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The requirements on an object-oriented DBMS for management of information in a large, complex enterprise are presented. These requirements aid in the achievement of an environment characterized by data sharing, open architectures, application and data portability, and assurance of data integrity. They were defined from the point of view of a user of the DBMS; therefore they describe the expected functionality of the DBMS and do not specify the method of implementation to achieve this functionality. They encompass requirements on the data model, query and data manipulation languages, the system architecure, interfaces to the system, change management, and transaction management.  相似文献   
There is no good method to measure the shape and the strain distributions of a structure changing with time. We have previously proposed the Fourier transform grid method (FTGM) to measure the three-dimensional shape and surface strain distributions of stationary objects by analysing the two-dimensional grating images recorded with two cameras. In the stereoscopic method, it is very important to determine the accurate geometric parameters of the camera system. In this paper, the positions and the directions of cameras are accurately determined using the FTGM applied to images of a reference object on which a two-dimensional grating is drawn. Applications for analysing shape and strain distributions of vibrating rubber plates and a moving human skin are shown.  相似文献   
Educational research over the past three years has intensified such that the context of learning resources needs to be properly modeled. Many researchers have described and even mandated the use of ontologies in the research being conducted, yet the process of actually connecting one or more ontologies to a learning object has not been extensively discussed. This paper describes a practical model for associating multiple ontologies with learning objects while making full use of the IEEE LOM specification. The model categorizes these ontologies according to five major categories of context based on the most popular fields of study actively being pursued by the educational research community: Thematic context, Pedagogical context, Learner context, Organizational context, and Historical/Statistical context.  相似文献   
The paper presents a new approach for recommending suitable learning paths for different learners groups. Selection of the learning path is considered as recommendations to choosing and combining the sequences of learning objects (LOs) according to learners’ preferences. Learning path can be selected by applying artificial intelligence techniques, e.g. a swarm intelligence model. If we modify and/or change some LOs in the learning path, we should rearrange the alignment of new and old LOs and reallocate pheromones to achieve effective learning recommendations. To solve this problem, a new method based on the ant colony optimisation algorithm and adaptation of the solution to the changing optimum is proposed. A simulation process with a dynamic change of learning paths when new LOs are inserted was chosen to verify the method proposed. The paper contributes with the following new developments: (1) an approach of dynamic learning paths selection based on swarm intelligence, and (2) a modified ant colony optimisation algorithm for learning paths selection. The elaborated approach effectively assist learners by helping them to reach most suitable LOs according to their preferences, and tutors – by helping them to monitor, refine, and improve e-learning modules and courses according to the learners’ behaviour.  相似文献   
Through the Preservation of Complex Objects Symposia (POCOS), leading researchers and practitioners have managed to propose strategies for preserving digital art and computer games. The same is not true for the preservation of archaeological visualizations. This article therefore discusses the following question: “Can emulation be employed to effectively preserve obsolete computer visualizations from the Archaeology domain?” Guidelines and test results coming from this work would be of great benefit to the archaeological community, and would contribute knowledge to other research communities, specifically those interested in similar data types/3D visualizations.  相似文献   
主要通过对国内和美国手册关于埋地钢管不同的设计思路进行分析对照,尤其在不同工况、不同土弧包角及砂浆衬砌作用下对钢管壁厚设计的影响进行了探讨,可为其它工程设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   
阐述了C++语言与C语言的关系,以及C++编程技术的基础,对C++最为突出的程序设计功能类和对象进行分析,给出了C++语言编程的有关技巧.  相似文献   
Users expect applications to successfully cope with the expansion of information as necessitated by the continuous inclusion of novel types of content. Given that such content may originate from ‘not‐seen thus far’ data collections and/or data sources, the challenging issue is to achieve the return of investment on existing services, adapting to new information without changing existing business‐logic implementation. To address this need, we introduce DOLAR (Data Object Language And Runtime), a service‐neutral framework which virtualizes the information space to avoid invasive, time‐consuming, and expensive source‐code extensions that frequently break applications. Specifically, DOLAR automates the introduction of new business‐logic objects in terms of the proposed virtual ‘content objects’. Such user‐specified virtual objects align to storage artifacts and help realize uniform ‘store‐to‐user’ data flows atop heterogeneous sources, while offering the reverse ‘user‐to‐store’ flows with identical effectiveness and ease of use. In addition, the suggested virtual object composition schemes help decouple business logic from any content origin, storage and/or structural details, allowing applications to support novel types of items without modifying their service provisions. We expect that content‐rich applications will benefit from our approach and demonstrate how DOLAR has assisted in the cost‐effective development and gradual expansion of a production‐quality digital library. Experimentation shows that our approach imposes minimal overheads and DOLAR‐based applications scale as well as any underlying datastore(s). Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The existing predictive spatiotemporal indexes can be classified into two categories, depending on whether they are based on the primal or dual methodology. Although we have gained considerable empirical knowledge about various access methods, currently there is only limited understanding on the theoretical characteristics of the two methodologies. In fact, the experimental results in different papers even contradict each other, regarding the relative superiority of the primal and dual techniques. This paper presents a careful study on the query performance of general primal and dual indexes, and reveals important insight into the behavior of each technique. In particular, we mathematically establish the conditions that determine the superiority of each methodology, and provide rigorous justification for well-known observations that have not been properly explained in the literature. Our analytical findings also resolve the contradiction in the experiments of previous work.  相似文献   
赵立坤  郭书英 《中国水利》2012,(14):25-28,38
水利信息化是实现水利现代化的基础和重要标志。以水管理对象为基础,利用现代信息技术构造数字流域,集中管理流域内的水事问题,是实现流域现代化管理的有效途径。从数字流域体系架构、水管理对象构造及全息化描述、基础平台构建、业务系统的构件化开发、数字功能流域等方面详细介绍了基于水管理对象的数字流域构造技术方法。  相似文献   
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