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采用有效容积依次递增的预塔、中塔、后塔三个碳化塔串联,塔内气液连续逆流操作、塔间气液连续并流或错流操作,严格控制氢氧化钙浆液的浓度、流量、温度和碳化气的浓度、流量,并通过pH计或电导仪进行跟踪检测碳化度,可实现纳米碳酸钙生产工艺连续化、产品质量稳定化、产量规模化. 相似文献
纳米粉体粒度特性表征方法讨论 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
实验中采用不同的方法对四种ZrO2纳米粉体的颗粒特性进行了表征。对颗粒呈现球形、不发生硬团聚的微小粒子,例如YSZ—KD试样,一次颗粒粒度为10~15nm,比表面为64.2m^2/g,采用XRD获得的微晶粒子尺寸与TEM和BET方法获得的颗粒尺寸相一致。由于比表面高,颗粒之间容易发生静电力、范德华力和液桥力的作用而软团聚在一起,其团聚系数较大为62.5,粒度分布宽度为14.58。TEM和BET与XRD方法获得的颗粒尺寸出现偏差,说明YSZ—HW1、YSZ—TH试样中出现了基元为2~3的多晶颗粒,多晶颗粒存在使得颗粒体偏离球形。团聚系数为25.71,粒度分布宽度为18.94的YSZ—HW1试样中仍存在较多的软团聚体,团聚系数为6.89,粒度分布宽度为8.91的YSZ—TH试样中软团聚状况明显较少。YSZ—HW2试样中TEM和BET与XRD方法获得的颗粒尺寸出现很大偏差,说明其中存在较多的硬团聚体,硬团聚体使得颗粒呈现不规则外形,其比表面小,活性低,表现为团聚系数小,粒度分布窄。 相似文献
高钨高硅电炉锡渣烟化条件下的特性 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
针对高钨高硅电炉锡渣,考察炉渣发泡性能,测定其熔点、粘度,分析WO3等组分对各性质的影响。通过化学分析、化学物相分析、X射线衍射、电子探针、光学显微镜鉴定等手段,查明高钨高硅电炉锡渣的相组成及化学元素在各相中的分配以及渣中各相相对百分含量、结构构造、各矿物相的嵌布关系等。对在烟化条件下的炉渣成分、发泡性能、粘度、炉渣中的锡相等特性进行研究和分析。指出电炉锡渣可通过适当措施顺利实现烟化作业。它为烟化法处理该复杂物料提供了理论依据,也是完善冶炼工艺和条件的前提和基础。 相似文献
Examining the carbon agenda via the 40% House scenario 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
《Building Research & Information》2007,35(4):363-378
An extension of ASM2d including pH calculation 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
This paper presents an extension of the Activated Sludge Model No. 2d (ASM2d) including a chemical model able to calculate the pH value in biological processes. The developed chemical model incorporates the complete set of chemical species affecting the pH value to ASM2d describing non-equilibrium biochemical processes. It considers the system formed by one aqueous phase, in which biochemical processes take place, and one gaseous phase, and is based on the assumptions of instantaneous chemical equilibrium under liquid phase and kinetically governed mass transport between the liquid and gas phase. The ASM2d enlargement comprises the addition of every component affecting the pH value and an ion-balance for the calculation of the pH value and the dissociation species. The significant pH variations observed in a sequencing batch reactor operated for enhanced biological phosphorus removal were used to verify the capability of the extended model for predicting the dynamics of pH jointly with concentrations of acetic acid and phosphate. A pH inhibition function for polyphosphate accumulating bacteria has also been included in the model to simulate the behaviour observed. Experimental data obtained in four different experiments (with different sludge retention time and influent phosphorus concentrations) were accurately reproduced. 相似文献
Pasi Tolppanen Ove Stephansson Lars Stenlid 《Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment》2002,61(1):35-42
Degradation behaviour of aggregate particles of the size of railroad ballast (32–63 mm) is examined using Los Angeles (LA)
milling and 3-D scanning techniques. Seven different rock types were tested at four stages of milling. For the analytical
geometry and topography characterization, a new method based on Fourier and power spectra was used. The results are compared
with those obtained using geometrical methods and traditional manual measurements. Diminishing of surface roughness and dimensions
is evident. The change in roughness was 20–35% and for maximum dimensions of less than 10% in the case of hard rock types.
The LA value was less than 15. For the weaker particles values of more than 40% and more than 20%, respectively, were obtained.
The fractal dimension approached a value of 2 as a function of milling rates.
Electronic Publication 相似文献
Iron photochemical oxidation has been used to remove muconic acid from water. Two different light systems were used: black lamps and solar irradiation. The effect of iron concentration, intensity of incident radiation, pH and presence of oxalic acid was investigated. The first two variables yield positive effects on the removal rate of muconic acid while higher efficiency was achieved at pH 3. Oxalic acid enhances the oxidation rate because of the formation of photoactive ferrioxalate ion. Stoichiometric results indicated formation of two hydroxyl radicals to degrade 1 mol of muconic acid. At similar experimental conditions, initial oxidation rates of muconic acid were higher when solar light was used to irradiate the aqueous solutions, although in this case, the oxidation process is stopped because of the consumption of photoactive species. 相似文献