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张志悦 《河北水利水电技术》2011,(6):20-22
简单介绍了沧州城市水文的发展进程和现状,阐述了城市水文在城市水资源节约与保护、供水安全、改善城市水环境、雨洪资源利用等方面所发挥的作用。结合沧州城市水文实践,提出了加快城市水文发展的几点建议。 相似文献
G. H. Old PhD G. J. L. Leeks BSc J. C. Packman MSc N. Stokes MSc N. D. Williams MSc B. P. G. Smith PhD E. J. Hewitt MSc S. Lewis MSc 《Water and Environment Journal》2004,18(1):11-16
Urban watercourses are potential hazards because of their rapid flow changes, poor water quality and contaminated sediments. This study is a preliminary field investigation into fine sediment-associated metal contamination and its transport dynamics in a highly urbanised catchment in West Yorkshire, UK. Spatial and temporal changes in the concentration of channel-bed sediment-associated metals are investigated, and the fluxes of selected suspended sediment-associated metals, during an extreme high flow event, are determined. Channel-bed sediments were more contaminated at the most heavily urbanised sites. Data suggest that contaminated bed sediments could accumulate and possibly become increasingly contaminated between high-flow events, prior to being flushed from the system. Fluxes of contaminated suspended sediments were very high at the peak of the high flow event. The spatial and temporal dynamics of contaminated fine sediment which were identified in this study could inform planners with regard to future monitoring strategies. 相似文献
Basset-Mens C Anibar L Durand P van der Werf HM 《The Science of the total environment》2006,367(1):367-382
The challenge for environmental assessment tools, such as Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is to provide a holistic picture of the environmental impacts of a given system, while being relevant both at a global scale, i.e., for global impact categories such as climate change, and at a smaller scale, i.e., for regional impact categories such as aquatic eutrophication. To this end, the environmental mechanisms between emission and impact should be taken into account. For eutrophication in particular, which is one of the main impacts of farming systems, the fate factor of eutrophying pollutants in catchments, and particularly of nitrate, reflects one of these important and complex environmental mechanisms. We define this fate factor as: the ratio of the amount of nitrate at the outlet of the catchment over the nitrate emitted from the catchment's soils. In LCA, this fate factor is most often assumed equal to 1, while the observed fate factor is generally less than 1. A generic approach for estimating the range of variation of nitrate fate factors in a region of intensive agriculture was proposed. This approach was based on the analysis of different catchment scenarios combining different catchment types and different effective rainfalls. The evolution over time of the nitrate fate factor as well as the steady state fate factor for each catchment scenario was obtained using the INCA simulation model. In line with the general LCA model, the implications of the steady state fate factors for nitrate were investigated for the eutrophication impact result in the framework of an LCA of pig production. A sensitivity analysis to the fraction of nitrate lost as N(2)O was presented for the climate change impact category. This study highlighted the difference between the observed fate factor at a given time, which aggregates both storage and transformation processes and a "steady state fate factor", specific to the system considered. The range of steady state fate factors obtained for the study region was wide, from 0.44 to 0.86, depending primarily on the catchment type and secondarily on the effective rainfall. The sensitivity of the LCA of pig production to the fate factors was significant concerning eutrophication, but potentially much larger concerning climate change. The potential for producing improved eutrophication results by using spatially differentiated fate factors was demonstrated. Additionally, the urgent need for quantitative studies on the N(2)O/N(2) ratio in riparian zones denitrification was highlighted. 相似文献
J. Tranter BSc C. Hunter BSc PhD J. Gunn BSc PhD J. Perkins BSc PhD 《Water and Environment Journal》1996,10(4):273-279
Faecal coliform concentrations were determined at stream and water inflow sampling sites within an upland catchment in North Derbyshire containing rough, semiimproved and improved pastures. The results indicated that, during its passage through the catchment, the faecal indicators of the stream increased, and this may constitute a health risk to cavers using a popular recreational cave into which the stream drains. The decline in streamwater quality suggests that a semipermanent store of bacteria existed in catchment soils, and hydrological processes operated to transfer bacteria from the land to the stream channel. Contrary to expectations, intra-catchment differences in the bacterial quality of water at inflow and stream sampling sites could not be related to the intensity of agricultural land use in adjacent areas. This is explained with reference to changes in the nature of hydrological transport pathways associated with the improvement of pastures. 相似文献
从地形、地质条件、气侯、水文条件、土壤、植物覆盖等方面阐述了自然条件对路线的影响,并记述了公路对水、土壤、气侯等自然环境的影响作用,从而使自然因素与路线的相互作用向着良性循环的方向发展,以确保公路安全、迅速、经济、舒适和自然环境的良好。 相似文献
《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(6):367-378
The planning and implementation of sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) requires intensive collaboration between professions and institutions. To improve the conditions for such practice in Denmark, the first loop of a SUDS-based retrofitting project was completed in Odense over a 6-month period. The project involved officials from the City of Odense and Odense Water Ltd., as well as university researchers. Studies of hydrological, environmental and socio-cultural aspects were developed by disciplinary teams and used to draft integrated solutions for two selected city districts. Albeit sewer surcharge was the initial catalyst, the main driver for the drafted solutions was urban planning. An assessment of the impact 1.5 years after completion indicated that the employed approach is valuable. In Odense, a planning procedure reflecting the loop process has become new practice. The project represents a key reference for the introduction of SUDS in Denmark. 相似文献
Kleber Arno Jörg Lindemann Andreas Schellenberger Carl Beierkuhnlein Martin Kaupenjohann Stefan Peiffer 《Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems》1998,50(1-3):119-126
The spring catchment under study is underlain by shale, on which several layers of slope sediments (cover-beds) are deposited. The upper of these layers contain eolian fines mixed into shale-derived debris, which latter material entirely comprises the basal cover-bed. Due to its dislocation by solifluction, the shale debris has a tegular structure. This leads to hydraulic anisotropy, particularly where no fine earth occurs. Thus, water that seeps into such material is forced to flow laterally while vertical movement is impeded. The basal cover-bed therefore hosts a deep aquifer. Only during major discharge events, excess hydrostatic pressure makes water flow into upper parts of the soils, being mixed with surficially interflowing water. Most of the time, however, there are two levels of water flow at different depths with different dwelling times, which finding is supported by probably geogenic sulphur isotopes in the deeply flowing water that are different from precipitation water.KurzfassungDas bearbeitete Quelleinzugsgebiet liegt in Tonschiefer, welcher mit Deckschichten bedeckt ist. In die oberen Deckschichten wurde Löß eingearbeitet, während die untere ausschließlich aus umgelagertem Anstehenden besteht. Dieses Material wurde solifluidal verlagert und dabei mit einer dachziegelartigen Struktur abgelagert. Diese führt zu hydraulischer Anisotropie besonders in feinerdearmen Schichten. Wasser, das darin einsickert, fließt bevorzugt lateral, während vertikale Bewegungen stark behindert werden. Deshalb ist in der Basislage ein tieferes Aquifer entstanden. Während ausgeprägter Abflußereignisse wird der Überdruck darin jedoch so groß, daß es zu einem Aufpressen des Wasser in hangende Schichten und dort zur Vermischung mit höherem Zwischenabfluß kommt. Zumeist aber gibt es zwei unterschiedliche Interflow-Stockwerke in verschiedenen Tiefen. Dies wird bestätigt durch eine wahrscheinlich geogene Sulfatbeimischung im tieferen Stockwerk, die sich vom Niederschlagswasser in den Isotopen unterscheidet. 相似文献
G. Lischeid C. Alewell J. Bittersohl A. Göttlein C. Jungnickel H. Lange B. Manderscheid K. Moritz B. Ostendorf H. Sager 《Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems》1998,50(1-3):109-118
The impact of anthropogenic depositions on soil and groundwater quality has been the subject of numerous studies in the last two decades. However, the problem of linking results and models at different scales remains to be solved. A case study has been performed in the Fichtelgebirge region in South-East Germany. Data from this case study has been used to analyse scale dependences of spatial variance, autocorrelation lengths, and the interdependence of soil hydrological and soil chemical parameters. For soil suction, spatial variability increases stepwise with scale. Three different sources of variation could be identified, predominating at different ranges of scale, making a deterministic mapping feasible. Local SO4 deposition explained much of the spatial pattern of SO4 concentration in soil solution and in catchment runoff observed at different scales. This is mainly due to the fact that the sorption capacity of the soils in this region has been exceeded. Decreasing SO4 deposition in the long term run is likely to enhance the influence of the soil, and reduces the correlation between deposition and soil solution concentration. NO3 showed minimum variation at the county scale. This seems to be a reasonable representative elementary area for mapping regional NO3 concentration patterns. For protons and Cl, neither observed spatial patterns nor the scale dependence of spatial heterogeneity could be explained adequately. 相似文献
栖境结构的异质性影响群落的空间格局.对不同微栖境中的无脊椎动物群落研究发现,尽管群落组成差异不明显,但丰度和多样性有很大差异。协惯量分析结果表明,相对丰度与环境变量显著相关。本研究支持了模板理论。 相似文献