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Studies on the deactivations and initiations of gas phase polymerizations of 1,3‐butadiene have been achieved by Monte Carlo simulation. Initiation and deactivation control the reaction before and after the peak of the polymerization rate, respectively. The influence of polymerization temperature has been studied. Monte Carlo modeling of polymerization kinetics and mechanism was confirmed by the agreement of experimental data and simulation results of polymerizations run with a temporary evacuation of monomer. The balance of catalysts and active chains is established by both initiation and chain transfer reactions with cocatalyst, which causes a ‘pseudo‐stability’ stage. © 2003 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
本文用计算机数字模拟方法研究了电活性分子多层Z型L-B膜修饰电极的循环伏安行为。计算了电极与修饰L-B膜分子第一层之间的电荷转移速度常数K_o,L-B膜分子层间的电荷转移速度常数k_i;对峰电位差△E_p及阳极峰面积Q的影响,以及在不同条件下各层分子的氧化态分数随扫描时间的变化。为研究和设计电活性分子修饰电极的实际体系提供了大量数据和信息。  相似文献   
Multi-valued and universal binary neurons (MVN and UBN) are the neural processing elements with the complex-valued weights and high functionality. It is possible to implement an arbitrary mapping described by partially defined multiple-valued function on the single MVN. An arbitrary mapping described by partially defined or fully defined Boolean function, which can be non-threshold, may be implemented on the single UBN. The quickly converging learning algorithms exist for both types of neurons. Such features of the MVN and UBN may be used for solving the different problems. One of the most successful applications of the MVN and UBN is their usage as basic neurons in the Cellular Neural Networks (CNN). It opens the new effective opportunities in nonlinear image filtering and its applications to noise reduction, edge detection and solving of the super resolution problem. A number of experimental results are presented to illustrate the performance of the proposed algorithms.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   
Tracking targets of interest is one of the major research areas in radar surveillance systems. We formulate the problem as incomplete data estimation and apply EM to the MAP estimate. The resulting filter has a recursive structure analogous to the Kalman filter. The advantage is that the measurement‐update deals with multiple measurements in parallel and the parameter‐update estimates the system parameters on the fly. Experiments tracking separate targets in parallel show that tracking maintenance ratio of the proposed system is better than that of NNF and RMS position error is smaller than that of PDAF. Also, the system parameters are correctly obtained even from incorrect initial values. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The difference in the turbulent diffusion between the active (heat) and passive (mass) scalars in a thermally stably stratified medium is investigated. The axisymmetric problem is treated on the formation of a turbulent circulation flow above a heated disk and on the turbulent diffusion of a passive scalar (impurity) from a continuous surface source in a stably stratified medium. The results indicate that the thermal stratification causes appreciable differences in the coefficients of turbulent transfer between the active (heat) and passive (mass) scalars. This means that the assumption of the identity of the coefficient of turbulent diffusion of heat and mass, employed in conventional models of turbulence, produces significant errors in estimating the heat and mass transfer in a thermally stably stratified medium.  相似文献   
The shape of the impactor with the maximum depth of penetration (DOP) for a given impact velocity is found using a numerical procedure for solving a corresponding non-classical variational problem. It is shown that the optimum shape in a general case is close to a blunt cone. The variation of the optimal shape of the impactor and the dependence of the DOP vs. the initial (impact) velocity and friction coefficient is studied. The analysis is performed also for optimal conical impactors.  相似文献   
Glucose oxidase (EC was immobilized on different polymeric materials using different immobilization techniques (entrapping by γ‐irradiation, and covalent binding using epichlorohydrin). Studies were carried out to increase the thermal stability of glucose oxidase (GOD) for different applications. The activity and stability of the resulting biopolymers have been compared with those of free GOD. The effect of different polyvinyl alcohol/polyacrylamide (PVA/PAAm) compositions of the copolymer carrier on the enzymatic activity of the immobilized GOD was studied. The maximum enzymatic activity was obtained with the composition ratio of PVA/PAAm of 60:40. The behaviour of the free and immobilized enzyme was analysed as a function of pH. A broadening in the pH profile (5.5–8) was observed for immobilized preparations. The activity and stability of the resulting biopolymers produced by immobilization of GOD onto different carriers have been compared, in both aqueous and organic media, with those of the free GOD. The enzyme's tolerance toward both heat and organic solvent was enhanced by immobilization onto polymers. The addition of different concentrations of organic solvents (10–50%, v/v) to the enzyme at higher temperature (60 °C) was found to stabilize the enzyme molecule. The strongest stabilizing effect on the enzymatic activity was achieved at a concentration of 10%. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
Photocatalytic ozonation (1O3 + VUV + TiO2), ozonation (O3), catalytic ozonation (O3 + TiO2), ozone photolysis (O3 + VUV), photocatalysis (TiO2 + VUV) and photolysis (VUV) have been compared in terms of formation of intermediates, extent of, mineralization (TOC, COD, chloride, nitrate) and kinetics in the aqueous treatment of three phenols (phenol, p‐chlorophenol and p‐nitrophenol). In all cases, photocatalytic ozonation led to lower degradation times for chemical oxygen demand and total organic carbon removal. Intermediates formed were similar in the different oxidation systems with some exceptions. They can be classified into three different types: polyphenols (resorcinol, catechol, hydroquinone), unsaturated carboxylic acids (maleic and fumaric acids) and saturated carboxylic acids (glyoxylic, formic and oxalic acids). First order kinetic equations have been checked for the oxidation processes studied in the case of the parent compound. Rate constants of these systems have also been calculated. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
The width of the transition layer between the crystalline and amorphous zones in nylon 1010 was determined by SAXS with point collimation and long-slit collimation, respectively. The width of the transition layer, E, was found to be 1.7 nm. The results show that the width of the transition layer is independent of crystallinity.  相似文献   
Z. Jiang  Q. Chen  A. Moser 《Indoor air》1992,2(3):168-179
In order to cumpare the peformance of different supply diffuers of ventilation air, the airflow passern, temperature stratifiation and contaminant dispersion in a furnitured office ventilated by three kinds of air diffuer were numerically investigated. The air diffuers studied in this paper are a quarter-cylinder displacement diffuer on the floor and mixing diffuers (linear and vortex diffuers) on the ceiling. The heat sources in the of-fice are considered to be 50% convective and 50% radiative. The k-? two-equatwn model of turbulence is employed to predict the turbulent diffusion. The results show that the displacement diffuser provides a rather uniform flow field with low velocify in most areas, and the vertical temperature difference from floor to ceiling is as high as 6 K. With the linear diffuser, the air velociry is high, and the temperature is uniform both horizontally and vertically. The air velocity generated by the vortex diffuser is moderate. The distributions of the temperature and the contaminant are rather uniform.  相似文献   
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