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塔里木盆地沙漠地表对地震信号的吸收衰减导致地震波的能量减弱、分辨率降低;沙漠表层介质的空间变化大,吸收衰减引起地震子波能量和相位的空间变化,如果该变化远大于储层信息的空间变化,会造成储层预测失败。表层吸收补偿技术是一种基于确定性近地表模型的定量分析及衰减补偿技术,通过地震记录的折射波主频转换得到相对衰减系数R值,由谱比法求取表层相对Q值,并利用稳定的吸收补偿算法对表层吸收衰减进行地震波补偿,能合理拓宽地震信号的有效频带并提高地震数据的分辨率和信噪比,同时有效解决近地表空变吸收问题。  相似文献   
结合生理声学和心理声学资料,本文提出了一个由非均匀间距带通滤波器组、检测器组和主频选取机构等三部分组成的听觉模型。它们依次表征基底膜、内毛细胞和神经纤维的特性。基于所建听觉模型并结合修正的临界带宽参数构成的语音分析系统,输入模拟了鼓膜上的声压波,输出模拟了各种神经冲动图特征。语音综合系统采用简单相加法来获取重建语音。计算机模拟实验表明,重建语音是高可懂的、自然的,证明了所建听觉模型的正确性以及临界带宽参数的修正是有意义的。  相似文献   
在分布式大数据处理框架的作业运行过程中,会有大量的数据通过网络传输,数据在各节点之间传输所需的时间已成为作业运行的主要开销之一.在节点异构带宽的情况下,因为带宽瓶颈节点的存在,传统的数据分区方法效率低下.针对这个问题,建立了节点间的数据传输模型,该模型以降低数据传输时间为目标,根据各节点的上下行带宽和初始数据量大小,计算出各节点的最优数据分发比例.以该模型为基础,设计了基于带宽的数据分区方法,该数据分区方法使得各节点按最优数据分发比例来分配数据.最后在Apache Flink框架中将基于带宽的数据分区方法进行了实现,并通过实验进行了验证.实验结果表明:异构带宽条件下,基于带宽的数据分区方法可以有效减少数据分区所需的时间.  相似文献   
主动磁悬浮轴承支承旋转机械的减振性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对旋转机械的振动噪声问题,在对轴承工作特性及系统振动传递特性进行理论分析的基础上,提出了采用新型主动磁悬浮轴承取代传统机械轴承以实现整机减振降噪的设想.以某工程试验样机为研究对象,利用有限元软件考察了轴承的刚度变化对该样机轴承座机脚振动不平衡响应的影响,进而开展了专门的振动对比实验来对主动磁悬浮轴承的减振性能进行实际评估.结果表明:减小轴承刚度的思路对于降低旋转机械的机脚振动确实可行;相比于机械轴承,采用主动磁悬浮轴承支承对于减小整机振动水平具有显著实际效果.相关结论可为拓展主动磁悬浮轴承技术的应用领域和场合提供重要思路及数据支持,同时也为其今后的工程化实用奠定研究基础.  相似文献   
The impulse response in frontside-illuminated mid-wave infrared HgCdTe electron avalanche photodiodes (APDs) has been measured with localized photoexcitation at varying positions in the depletion layer. Gain measurements have shown an exponential gain, with a maximum value of M = 5000 for the diffusion current at a reverse bias of V b = 12 V. When the light was injected in the depletion layer, the gain was reduced as the injection approached the N+ edge of the junction. The impulse response was limited by the diode series resistance–capacitance product, RC, due to the large capacitance of the diode metallization. Hence, the fall time is given by the RC constant, estimated as RC = 270 ps, and the rise time is due to the charging of the diode capacitance via the transit and multiplication of carriers in the depletion layer. The latter varies between t 10–90 = 20 ps (at intermediate gains M < 500) and t 10–90 = 70 ps (at M = 3500). The corresponding RC-limited bandwidth is BW = 600 MHz, which yields a new absolute record in gain–bandwidth product of GBW = 2.1 THz. The increase in rise time at high gains indicates the existence of a limit in the transit-time-limited gain–bandwidth product, GBW = 19 THz. The impulse response was modeled using a one-dimensional deterministic model, which allowed a quantitative analysis of the data in terms of the average velocity of electrons and holes. The fitting of the data yielded a saturation of the electron and hole velocity of v e = 2.3 × 107 cm/s and v h = 1.0 × 107 cm/s at electric fields E > 1.5 kV/cm. The increase in rise time at high bias is consistent with the results of Monte Carlo simulations and can be partly explained by a reduction of the electron saturation velocity due to frequent impact ionization. Finally, the model was used to predict the bandwidth in diodes with shorter RC = 5 ps, giving BW = 16 GHz and BW = 21 GHz for x j = 4 μm and x j = 2 μm, respectively, for a gain of M = 100.  相似文献   
AnalysisofStaggeredOFDMDataTransmissionWithReducedComplexityZhangLijun(DepartmentofTelecommunicationEngineering,NanjingUniver...  相似文献   
It is important to provide quality of service (QoS) guarantees if we want to support multimedia applications over wireless networks. In this paper, considering the features of tiering in sectored cellular networks, we propose a novel scheme for bandwidth reservation to approach QoS provisioning. By predicting the movement of each connection, the reserving of bandwidth is only required in needful neighboring cells instead of in all neighboring cells. In addition, an admission control mechanism incorporated with bandwidth borrowing assists in distributing scarce wireless bandwidth in more adaptive way. Through mathematical analysis, we proof the advantages of tier‐based approach and the bound for the selection of tiered boundary. The simulation results also verify that our scheme can achieve superior performance than traditional schemes regarding no bandwidth reserving, fixed bandwidth reserving, and bandwidth borrowing in sectored cellular networks when performance metrics are measured in terms of the connection dropping probability (CDP), connection blocking probability (CBP), and bandwidth utilization (BU). Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A tabulation of characteristic X-ray energies across the periodic table are provided where those X-rays are expected to result in a significant fractional resonant Raman scattering (RRS) contribution to the X-ray attenuation from a particular shell/subshell of the same or another element. The tabulations can be considered as guideline so as to know what can be expected due to RRS in typical photon- and particle-induced X-ray emission spectrometry. The RRS contribution is not included in the available theoretical attenuation coefficients, which are generally used in estimation of the matrix corrections in routine quantitative elemental analysis based on various X-ray emission techniques. The radiative RRS peaks can also interfere with normal X-ray spectrum and influence the elemental analysis. The RRS cross-section depends upon the energy difference of the X-ray energy and the shell/subshell ionization threshold taken in the units of the shell/subshell energy width, density of available states near the Fermi level, and the band structure in case the element is in the solid form. Some aspects of the dependence of the RRS contribution on the chemical forms of the elements are also discussed.  相似文献   
刘震国 《现代雷达》2011,33(1):59-62
通过平面波叠加法,分析了初级馈源位置对PEC和PMC作为接地板的2类Fabry-Perot谐振天线的最大方向性系数及其带宽的影响。分析表明初级馈源位置在满足特定条件取值时,Fabry-Perot谐振天线将获得最大的定向性,但其定向性带宽并不随馈源位置有明显改变。同时,首先指出定向性与其带宽的乘积仅是Fabry-Perot谐振天线的反射盖板其反射系数模的函数,并随着反射系数模的增加而趋于某一定值。最后进行了仿真验证,仿真结果与理论计算具有很好的一致性,对Fabry-Perot谐振天线的设计具有很好的理论指导意义。  相似文献   
为了研究宽频超声波通过河流泥沙悬浊液的声衰减谱中包含泥沙的颗粒粒度信息,采用超声耦合相模型和散射模型的叠加描述河流泥沙悬浊液中超声衰减行为,宽频超声换能器测量得到2~7.5MHz间泥沙悬浊液声衰减谱,结合独立模式的最优正则化反演算法,获得了相同体积浓度、不同粒径分布下和相同粒径分布、不同体积浓度下泥沙的颗粒粒径分布。结果表明,宽频超声衰减法能较好地区分3种不同粒径分布的泥沙,并且在体积浓为3.8%~8.5%范围间,测量得到的平均粒径受浓度变化影响较小。将超声法测量结果与显微镜图像法测量结果相比较,两种方法得到的粒径分布趋势较为一致,平均粒径较为吻合。  相似文献   
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