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To bring computer vision closer to human vision, we attempt to enable computer to understand the occlusion relationship in an image. In this paper, we propose five low dimensional region-based occlusion cues inspired by the human perception of occlusion. These cues are semantic cue, position cue, compactness cue, shared boundary cue and junction cue. We apply these cues to predict the region-wise occlusion relationship in an image and infer the layer sequence of the image scene. A preference function, trained with samples consisting of these cues, is defined to predict the occlusion relationship in an image. Then we put all the occlusion predictions into the layering algorithm to infer the layer sequence of the image scene.The experiments on rural, artificial and outdoor scene datasets show the effectiveness of our method for occlusion relationship prediction and image scene layering.  相似文献   
在分析了数字版权研究现状和功能框架的基础上,设计了基于多重数字水印和密码的版权管理模型;该模型采用数字内容和许可证各自单独封装、独立分发的方式,使得只有购买了许可证的特定用户才能使用数字内容,实现了水印作品的许可交易;另外,内容服务器采用的对数字作品加载两次水印,对数字内容部分签名加密,未加密部分签名的方案,在有效保证数字内容安全传输的基础上又减少了计算量和存储量;分析表明该模型有显著的优点和很好的安全性。  相似文献   
本文从城市多元化的视角阐释美国电视剧《老友记》成功的原因,展现以纽约为代表的多元化现代都市中的各种元素的碰撞,并进一步预测这些大城市的未来命运。  相似文献   
The oxidation state of sulfur is detected in Na2O-CaO-SiO2 float glass by synchrotron radiation X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectra at the sulfur K edge. The measured spectra show the only presence of S6+ in the Na2O-CaO-SiO2 float glass and the oxidation state of sulfur do not change with the increase of glass depth. It is also found that, after the melt has gone through the molten tin bath, the S6+ is the dominant species, but S2- is also present on both surfaces. It is not certain whether cation bonds to S2- or not, because there are many cations dissolved in the melted tin which makes the spectrum complicated.  相似文献   
为了增强BP网隐层的归纳能力,文[1]提出了调整权重的熵方法,我们在文[2]中给出了基于能量函数的改进算法,本文把文[1]算法与文[2]算法结合在一起给出了新算法,实验证明此算法既能大大加快收敛速度,又可增强网的归纳能力。  相似文献   
运用线性移位寄存器(LFSR)序列模2个不同素数时的周期一般不同这一性质,尝试构造分解另一类RSA模数的方法;指出对于RSA模数n=pq的一个素因子P,当P2+p+1,P3+P2+p+1,…其中之一仅含有小的素因子时,给出的算法能够分解合数n=pq,并给出了一个基于三级LFSR分解合数的实例来说明算法的具体运算步骤.根据该分解算法,在选取RSA模数时,为确保安全性,除避免已知的不安全因素以外,还需要保证n的素因子P满足P2+P+1,P3+P2+P+1,…均包含大的素因子.  相似文献   
工艺参数对马氏体不锈钢激光冲击区表面轮廓的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
激光功率密度和搭接率对马氏体不锈钢的激光冲击区的表面轮廓有较大影响.激光功率密度从3.79 GW/cm2到7.25 GW/cm2,冲击区塑性变形程度随功率密度增大而增大,当激光功率密度为6.09 GW/cm2时,冲击区塑性变形程度适中,其残余应力平均值达-569.1 MPa.搭接率试验结果表明,搭接率为33%时,可获得较大面积无挤出的激光冲击区,无挤出区域的塑性均匀,变形深度波动幅度在2μm以内,而且此搭接率下冲击区挤出面积较小,分布具有规律,便于再次冲击以降低冲击区的表面波纹度.  相似文献   
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