The library PRAND for pseudorandom number generation for modern CPUs and GPUs is presented. It contains both single-threaded and multi-threaded realizations of a number of modern and most reliable generators recently proposed and studied in Barash (2011), Matsumoto and Tishimura (1998), L’Ecuyer (1999,1999), Barash and Shchur (2006) and the efficient SIMD realizations proposed in Barash and Shchur (2011). One of the useful features for using PRAND in parallel simulations is the ability to initialize up to 1019 independent streams. Using massive parallelism of modern GPUs and SIMD parallelism of modern CPUs substantially improves performance of the generators. 相似文献
We describe a performance study of a multi-zone application benchmark implemented in several OpenMP approaches that exploit
multi-level parallelism and deal with unbalanced workload. The multi-zone application was derived from the well-known NAS
Parallel Benchmarks (NPB) suite that involves flow solvers on collections of loosely coupled discretization meshes. Parallel
versions of this application have been developed using the Subteam concept and Workqueuing model as extensions to the current
OpenMP. We examine the performance impact of these extensions to OpenMP and compare with hybrid and nested OpenMP approaches
on several large parallel systems. 相似文献
This paper shows that the Zadeh’s extensions of sendograph-metric-continuous fuzzy-valued functions are sendograph-metric-continuous fuzzy functions. 相似文献
In the present article, we continue the study of the propertiesof the spectra of structures as sets of degrees initiated in[11]. Here, we consider the relationships between the spectraand the jump spectra. Our first result is that every jump spectrumis also a spectrum. The main result sounds like a Jump inversiontheorem. Namely, we show that if a spectrum is contained inthe set of the jumps of the degrees in some spectrum then thereexists a spectrum such that and is equal to the set of thejumps of the degrees in . 相似文献
Determining for a given deterministic complete automaton the sequence of visited states while reading a given word is the core of important problems with automata-based solutions, such as approximate string matching. The main difficulty is to do this computation efficiently. Considering words as vectors and working on them using vectorial operations allows to solve the problem faster than using local operations.
In this paper, we show first that the set of vectorial operations needed by an algorithm representing a given automaton depends on the language accepted by the automaton. We give precise characterizations for star-free, solvable and regular languages using vectorial algorithms. We also study classes of languages associated with restricted sets of vectorial operations and relate them with languages defined by fragments of linear temporal logic.
Finally, we consider the converse problem of constructing an automaton from a given vectorial algorithm. As a byproduct, we show that the satisfiability problem for some extensions of LTL characterizing solvable and regular languages is PSPACE-complete. 相似文献