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This paper presents a demonstration of a methodology for fault removal during software development. The methodology encompasses the entire development history, from system and software requirements generation to system test. Thus it considers not only the faults during software testing after formal configuration controls have been invoked, but also the faults discovered prior to that phase: during system and software requirements generation, preliminary design, detailed design and code and unit testing. The agents for fault discovery used in verification and validation are called activities, techniques and tools (AT & Ts) in this paper, each having a certain maximum potential or capability for fault discovery. The AT & Ts considered include the usual specification review activities, and also certain tools not normally applied in ‘standard’ software development, such as automated requirements aids. Application of the methodology yields numbers of residual faults as of each phase of development, including those remaining to be discovered during operations and maintenance. Some previous experience and data on residual faults correspond to these results, indicating that the methodology and choice of parameters are reasonable. The methodology also allows one to calculate a relative loss due to delay in fault discovery, which, as is well known, rises rapidly when faults are not discovered during the phase in which they are generated.  相似文献   
We introduce a probability model for populations of cells and viruses that interact in the presence of an anti-viral agent. Cells can be infected by viruses, and their longevity and ability to avoid infection are modified if they survive successive attacks by viruses. Viruses that survive the effect of the anti-viral agent may find that their ability to survive a future encounter with molecules of the anti-viral agent is modified, as is their ability to infect a healthy cell. Additionally, we assume that the anti-viral agents can be a cocktail with different proportions of agents that target different strains of the virus. In this paper, we give the state equations for the model and derive its analytical solution in steady state. The solution then provides insight into the appropriate mix or “cocktail” of anti-viral agents that can be designed to deal with the virus' ability to mutate. In particular, the analysis shows that the concentration of anti-viral agent by itself does not suffice to ultimately control the infection, and that it is important to dose a mix of anti-viral agents so as to target each strain of virus in a specific manner, taking into account the ability of each virus strain to survive in the presence of the anti-viral agents. Models of this kind may eventually lead to the computer aided design of therapeutic protocols or drug design.  相似文献   
云计算是一种基于互联网的计算方式,通过这种方式,共享的软硬件资源和信息可以按需提供给计算机和其他设备,该技术是一种近些年来发展的新兴科技,同时在一定的程度之上遍布于软件企业的各个领域之中,引导着当前软件企业发展的方向.基于此,本文探讨了云计算背景之下软件企业创新的趋势.  相似文献   
本文在概述软件教学体系及其理论的基础上,结合软件教学的特点,阐述了软件教学体系的结构、应用环境以及在教学中将遇到的问题和解决对策,并描述了"软件教学资源网系统"建立的目的、设计方案、功能及开发环境。  相似文献   
基于MIS的计算机应用基础课程教辅软件遵循先进务实的设计理念,以满足课程教学一线的实际需求为前提,以提升教学效果、学习效率、拓展教学时空等为目标设计和实现,通过教学实践证明其具有一定的应用价值和推广价值。  相似文献   
李沁  缪瑨 《计算机科学》2015,42(10):184-188
应用程序通过操作系统的系统调用对文件描述符进行操作并管理文件资源。如果应用程序对资源描述符的管理出现错误并发生描述符泄漏,会严重影响系统的可用性。据此,提出了一种检查程序是否会导致描述符泄漏的类型系统,给出了描述符操作方法的语义和类型约束,证明了类型系统的可靠性定理。此外,还初步讨论了该类型系统在并发程序下的扩展。  相似文献   
对软件开发框架模型提出了一种新的构化的分析方法,同时介绍了常用的结构化分析的工具及其更实用情况。  相似文献   
针对软件工程课程本身的特点,对软件工程双语教学的必要性﹑可行性进行分析。通过软件工程专业课程双语教学的实践,探讨双语教学的经验和体会。并结合一般本科院校的实际,从教学方式、考试、教材、教室等多个方面提出具体的改进措施。  相似文献   
针对电力监控系统具有实时性、可靠性、硬件依赖等特点,为了保证电力监控系统的可靠、安全和稳定性。提出了适用于该系统的测试方法。根据系统的特点制定了相应的测试策略,并进行了测试的总体设计和测试用例的设计。最后通过对测试环境的分析,开发了相应的模拟器。通过模拟器和测试用例实现了测试的自动化。根据测试的过程和结果表明,采用正确的测试设计方法能够有效的发现系统中存在的问题,保证系统的质量。  相似文献   
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