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It has recently been shown that authenticated Byzantine agreement, in which more than a third of the parties are corrupted, cannot be securely realized under concurrent or parallel (stateless) composition. This result puts into question any usage of authenticated Byzantine agreement in a setting where many executions take place. In particular, this is true for the whole body of work of secure multi-party protocols in the case that a third or more of the parties are corrupted. This is because these protocols strongly rely on the extensive use of a broadcast channel, which is in turn realized using authenticated Byzantine agreement. We remark that it was accepted folklore that the use of a broadcast channel (or authenticated Byzantine agreement) is actually essential for achieving meaningful secure multi-party computation whenever a third or more of the parties are corrupted. In this paper we show that this folklore is false. We present a mild relaxation of the definition of secure computation allowing abort. Our new definition captures all the central security issues of secure computation, including privacy, correctness and independence of inputs. However, the novelty of the definition is in decoupling the issue of agreement from these issues. We then show that this relaxation suffices for achieving secure computation in a point-to-point network. That is, we show that secure multi-party computation for this definition can be achieved for any number of corrupted parties and without a broadcast channel (or trusted pre-processing phase as required for running authenticated Byzantine agreement). Furthermore, this is achieved by just replacing the broadcast channel in known protocols with a very simple and efficient echo-broadcast protocol. An important corollary of our result is the ability to obtain multi-party protocols that remain secure under composition, without assuming a broadcast channel.  相似文献   
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), or ‘mad cow disease’, is one of several transmissable spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) known to affect certain mammals and is spread through the ingestion of infected animal tissue. It is believed that the inadvertent contamination of meat and bone meal (MBM) with infected animal tissue and the subsequent use of this material as a feed supplement contributed to the spread of the disease in cattle. As a result, the use of processed animal proteins (PAPs) in animal feeds is regulated in many parts of the world. Although feed testing is the only definitive means to certify compliance, regulatory compliance often relies solely on paper certification. Recently, rapid methods have become available that can be used by regulators to determine compliance during routine inspections. We describe a rapid, immunochromatographic strip test that can detect 0.1% MBM in animal feed. The test takes 15 min to perform and large numbers of samples can be screened for PAPs simultaneously.  相似文献   
Analog circuits are one of the most important parts of modern electronic systems and the failure of electronic hardware presents a critical threat to the completion of modern aircraft, spacecraft, and robot missions. Compared to digital circuits, designing fault-tolerant analog circuits is a difficult and knowledge-intensive task. A simple but powerful method for robustness is a redundancy approach to use multiple circuits instead of single one. For example, if component failures occur, other redundant components can replace the functions of broken parts and the system can still work. However, there are several research issues to make the redundant system automatically. In this paper, we used evolutionary computation to generate multiple analog circuits automatically and then we combined the solutions to generate robust outputs. Evolutionary computation is a natural way to produce multiple redundant solutions because it is a population-based search. Experimental results on the evolution of the low-pass, high-pass and band-stop filters show that the combination of multiple evolved analog circuits produces results that are more robust than those of the best single circuit.  相似文献   
以凹凸棒粘土作为高水速凝固化充填材料的悬浮稳定剂,考察了不同制浆机械对凹凸棒粘土制浆率的影响。采用高剪切混合乳化机预制的1%凹凸棒粘土浆配制高水速凝固化充填材料甲、已料单浆可获得满意的悬浮稳定效果。其充填体结石抗压强度早期发展迅速,后期持续增长。采用此工艺,注浆料的材料成本仅增加2%。  相似文献   
添加物对ZrO2系快离子导体烧结性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了1320℃下,CaO,Y2O3等稳定剂,低融物组成及1-6价阳离子化合物对ZrO2烧结性能的影响并列举出材料的晶型及某些主要性能。  相似文献   
The modern technological advancement influences the growth of the cyber–physical system and cyber–social system to a more advanced computing system cyber–physical–social system (CPSS). Therefore, CPSS leads the data science revolution by promoting tri-space information resource from a single space. The establishment of CPSSs increases the related privacy concerns. To provide privacy on CPSSs data, various privacy-preserving schemes have been introduced in the recent past. However, technological advancement in CPSSs requires the modifications of previous techniques to suit its dynamics. Meanwhile, differential privacy has emerged as an effective method to safeguard CPSSs data privacy. To completely comprehend the state-of-the-art developments and learn the field’s research directions, this article provides a comprehensive review of differentially private data fusion and deep learning in CPSSs. Additionally, we present a novel differentially private data fusion and deep learning Framework for Cyber–Physical–Social Systems , and various future research directions for CPSSs.  相似文献   
引用优化设计中一维搜索和黄金分割法,针对数控加工中非圆曲线的处理,给出实用、简洁和新颖的宏程序实现方法,解决在数控系统中求解方程组的问题,是数控用户快速解决相关应用问题的有效手段。  相似文献   
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