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颜鑫  唐新军 《非金属矿》2007,30(6):41-43,59
采用有效容积依次递增的预塔、中塔、后塔三个碳化塔串联,塔内气液连续逆流操作、塔间气液连续并流或错流操作,严格控制氢氧化钙浆液的浓度、流量、温度和碳化气的浓度、流量,并通过pH计或电导仪进行跟踪检测碳化度,可实现纳米碳酸钙生产工艺连续化、产品质量稳定化、产量规模化.  相似文献   
李吉宝 《煤炭技术》2005,24(6):36-38
通过介绍磁场换向原理,使用MATLAB仿真并结合现场实际的数据,讨论了全数字磁场换向直流调速系统中应注意的一些问题。  相似文献   
本文利用Aster遥感数字图像,建立了彬县煤矸石电厂评价区各土地利用现状类型的遥感影像特征,采用目视解译和人机交互解译相结合的方法,圈定了土地利用现状类型范围,在此基础上,进行土地利用类型面积统计,总结各土地利用现状的空间分布特征,为了科学地评价电厂建设对生态环境的影响提供了基础依据。  相似文献   
Based on the phenomenon that acoustic emissions (AE) generated by rock massincreas uddenly because of underground excavation, time sequence of AE rate in rock failurehas been discussed by using statistical damage theory. It has been demonstrated that how theinfluence of confining pressure on the deformation behavior and AE characteristics in rocks can beinferred from a simple mechanics model. The results show that loading confining pressure sharplybrings out increasing of AE. On the other hand, few AE emits when confining pressure is loadedsharply, and AE occurs again when axial pressure keeps on increasing. These results have beenwell simulated with computer and show close correspondence with directly measured curves“ inexperiments.  相似文献   
在分析目前煤矿井下综合保护系统存在问题的基础上,设计了一种新型的以MSP430单片机为核心的智能化综合保护系统,本文重点分析了系统的基本保护原理,并介绍了系统的硬件和软件。现场运行表明该保护系统性能稳定,动作可靠,具有良好的应用价值。  相似文献   
The authors’ group has been conducting full-scale measurements of wind velocities with Doppler sodars. It is very important to accurately assess the profiles of mean wind speeds and turbulence intensities in relation to terrain roughness. In this study, the profiles were evaluated for all data measured over a long period at a seashore and two inland sites. It is confirmed that for strong winds the profiles can be approximated by a single power law at altitudes between 50 and 340 m. The power law exponents of the mean wind speed profiles are approximately 0.1 for wind from the sea and 0.2-0.3 for wind blown over land. Those of the turbulence intensity profiles are approximately 0 and −0.2 to 0.4, respectively.  相似文献   
文章在对造成二总线火灾报警系统带载能力差的原因分析的基础上,指出了探测器的工人流是影响其带载能力的重要因素,并提出了解决办法。  相似文献   
孙瑜 《兵工自动化》2006,25(2):38-39
采用交变磁场测量的圆柱体表面缺陷的ANSYS仿真,以各向同性铝圆柱体为试件,采用柱坐标系及矩形激励线圈,电流流向为圆柱体轴向.将圆柱体体划分后再对各分体局部网格划分.划分较密的缺陷部分向周围划分较疏部分过渡时,采用四面体自由划分衔接.对带有表面周向缺陷的圆柱体网格划分后,产生的单元类型为四面体与六面体的混合.其仿真采用波前求解器.仿真路径为激励线圈沿缺陷长度方向、经过缺陷中心点进行周向移动.  相似文献   
本文在总结现场监理工作经验的基础上,简要介绍了弱电系统和机房接地的重要性及技术要点。  相似文献   
施丽娜 《山西建筑》2003,29(7):161-162
介绍了小电流接地系统的优点 ,就如何正确选择故障线路加以分析 ,提出了零序电流的采集原则及方法 ,并对零序电流互感器的正确使用作了说明  相似文献   
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