养学生在网络环境下的英语自主学习能力成为大学英语教学的重点之一。在网络环境下,学生可以根据各自的需要,通过选择网络上的有效信息进行学习和交流,并在虚拟的交际环境中灵活、自主地运用语言,达到构建自主学习能力和提高学习效率的目的。  相似文献   
物联网作为未来的发展趋势之一,将在各个方面决定未来世界和人类社会的发展方向。而自智慧地球、感知中国等战略提出以来,世界各国也纷纷开展物联网领域的规划布局,将物联网建设上升到国家战略。物联网在全世界范围内掀起了继计算机和互联网之后的第三次信息革命浪潮。在这空前火爆的物联网宏观背景下,微观企业也不可避免的受到物联网影响。在这一背景下,通过分析物联网环境对企业内部控制环境的影响。本文认为,物联网环境下企业内部控制环境将更加信息化、虚拟化、智能化。  相似文献   
根据防护费用法、影子工程法等折算办法对环境破坏导致的经济损失等价为具体货币值,并将这些环境影响量化分析计算方法应用于西宝客运专线建设的环境评价问题中.结果表明:提出的算法对铁路选线多目标决策方案比选有应用价值.  相似文献   
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