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María C. Ruiz Iván González Valerio Rodriguez Rafael Padilla 《Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review》2021,42(1):1-8
ABSTRACT The effect of chloride ions on the copper extraction equilibria, the rate of extraction, copper/iron selectivity, and chloride extraction was studied for organic phases containing pure ketoxime (LIX 84-IC) and pure nonylaldoxime (LIX 860N-IC). In these systems, the used aqueous phase contained total chloride concentrations from 0 to 110 g/l. It was determined that the chloride ions in the aqueous solution had a large negative effect on the extraction equilibria for LIX 84-IC and a small effect for LIX 860N-IC. This deleterious effect is attributed to an increase in the hydrogen ion activity coefficient in the presence of chloride ions. The chloride accelerated the rate of copper extraction even though the reaction was fast in all the tested conditions. An increase in the temperature from 25°C to 35°C affected positively the extraction equilibria for LIX 84-IC. 相似文献
Taking a copper anode slime as the raw material, a novel process for selenium extraction was studied. The primary selenium recovery can reach above 88.5 % and the quality index of selenium product can be up to 99.5 %. The economic benefit resulted is remarkable and environment has been protected. 相似文献
全逆流混合澄清器在溶剂萃取厂中的应用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文综述了全逆流混合澄清器的结构特征、主要优点和在稀土分离、铀、钨及废水处理等领域的12个工厂应用的结果;并与普通混合澄清器进行了萃取级效率、溶剂夹带损失和经济效益对比。 相似文献
超声波提取黄芩药渣中的黄芩苷 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了探索黄芩植物药废渣的再利用价值,首次采用超声波萃取技术对黄芩植物药废渣中的药用有效成分-黄芩苷进行再次提取,考察溶剂浓度、超声提取时间以及溶剂量等因素对黄芩苷提取率的影响。设计正交实验对超声波提取工艺参数进行优化。结果表明超声波最佳提取工艺条件为:15倍量70%浓度的乙醇,在20℃条件下超声提取50min,黄芩苷提取率达6.0%以上。通过试验得出的结论为:黄芩植物药废渣中尚含有一定量的药用有效成分-黄芩苷,具有再资源化利用的价值。 相似文献
为对比分析顺层钻孔在护孔和未护孔条件下的抽采效果,考虑煤体扩容特性,采用煤体孔隙率和渗透率动态数学模型,结合D-P屈服准则,建立了钻孔煤体破坏—渗流的流固耦合模型。以超化煤矿2煤层相关物理参数为基础,开展了钻孔卸压破坏范围及抽采瓦斯数值模拟,结果表明:钻孔发生卸压破坏后,虽然未护孔钻孔卸压范围是护孔钻孔的1.3倍,其周围煤体渗透率和孔隙率均大于护孔钻孔,但钻孔更易塌孔堵孔,当抽采90 d时,护孔钻孔有效抽采半径为未护孔钻孔的1.3倍。现场瓦斯抽采测定数据表明,护孔钻孔平均抽采瓦斯浓度为未护孔的1.6倍,平均抽采瓦斯纯流量为未护孔的1.4倍,并有效缩短了钻孔抽采时间。 相似文献
建立了以多壁碳纳米管(MWCNTs)为萃取剂的基质固相萃取(MSPD)、HPLC测定蔬菜中啶虫脒残留的方法。将样品与工业级碳纳米管、无水硫酸镁混合研磨后装柱,并用乙酸乙酯洗脱,高效液相色谱法测定。采用C8柱(3.0mm×100mm,1.8μm)分离,甲醇-水(3∶2,v/v)为流动相,流速0.10mL/min,紫外检测波长250nm,进样量2.5μL,柱温为30℃。结果表明,该方法对蔬菜样品中啶虫脒的回收率为84.0%106.0%,精密度为0.1%12.5%,方法最低检出限为0.0085mg/L。该法简便、快速、准确。 相似文献