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The paper describes an effectiveness-NTU design method of bayonet-tube evaporators and condensers. Including the effect of the wall superheat on the shell-side film coefficient, and using an energy balance on the tube, differential equations for the steady-state fluid temperatures are formulated. Because of the nonlinear nature of the governing equations, the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method is employed to the solution of the finite difference equations. The results are iterated with the combination of integration techniques. An upper bound to the numerical error being ±5% the fluid temperature distribution as well as the exchanger effectiveness are determined, and presented as a function of the Hurd number, the number of heat transfer units and the flow arrangement. For flow entering through the inner tube, the temperature distribution displays the occurrence of a minimum at a point other than the tube-tip of the exchanger. In an extension of the analysis, an effort is made to illustrate the deviation of the results obtained by uniform film coefficient from the present study, and the differences are outlined.  相似文献   
An analysis is presented of longitudinal waves in a thin elastic column. Velocity is specified at one end, and the boundary condition at the other end is expressed in terms of a range of effective impedances of an attached structure. Propagation, reflection and interference of the waves are followed by the method of characteristics. Integration of differential equations along characteristics yields the wave-induced stress, which is then applied to problems of earthquake excitation. Numerical examples are given for recorded updown ground motion of the Kobe Earthquake.  相似文献   
This paper presents an exact non‐reflecting boundary condition for dealing with transient scalar wave propagation problems in a two‐dimensional infinite homogeneous layer. In order to model the complicated geometry and material properties in the near field, two vertical artificial boundaries are considered in the infinite layer so as to truncate the infinite domain into a finite domain. This treatment requires the appropriate boundary conditions, which are often referred to as the artificial boundary conditions, to be applied on the truncated boundaries. Since the infinite extension direction is different for these two truncated vertical boundaries, namely one extends toward x →∞ and another extends toward x→‐ ∞, the non‐reflecting boundary condition needs to be derived on these two boundaries. Applying the variable separation method to the wave equation results in a reduction in spatial variables by one. The reduced wave equation, which is a time‐dependent partial differential equation with only one spatial variable, can be further changed into a linear first‐order ordinary differential equation by using both the operator splitting method and the modal radiation function concept simultaneously. As a result, the non‐reflecting artificial boundary condition can be obtained by solving the ordinary differential equation whose stability is ensured. Some numerical examples have demonstrated that the non‐reflecting boundary condition is of high accuracy in dealing with scalar wave propagation problems in infinite and semi‐infinite media. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
管内覆丝网强化对流换热及阻力特性的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过实验对管内覆丝网管进行了强迫对流换热和阻力特性研究。结果表明:管内覆丝网使换热明显增强,阻力也相应增长。菱形丝网对角线距离与平行边距离之比对换热效果有决定作用,丝网厚度对换热的影响比较小,而丝网网格的大小对换热几乎没有影响,在相同的泵功率和几何条件下,换热系数最大增加21%。  相似文献   
孙官清 《核技术》1995,18(4):227-230
对不同能量、不同质量数、不同初始条件的入射束和有无空间电荷效应的离子束流在高梯度加速管中的传输进行了计算,并讨论了一些影响加速管聚焦作用的主要因素,计算结果与实际情况相符。  相似文献   
该文较详细地介绍了I.O.T管的发展历程,其特点及工作方式。  相似文献   
利用平板型热管纺丝装置对普通高速纺丝机进行技术改造,并一步法生产出充分结晶的PET纤维(FCY)。该纤维可直接用于织造,调节热管温度、热管安装位置可获得满足后道工序不同需要的FCY。  相似文献   
李从春 《钢管》1995,(2):32-34
介绍了LG55冷轧管机使用Φ7~32mm、Φ50~32mm孔型轧制小直径不锈钢管的工艺特点。试验表明,两种孔型可行,且Φ57~32mm孔型的综合使用效果更好。  相似文献   
The Finite Volume Particle Method (FVPM) is a meshless method based on a definition of interparticle area which is closely analogous to cell face area in the classical finite volume method. In previous work, the interparticle area has been computed by numerical integration, which is a source of error and is extremely expensive. We show that if the particle weight or kernel function is defined as a discontinuous top-hat function, the particle interaction vectors may be evaluated exactly and efficiently. The new formulation reduces overall computational time by a factor between 6.4 and 8.2. In numerical experiments on a viscous flow with an analytical solution, the method converges under all conditions. Significantly, in contrast with standard FVPM and SPH, error depends on particle size but not on particle overlap (as long as the computational domain is completely covered by particles). The new method is shown to be superior to standard FVPM for shock tube flow and inviscid steady transonic flow. In benchmarking on a viscous multiphase flow application, FVPM with exact interparticle area is shown to be competitive with a mesh-based volume-of-fluid solver in terms of computational time required to resolve the structure of an interface.  相似文献   
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