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Based on the phenomenon that acoustic emissions (AE) generated by rock massincreas uddenly because of underground excavation, time sequence of AE rate in rock failurehas been discussed by using statistical damage theory. It has been demonstrated that how theinfluence of confining pressure on the deformation behavior and AE characteristics in rocks can beinferred from a simple mechanics model. The results show that loading confining pressure sharplybrings out increasing of AE. On the other hand, few AE emits when confining pressure is loadedsharply, and AE occurs again when axial pressure keeps on increasing. These results have beenwell simulated with computer and show close correspondence with directly measured curves“ inexperiments.  相似文献   
李顺  高勇 《矿业安全与环保》2017,44(3):20-23,28
在地下空间突发灾难后通信中断的情况下,基于刚性管道的应急声通信系统可为搜救被困人员提供有效保障。在现有的管道应急声通信系统中,存在传输效率较低的缺点,针对该问题,提出一种基于差分Pattern时延差编码的管道应急声通信方法,可有效提高管道应急声通信系统的传输效率。实际的管道实验结果证明了该方法的有效性与可行性,与原来的通信系统相比,相同条件下的通信速率有了较大提高,并具有一定的抗干扰性能。  相似文献   
声学-结构设计灵敏度分析   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
声学 -结构设计灵敏度分析揭示了结构振动引起的辐射声压与结构设计变量之间的关系。分别用有限元法和边界元法计算结构设计灵敏度和声学灵敏度。将两个灵敏度结合得到最终的声学 -结构设计灵敏度。在边界元计算中 ,采用退化元处理奇异积分问题 ,对特征频率不唯一问题采用CHIEF方法处理。以脉动球和箱体为例 ,验证了算法的可行性和精确性。  相似文献   
Superlattices with magnetic layers containing from 8 to 16 GaMnAs monolayers corresponding to the mixed crystal composition between 5 and 6% of Mn and from 4 to 10 GaAs monolayers were grown by the low temperature MBE technique and characterized by Raman scattering. Folded acoustic phonons were observed for all superlattices in the Raman scattering spectra. The interlayer exchange coupling, found previously by the wide-angle neutron diffraction in selected superlattices was investigated by the spin-polarized neutron reflectometry. It was always of ferromagnetic type, no trace of antiferromagnetic coupling was found.  相似文献   
输气管道音波泄漏检测技术的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
输气管道泄漏的检测与定位,是管道维护及管道安全运行的重要研究课题.将音波检测方法应用于输气管道的泄漏检测,介绍了音波泄漏检测与定位的基本原理.阐述了采用相关分析法进行泄漏定位的数据处理方法.设计完成了传感器信号提取、模拟信号滤波和A/D数据转换等硬件电路.在单片机上移植Small Rtos51嵌入式实时操作系统,有效管理检测任务,实现信号采集、数据传输和异常情况处理,从而提高了系统的实时性和可靠性.通过搭建输气管道试验平台,对试验数据采集、处理及仿真,论证了音波检测方法应用于输气管道泄漏检测的可行性.  相似文献   
将约束优化理论引入声学设计领域,以带结构的水下隔声层为分析对象,阐述了序列二次规划算法用于声学优化设计的基本过程和关键步骤。通过对带结构的水下隔声层所用橡胶材料参数的优化设计,为水下隔声橡胶的参数设计提供了设计的基本方向,对于提高其水下隔声性能具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Using the results of experiments with rock salt samples under various loading regimes as an example, the regularities of the Kaiser effect formation and manifestation in rocks with plastic properties are investigated.  相似文献   
Metallochloronitrides are layered conductors that have recently been found to superconduct at critical temperatures up to T c 26 K. It is known that the electron–phonon interaction is small in these systems, so that the conventional pairing mechanism through exchange of phonons is unable to provide for such high T cs. We show that the dominant contribution to the pairing interaction in these materials comes from the exchange of low-energy collective modes, specific to layered conductors. The existence of such acoustic plasmons results from the incomplete screening of the Coulomb interaction perpendicular to the conducting planes which expresses itself in the dynamical nature of the screened Coulomb interaction.  相似文献   
建筑环境科学研究动态与简介   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建筑环境科学研究涉及自然科学、社会科学、工程技术、人文和艺术领域,包括热湿环境、光环境、声环境、电磁环境、室内空气品质、建筑微气候等.建筑环境和设备工程专业的任务是在节约能源、节省资源、最低限度影响环境的原则下,为人类创造健康、舒适、安全、有效率的工作、居住和活动环境.  相似文献   
An investigation of scattering from surface cracks has been conducted. In particular, the change in the reflection coefficient of a Rayleigh wave incident on a surface indentation crack has been measured as the sample is stressed to fracture. The acoustic measurements have been correlated with the stable crack extension that precedes final failure. The crack extension behavior of as-indented specimens was found to differ appreciably from that of annealed specimens. Cracks in the annealed samples exhibited partial crack tip closure, but little stable extension, whereas cracks in the as-indented samples displayed both crack closure and irreversible crack growth. This behavior has been rationalized by invoking concepts based upon the residual stresses created by indentation.  相似文献   
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