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The unsteady magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow of a viscous, incompressible and electrically conducting fluid in a rectangular duct with a perturbed boundary, is investigated. A small boundary perturbation ε is applied on the upper wall of the duct which is encountered in the visualization of the blood flow in constricted arteries. The MHD equations which are coupled in the velocity and the induced magnetic field are solved with no-slip velocity conditions and by taking the side walls as insulated and the Hartmann walls as perfectly conducting. Both the domain boundary element method (DBEM) and the dual reciprocity boundary element method (DRBEM) are used in spatial discretization with a backward finite difference scheme for the time integration. These MHD equations are decoupled first into two transient convection–diffusion equations, and then into two modified Helmholtz equations by using suitable transformations. Then, the DBEM or DRBEM is used to transform these equations into equivalent integral equations by employing the fundamental solution of either steady-state convection–diffusion or modified Helmholtz equations. The DBEM and DRBEM results are presented and compared by equi-velocity and current lines at steady-state for several values of Hartmann number and the boundary perturbation parameter.  相似文献   
This study aimed to evaluate the influence of plasma treatment time, bacterial exposure time to PAW and bacterial species on the inactivation efficacy of plasma-activated water (PAW), with additional investigation of the inactivation mechanisms of PAW. Six bacterial species, including Listeria innocua, Staphyloccus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Shewanella putrefaciens and Aeromonas hydrophila were selected as the representative bacteria. The initial bacterial concentration was around 7 log CFU ml−1 after mixing with PAW, and the inactivation efficacy was measured after different exposure times during the 4 °C storage. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of the bacteria after PAW treatment were carried out to inspect the cell structure damage, and physicochemical properties of PAW, including pH, conductivity and long-living reactive species of H2O2, , and , were examined. The results showed that the inactivation efficacy of PAW was positively correlated with plasma treatment time and bacterial exposure time, and for the species examined in this study, the Gram-negative species were more sensitive to PAW than the Gram-positive species. Cell structure damage, including shrinkage, distortion, or holes, was observed after PAW treatment. The pH of PAW was acidified to 2.5–2.9, and conductivity was significantly increased to 518.0 μs cm−1. and H2O2 were reduced during the 48 h storage, while an increased concentration was observed for . This study demonstrated that the processing parameters of plasma treatment time, exposure time and characteristics of bacteria can significantly affect the inactivation efficacy of PAW.  相似文献   
The results of a system analysis of the efficiency of nitrous oxide(N_2O) as a propellant component for small space vehicles(SSV) were presented. A criterion for mass efficiency of the SSV propulsion system(PS) is determined. The current global state-of-the-art of SSV PSs is shown. The application field of nitrous oxide in SSV PSs is calculated and mass efficiency of N_2O application is quantitatively determined. An overview of physical and chemical as well as operational properties of nitrous oxide as a promising, non-toxic component of rocket propellant is provided. Main physical and chemical constants of gaseous and liquid nitrous oxide; chemical properties of N_2O, thermal stability of N_2O, catalytic decomposition of N_2O, a mechanism of decomposition of N_2O, catalysts for decomposition of N_2O, ballast additives to N_2O, application of nitrous oxide, nitrous oxide as a rocket propellant, production of nitrous oxide, toxicity of nitrous oxide, fire hazard of N_2O, requirements to equipment when handling N_2O; storage and transportation of N_2O are considered. It is demonstrated that nitrous oxide is a chemical compound meeting the requirements to rocket propellants, including those related to the environmental friendliness of propellants. With 75 references.  相似文献   
The gel-forming ability of myofibrillar protein (MP) is highly correlated with the characteristics of emulsified meat products. Incorporation of Agaricus bisporus (Ab) powder into MP gels may enhance its gel properties to facilitate the development of a novel and safe meat product. Therefore, this study investigated the effects of Ab powder on gel strength, water holding capacity (WHC), texture, rheological behaviour, LF-NMR spin–spin relaxation (T2), microstructure and protein secondary structure of the MP gel system. The results indicated that the gel strength, WHC, G' value and G" value were significantly improved when the addition of Ab powder increased from 0% to 6% (P < 0.05). Meanwhile, the T2 relaxation time was shortened, and free water was transformed into immobilised water. The texture of the gel was improved when 1%–4% Ab powder was added compared to the control. Furthermore, Ab filled in the gel network and promoted the unfolding of MP α-helix and the formation of MP β-sheet during the thermal denaturation of MP, leading to a dense aggregated network structure. The study suggested that Ab could be a promising ingredient in improving chicken MP's gel properties and developing fat-reduced meat products.  相似文献   
The security of future supply with natural resources has to comply with objectives towards a sustainable and responsible development. Resources from the geosphere and recycling material from the technosphere may be grouped in a hierarchy the top of which is made up by fossil energy raw materials and of resources from occurrences which were formed by enrichment processes. The base of the hierarchy is made up by bulk raw materials which occur in unlimited amounts in the crust of the Earth and in the sea water and by waste and residues as potential raw materials. Optimising the efficiency of raw materials takes place if material from a lower level substitutes material from a higher level. Highest efficiency is reached if fossil energy from the top of the hierarchy is substituted or consumption is reduced.  相似文献   
Search for conditions of conservation of fast ionic transport (FIT) in nanosystems of advanced superionic conductors (ASIC)[1-4] and synthesis of new types of device thin-film heterostructures on this basis is a fundamental scientific problem. ASICs (α-AgI, solid electrolytes of the family RbAg4I5, etc. ) are crystals with a record high level of ionic conductivity and a low value of activation energy E~0. 1 eV.  相似文献   
根据实验室的试验结果,推荐应用浮选萃取联合工艺从水溶液中回收Mo(Ⅵ)。这一工艺包括制取以钼酸铵形式的商品,和对所有的有机试剂作再生处理。萃取Mo(Ⅵ)的准备系统,应包括在反萃取胺和用NaOH使水溶液碱化到pH=12以后,通过添加水溶液以使煤油、壬醇和AHII捕收剂按规定的比例进行混合等作业。对在萃取器中获得的混合液进行相分离后,有机溶液可用作泡沫浮选萃取Mo(Ⅵ)的萃取剂,而水溶液则加入到原始溶液中。  相似文献   
Training and continuous education is today for the management of a mineral producing operation more important than ever before. The focus of education today in the field of mineral producing industry has not only to be dedicated versus the needs of the industry but also versus the importance of the ever increasing need of societal acceptance of industrial operations. Therefore it is expected that graduates from mining schools not only have a good knowledge of technical and economical subjects but also a good background for the realisation of environmental and safety targets for the people at work and in the neighbourhood of an operation. A strong request to the education and training at university level is therefore not only to deliver a broad knowledge but also the formation of a basis which allows to obtain authority for functions as “safety expert”, “Mine rescuer”, “waste disposal expert” and others. In the text the contents of the BSc study program “Natural resources” are reviewed and the training and education for a “Natural Resources Manager” together with the required continuous education is discussed.  相似文献   
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