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鉴于钛合金材料的声各向异性和高声波衰减系数使疲劳试验过程中的声发射监测十分困难。提出了小波包与AR谱相结合对钛合金材料声发射信号进行分析的方法。即对输出信号进行小波包分解,然后分频段对信号进行重构得到包含不同频率成分的时域信号,再进行AR谱分析,从而提取出频谱特征。分析表明,该方法对利用声发射信号分析钛合金材料部件的损伤和裂纹扩展是有效的。可为钛合金部件损伤和裂纹扩展的识别提供可靠的依据。  相似文献   
基于Matlab的AR模型参数估计   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
基于Matlab用时间序列的最小二乘估计和FPE、AIC、BIC准则对AR(n)模型进行参数估计。用实例说明运用Matlab进行AR(n)参数估计,编程简单,分析直观  相似文献   
Performance prediction of TBMs is an essential part of project scheduling and cost estimation. This process involves a good understanding of the complexities in the site geology, machine specification, and site management. Various approaches have been used over the years to estimate TBM performance in a given ground condition, many of them were successful and within an acceptable range, while some missing the actual machine performance by a notable margin. Experience shows that the best approach for TBM performance prediction is to use various models to examine the range of estimated machine penetration and advance rates and choose a rate that best represents the working conditions that is closest to the setting of the model used for the estimation. This allows the engineers to avoid surprises and to identify the parameters that could dominate machine performance in each case. This paper reviews the existing models for performance prediction of TBMs and some of the ongoing research on developing better models for improved accuracy of performance estimate and increasing TBM utilization.  相似文献   
刘会军  张爱林 《钢结构》2009,24(7):11-15
大跨空间结构在风等交变荷载作用下,结构的应力循环交替变化,可能形成结构的疲劳损伤。通过对2008奥运羽毛球馆采用总寿命法进行疲劳分析,结合疲劳分析的基本理论,运用雨流计数法,统计出了应力循环历程,采用Miner线性累积损伤理论,得到了结构在荷载过后的疲劳损伤程度,找到了疲劳危险区域,得出了一些结论。  相似文献   
Evacuation in an emergency is always an important issue for shopping malls, subway stations and other populous indoor places. The purpose of evacuation is to evacuate people from the danger zone through exits within the shortest possible time. To help evacuation missions to be carried out efficiently and effectively by rescuers, a fast evacuation approach is needed.  相似文献   
在计算与分析广州地区33年实测月降水量序列统计参数的基础上,将月降水量序列进行对数变换,采用一阶AR(P)模型建立了月降水量随机模拟模型。通过与实测结果的比较检验了该模型的适用性。  相似文献   
路面不平度模拟及其可视化系统的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
根据路面不平度、自相关函数及功率谱密度三者之问的关系,利用时域AR模型模拟了国标GB7031-86规定的各级路面不平度,并且在Visual C++6.0环境下利用跨平台的虚拟现实集成开发包WTK9.0实现了各级路面不平度的可视化。  相似文献   
建立打浆度、定量、水分等信号随机分量的自回归(AR)模型,并采用Levinson-Durbin递推算法对AR模型参数进行在线估计,由AR模型参数得到信号的功率谱估计,并根据功率谱的变化预测断纸过程的发生.将这种方法应用于生产,实践表明预报效果显著.  相似文献   
Abstract. Several models have been proposed in recent years for analysing spatial data and also, to some extent, spatio‐temporal data. One of the important problems, namely the choice of an appropriate model for describing real data sets, remains unsolved. Here we consider the analysis of spatio‐temporal processes from which observations over space and time are available. We propose statistical tests for discriminating between space–time autoregressive processes and multivariate autoregressive processes. The sampling properties of the proposed tests are considered. We illustrate the methods with a real example. We use the above tests to find the best model to describe spatio‐temporal variations of hourly carbon monoxide measurements at four locations in London in January 2004.  相似文献   
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