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The GILDES computer model, incorporating Stumm's concept of proton- and ligand-promoted dissolution, has been used to simulate the exposure of copper at room temperature to 210 ppb sulfur dioxide and 80% relative humidity. The agreement is good between the calculations and laboratory exposures performed under these exposure conditions. Surface reactions are relatively more important at lower relative humidities and the dominant corrosion products formed are solid state Cu2SO3, CuSO3 and Cu2U. Free-radical redox processes are important participants and control the relative distribution of Cu(I)- and Cu(H)-containing corrosion products.  相似文献   
Addressing the still open question of the prebiotic origin of sequential macromolecules (peptides, nucleic acids) on the primitive Earth, we describe a molecular engine (the primary pump), which works at ambient temperature and continuously generates, elongates and complexifies sequential peptides. This new scenario is based on a cyclic reaction sequence, whose keystep is the activation of amino acids into their N‐carboxyanhydrides (NCA) through nitrosation by NOx. This process could have taken place on tidal beaches; it requires a buffered ocean, emerged land and a nitrosating atmosphere. With the help of geochemical studies and computer simulations of atmosphere photochemistry, we show that the primitive Earth during the Hadean may have satisfied all these requirements. © 2001 Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   
The influence of NaCl and CO2 on the atmospheric corrosion of magnesium alloy AZ91 is studied in the laboratory. Samples were exposed under carefully controlled air and flow conditions; the relative humidity was 95%, the temperature was 22.0°C and the concentration of CO2 was < 1 ppm or 350 ppm. Different amounts of sodium chloride (0–70 μg/cm2) were added before exposure. The corrosion products were analyzed by gravimetry, ion chromatography, X‐ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. Mass gain and metal loss results are reported. The combination of high humidity and NaCl is very corrosive towards AZ91. However, the NaCl‐induced corrosion is inhibited by ambient concentrations of CO2. Exposure in the absence of CO2 gives rise to heavy pitting, with brucite, Mg(OH)2, being the dominant corrosion product. In the presence of CO2 a layer of hydrated magnesium hydroxy carbonate, Mg5(CO3)4(OH)2 · 5 H2O forms. A tentative corrosion mechanism is presented that explains the behavior in the two environments.  相似文献   
Litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) fruits are very susceptible to pericarp browning which adversely affects consumer acceptability even though the aril portion remains in excellent condition. Litchi arils (litchis) were treated with a solution containing 0–2% (w/v) calcium lactate (CL), 0–0.02% (w/v) 4‐hexyl resorcinol (4‐HR) and 1% potassium sorbate. The pH of solution was adjusted to 4.0 with citric acid. Treated litchis were packed in polystyrene trays, over‐wrapped with polypropylene film, vacuum‐packed (0, 47409.3, 94831.9 Pa) and stored at 4 ± 2 °C. Drip losses, pH, total soluble solids (TSS), sensory attributes and microbiological quality of stored samples were estimated. A four‐factor, three‐level experimental design (D6 Hokes design) with 19 experiments was chosen. Mathematical models were developed to analyse and predict the effect of CL, 4‐HR, in‐package vacuum and storage time on the responses. TSS, pH and sensory scores decreased significantly (P 0.01), whereas drip losses and microbial count increased significantly (P 0.01) with time. Drip loss was significantly (P 0.1) reduced by addition of CL. 4‐HR prevented browning and changes in colour score during storage were significantly less. Vacuum in packages exerted significant (P 0.01) effect over pH, TSS, sensory and microbiological qualities of minimally processed litchis.  相似文献   
为实现高分2号图像(GF2)业务化大气校正,利用矢量6S模型(6SV)将辐射传输散射与吸收进行分离计算,其中散射部分采用涵盖各种大气模式、气溶胶类型、成像几何等条件下的大气校正查找表(look-up tables,LUTs)表示,大气吸收部分采用6SV拟合计算的6种大气模式下大气透过率的经验公式表示,这种处理有效简化了查找表大小.在内存4 GB、主频3.10 GHz条件下,通过比较基于本查找表方法和基于FLAASH大气校正软件对北京地区一景GF2数据处理.结果表明:以6SV模型直接大气校正法结果作为真值,两者的绝对误差分别为0.8%和2.6%,处理时间分别为77 s和240 s,该大气校正查找表在处理精度和效率更加适合业务化大气校正.  相似文献   
Coal combustion technologies are changing in order to burn coal more cleanly. Many “clean combustion“ and postcombustion technologies are developed to remove SO2 and NOx gases, particulate matter during combustion, or from the flue gases leaving the furnace. This paper focuses on three types of fly ash (flue gas desulfurization (FGD) residuals, atmospheric fluidized bed combustion (AFBC) residuals and sorbent duct injection (SDI) residuals) which produced by “the clean combustion“ and postcombustion technologies. The residuals formed by FGD are PCFA (pulverized coal fly ash) grains entrained with reacted and unreacted sorbent and have lower bulk densities than PCFA grains because it contains higher concentrations of calcium and sulfur, and lower concentrations of silicon, aluminum and iron than PCFAs. AFBC residuals consist of spent bed which is a heterogeneous mixture of coarse-grained bed material and irregularly shaped, unfused, spherical PCFAs. The main crystalline phases in AFBC residuals are anhydrite (reacted sorbent), quartz and lime (unreacted sobent), calcite, hematite, periclase, magnetite and feldspars.The residuals produced by SDI contained 65%-70% PCFA with the larger sizes material being irregularly shaped, fused or roughedged. The reaction products of sorbent (portlandite and lime) included calcium sulfate (anhydrite) and calcium sulfate. The chemical properties of these residuals are similar to those of high calcium PCFAs because of the high alkalinity and high pH of these residuals.  相似文献   
开展65 nm高速大容量静态随机存取存储器(SRAM)大气中子单粒子效应特性及试验评价技术研究,基于4 300 m高海拔地区大面积器件阵列实时测量试验,突破效应甄别、智能远程测控等关键技术,在153 d的试验时间内共观测到错误43次,其中器件内单粒子翻转39次,多单元翻转(MCU)在单粒子翻转中占比23%,最大的MCU为9位。对高能中子、热中子和封装α粒子的贡献比例进行了分析,并基于多地中子通量数据,推演得到北京地面和10 km高空应用时的单位翻转(SBU)和MCU失效率(FIT)。发现地面处软错误的主要诱因为封装α粒子,随着海拔的增高,大气中子对软错误的贡献比例明显增大;MCU全部由高能中子引起,北京10 km高空处的MCU FIT值明显增大,其占比由地面的8%增大至26%。结合器件版图布局,对MCU产生机理进行了深入分析。最后,提出一种目标导向的存储器软错误加固策略优化方法。  相似文献   
C. Guillén  J. Herrero 《Vacuum》2010,84(7):924-929
Transparent and conductive Al-doped ZnO (AZO) films have been grown with various thicknesses between 0.3 and 1.1 μm by magnetron sputtering at room temperature onto soda lime glass substrates. After deposition, the samples have been annealed at temperatures ranging from 150 to 450 °C in air or vacuum. The optical, electrical, and structural characteristics of the AZO coatings have been analyzed as a function of the film thickness and the annealing parameters by spectrophotometry, Hall effect measurements, and X-ray diffraction. As-grown layers are found polycrystalline, with hexagonal structure that shows some elongation of the unit cells along the c-axis, having visible transmittance ∼85-90% and resistivity ∼1.6-2.0 mΩ cm, both parameters slightly decreasing when the film thickness increases. Heating in air or vacuum produces further elongation of the crystalline lattice together with some increase of the visible transmittance and a decrease of the electrical resistance that depends on the heating temperature and atmosphere. The best characteristics have been obtained after treatment in vacuum at 350 °C, where the highest carrier concentrations are achieved, giving visible transmittance ∼90-95% and resistivity ∼0.8-0.9 mΩ cm for the AZO layers with various thicknesses. Some relationships between the analyzed properties have been established, showing the dependence of the lattice distortion, the band gap energy and the mobility on the carrier concentration.  相似文献   
直流磁控反应溅射制备ZAO薄膜工艺参数的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文对直流磁控反应溅射制备ZAO薄膜的工艺作了具体分析,探讨了沉积温度、氧分压、Al含量和靶基距等对ZAO薄膜的电阻率、可见光区透射率的影响。  相似文献   
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