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Gum arabic is a natural gum exuded mainly by the trees Acacia senegal , currently used in the food industries for its emulsifying, thickening and stabilizing properties. Its present processing includes various operations providing a quite turbid product. Crossflow microfiltration could be interesting for the clarification and the cold-pasteurization of the gum arabic solutions. Several experiments were therefore made with the crossflow microfiltration unit at ENSIA, using two different systems: the classical one (without permeate circulation), and the co-current permeate flow system (CCPF) allowing the exploration of the low transmembrane pressures range. With gum arabic solutions of 0.17g solids g−1 solution and 70°C, the best results after 60 min of filtration (105.7 L h−1 m−2, 4.4% of solids retention and 83.4% of clarification) were obtained with the CCPF system at low transmembrane pressure and high crossflow velocity (0.3 bar and 7.5ms−1).  相似文献   
绿茶汁澄清工艺的研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
吴正奇  裴成安 《饮料工业》1999,2(5):14-15,20
比较池明矾、硅胶、高岭土、碱式氯化铝和聚丙烯酰胺5种物质对绿茶汁的洽效果,发现碱式氯化铝的澄清效果较好;通过L9(3^4)正交实验优化,碱式氯化铝澄清绍茶汁适宜的条件为:PH=6,用量0.1%和温度15℃。  相似文献   
研究了明胶、皂土、壳聚糖等澄清剂对紫甘薯汁澄清度、色泽及抗氧化活性的影响。试验结果表明,明胶、皂土和壳聚糖在对紫甘薯汁的澄清过程中伴随着花色苷的损失,总酚含量的减少及其抗氧化活性的降低。其中,壳聚糖引起紫甘薯汁花色苷的损失最大,即对紫甘薯汁色泽的影响最为显著。皂土导致紫甘薯汁总酚含量及其抗氧化能力下降程度最大。明胶对紫甘薯汁色泽和抗氧化活性影响最少,但是其澄清效果不佳。  相似文献   
研究用湖南产刺葡萄试制饮料的最佳护色和澄清工艺.结果表明:刺葡萄饮料的最佳护色工艺为70℃保温5 min.最佳澄清工艺为6000r/min离心10 min.  相似文献   
野木瓜果醋的澄清研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文以壳聚糖、硅藻土、果胶酶、琼脂、明胶-单宁作为澄清剂对野木瓜果醋进行澄清处理,并对不同澄清剂处理的野木瓜果醋澄清效果进行对比.实验结果表明,当加入3%(v/v)的明胶-单宁澄清后的野木瓜果醋透光率达89.10%,比未添加澄清剂的野木瓜果醋透光率增加了14.34%,起到了较好的澄清作用.  相似文献   
Pectic substances cause haziness and high viscosity of fruit juices. Pectinase enzymes are biological compounds that degrade pectic compounds. Nontoxicity and ecofriendly nature make pectinases excellent biocatalysts for juice clarification. However, the poor stability and nonreusability of pectinases trim down the effectiveness of the operation. The immobilization techniques have gained the attention of researchers as it augments the properties of the enzymes. Literature has reported the stability improvement of enzymes like lipase, laccase, hydrogen peroxidase, and cellulase upon immobilization on the membrane. However, only a few research articles divulge pectinase immobilization using a membrane. The catalysis-separation synergy of membrane-reactor has put indelible imprints in industrial applications. Immobilization of pectinase on the membrane can enhance its performance in juice processing. This review delineates the importance of physicochemical and kinematic properties of pectinases relating to the juice processing parameters. It also includes the influence of metal-ion cofactors on enzymes’ activity. Considering the support and catalytic-separation facets of the membrane, the prediction of the membrane as support for pectinase immobilization has also been carried out.  相似文献   
采用明胶、皂土、蛋清3种澄清剂对毛葡萄干型酒进行澄清处理,结果表明,皂土可以明显提高酒的澄清度,降低总酚和可溶性蛋白质的含量,对酒有明显的脱色作用;明胶澄清效果次之,但可以有效降低单宁的含量;蛋清澄清效果一般.  相似文献   
向富友  李利军  程昊 《食品科学》2017,38(23):39-44
以新生CaSO_3的形貌和结构为出发点,探讨了其在糖汁清净过程中的作用机理。新生CaSO_3絮凝物呈现出疏松多孔的表面结构,对糖汁中悬浮的胶体微粒具有很强的吸附能力。实验数据拟合结果表明,新生CaSO_3对糖汁清净过程符合准二级动力学模型和Temkin吸附等温线。热力学参数显示出CaSO_3的吸附是自发吸热的过程。同时,通过X射线衍射图谱和傅里叶变换红外光谱对絮凝物的成分和结构进行分析,进一步研究了新生CaSO_3在糖汁清净过程中的吸附与包埋机制。  相似文献   
壳聚糖对杨梅果汁的澄清作用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了壳聚糖对杨梅果汁的澄清作用。结果表明壳聚糖是一种有效的果汁澄清剂,当壳聚糖用量为0.4g/L时对杨梅果汁的澄清效果最好,且不影响其营养成分,经处理后的杨梅果汁具有较好的稳定性。  相似文献   
青梅甘蔗复合发酵酒加工工艺   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以梅浆:甘蔗汁=1∶1的混合浆为原料,研究了青梅甘蔗复合发酵酒(简称为梅酒)的关键加工工艺,具体包括:梅浆酶解条件、梅酒发酵工艺、梅酒澄清条件。结果表明,酶解的适宜条件为:酶解浓度251.5 mg/L,温度45℃,时间4 h;发酵条件为:菌种接种量5%,SO2添加量100 mg/L,初始pH3.2,发酵温度28℃;在明胶、皂土、壳聚糖3种澄清剂中,以皂土的澄清效果最佳,其最佳澄清条件为:添加量0.08 g/100 mL、温度25℃、处理10 h。  相似文献   
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