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吴志翔 《山西建筑》2007,33(25):233-234
指出人水和谐不仅是一种理念也是一种方法,要利用这种理念,从经济学、社会学、生态学和系统学等不同研究方向来研究可持续发展理论,并应在治水中坚持人与自然和谐相处的观念,反映出价值取向的变化,从而由“以人为中心”和人控制自然、统治自然的价值理念,转变为以人为本、全面、协调、可持续发展的理念,最终达到人与自然和谐发展、共同发展。  相似文献   
笔者通过对跨世纪住宅规划、设计实践的分析与总结,提出以可持续发展为中心的设计思路,并强调提高科技含量,关注信息时代人的生活需求,并据此创造更加健康、宜人的人居环境。  相似文献   
The Institute of Fire Safety Engineering Research and Technology Centre (FireSERT) at the University of Ulster in Northern Ireland has been a major provider of higher technical fire safety education, fire related research and services to industry for over 20 years. Its internationally recognised research spans the fields of fire dynamics, structural fire engineering, human behaviour in fire and more recently fire (CFD) modelling. Since 1991, it has offered the only PG Dip/MSc Fire Safety Engineering programme in the United Kingdom. In September 2000 FireSERT was the recipient of a £5.7 m Joint Infrastructure Fund (JIF) Award to build new fire safety engineering laboratories on the University's Jordanstown campus. These new facilities unparallel in the University sector in the UK offer greater scope and depth to the FireSERT's research portfolios. The new facilities will be extensively used in support of FireSERT's suite of MSc Fire Safety Engineering and DPhil programmes. This paper presents a brief history of FireSERT and its achievements, together with an update on the new facility, current research themes, taught programmes, research opportunities and visions for the future.  相似文献   
管治思潮及其对人居环境领域的影响   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:9  
何兴华 《城市规划》2001,25(9):7-12,20
针对近年来管治一词被不同学科频繁使用、概念含糊的情况 ,试图从比较宏观、综合的角度 ,归纳出一些关于管治的基本要点。在指出管治的本质含义后 ,介绍了相关学科对管治理解的异同、管治思潮产生的社会背景和发展动态。讨论了管治思潮对人居环境领域的影响 ,并从组织关系角度 (不局限于空间性层面 )提出了我国人居环境领域开展管治研究的重点  相似文献   
魏国华 《山西建筑》2007,33(16):36-37
介绍了锦都佳园住宅小区坚持“以人为本”设计的基本思路,通过对小区总体布局、设计理念、建筑户型设计、立面造型设计、节能设计几个方面的论述,力求在侯马区域打造一个环境优美、布局合理、安全舒适、绿色环保、节能高品质的住宅小区。  相似文献   
长江流域广大地区有夏闷热而冬阴冷的气候特征,过去以夏日通风隔热而冬日保温防寒的传统措施有一定效果,但不很显著,原因是尚未抓着主要矛盾,以此来改善环境未能收到理想功效。本文论证,以降低湿度以改善室内热环境这一新途径。这可能是湿热地区最为有效和最经济和节能的方法。  相似文献   
以我国航天发射场安全评估为背景,基于认知可靠性和失误分析方法(CREAM),开展航天发射场人因可靠性(HRA)定量分析方法研究。首先结合航天发射场特点对共同绩效条件(CPC)进行改进,之后采用模糊方法处理CPC到控制模式之间的映射关系,提出了环境影响因子值的概念,提出了航天发射场HRA定量分析流程,最后针对火箭吊装过程进行了实例分析。  相似文献   
The 1101 km length of the Andalusian coast (Spain) was assessed for coastal scenery at 45 specific locations. Selected areas covered resort (3), urban (19), village (8), rural (10) and remote (5) bathing areas. Scenery was analyzed for physical and human parameters via 26 selected parameters. These parameters were obtained by interviews of >500 people on European beaches. Each parameter was assessed via a one-to-five-point attribute scale, which essentially ranged from presence/absence or poor quality (1), to excellent/outstanding (5). Results were subsequently weighted by interviewing >600 bathing area users (not all 26 parameters have equal weight) and subjected to fuzzy logic mathematics in order to reduce recorder subjectivity. High weighted averages for attributes 4 and 5 (excellent/outstanding) reflected high scenic quality, vice versa for attributes 1 and 2. Sites were classified into five classes ranging from Class 1 sites having top grade scenery to Class 5, poor scenery. Seven sites each were found in Classes 1 and 2; 10 sites each in Classes 3 and 5; 11 sites in Class 4. The finest coastal scenery was found in remote areas whilst urban areas scored mainly as Class 3 or 4. Three out of the ten rural sites had Class 3 and 4 values assigned them whereas the rest scored as Class 1 and 2; village sites invariably had scores within Class 3 and 4. Of the three resort sites investigated, one scored as a Class 1 site, the others as Class 3.  相似文献   
赵俊长 《山西建筑》2014,(13):282-283
结合国有建筑施工企业人力资源管理的现状,从观念、市场、管理三个角度分析了造成人力资源管理工作不科学、制度不健全、人才流失严重等现象的原因,并对做好人力资源管理工作的方法进行了思考,提出了一些管理建议。  相似文献   
Biogeochemical processes mediated by microorganisms in river sediments (hyporheic sediments) play a key role in river metabolism. Because biogeochemical reactions in the hyporheic zone are often limited to the top few decimetres of sediments below the water-sediment interface, slow filtration columns were used in the present study to quantify biogeochemical processes (uptakes of O2, DOC, and nitrate) and the associated microbial compartment (biomass, respiratory activity, and hydrolytic activity) at a centimetre scale in heterogeneous (gravel and sand) sediments. The results indicated that slow filtration columns recreated properly the aerobic-anaerobic gradient classically observed in the hyporheic zone. O2 and NO3- consumptions (256 +/- 13 microg of O2 per hour and 14.6 +/- 6.1 microg of N-NO3- per hour) measured in columns were in the range of values measured in different river sediments. Slow filtration columns also reproduced the high heterogeneity of the hyporheic zone with the presence of anaerobic pockets in sediments where denitrification and fermentation processes occurred. The respiratory and hydrolytic activities of bacteria were strongly linked with the O2 consumption in the experimental system, highlighting the dominance of aerobic processes in our river sediments. In comparison with these activities, the bacterial biomass (protein content) integrated both aerobic and anaerobic processes and could be used as a global microbial indicator in our system. Finally, slow filtration columns are an appropriate tool to quantify in situ rates of biogeochemical processes and to determine the relationship between the microbial compartment and the physico-chemical environment in coarse river sediments.  相似文献   
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