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Based on the phenomenon that acoustic emissions (AE) generated by rock massincreas uddenly because of underground excavation, time sequence of AE rate in rock failurehas been discussed by using statistical damage theory. It has been demonstrated that how theinfluence of confining pressure on the deformation behavior and AE characteristics in rocks can beinferred from a simple mechanics model. The results show that loading confining pressure sharplybrings out increasing of AE. On the other hand, few AE emits when confining pressure is loadedsharply, and AE occurs again when axial pressure keeps on increasing. These results have beenwell simulated with computer and show close correspondence with directly measured curves“ inexperiments.  相似文献   
矿用隔爆型电磁启动器用电子保护器选型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对目前煤矿井下使用的3种电动机综合保护装置进行了比较,并提出了最佳选型。  相似文献   
阐述探测器基本工作原理,并给出探测器使用过程中的易受扰部位和主要的外界电磁干扰源.在此基础上从前置放大器、电源滤波器、PCB设计、结构屏蔽四个方面给出设计方案,以提高探测器的电磁抗扰度能力.经实际测试和现场使用,采用了EMC设计的探测器能够满足GB 15631-2008《特种火灾探测器》的要求.  相似文献   
提出了一种电磁环境量化分析的新方法.该方法充分考虑了电磁环境信号的极化方式、调制方式,给出了极化因子、调制因子的内涵和定义基于不同极化方式、调制方式之间影响特性的理论分析和仿真,给出了典型电磁环境的极化因子、调制因子及其变化特性.所得成果为深入研究复杂电磁环境的量化分析和评估方法提供了积极的理论探索.  相似文献   
As a universal polymer material, polystyrene (PS) is widely applied in electrical devices and construction. Thus, it is necessary to improve the flame retardancy and electromagnetic shielding properties of PS material. In this work, PS/silicon-wrapped ammonium polyphosphate/Inorganic acid-treated multi-walled carbon nanotubes composites (PS/SiAPP/aMWCNT, abbreviated as PAC) were prepared via methods of filtration-induced assembly and hot-pressing. Morphology and structure characterization demonstrated that SiAPP and aMWCNT had good dispersion in PS and excellent compatibility with the PS matrix. Thermogravimetric analysis revealed that the addition of aMWCNT to PS improved its thermal stability and carbon-forming characteristics. The peak heat release rate, the peak carbon monoxide production rate, and the peak smoke production rate of the PAC10 composite decreased by 53.7%, 41.9%, and 45.5%, respectively, while its electromagnetic shielding effectiveness reached 12 dB. These enhancements were attributed to the reason that SiAPP and aMWCNT synergistically catalyzed the char generation and SiAPP produced free radical scavengers and numbers of incombustible gases, which could decrease the oxygen concentration and retard the combustion reaction. Therefore, the assembled PS/SiAPP/aMWCNT system provides a new pathway to improve the flame retardant and electromagnetic shielding properties of PS.  相似文献   
李顺  高勇 《矿业安全与环保》2017,44(3):20-23,28
在地下空间突发灾难后通信中断的情况下,基于刚性管道的应急声通信系统可为搜救被困人员提供有效保障。在现有的管道应急声通信系统中,存在传输效率较低的缺点,针对该问题,提出一种基于差分Pattern时延差编码的管道应急声通信方法,可有效提高管道应急声通信系统的传输效率。实际的管道实验结果证明了该方法的有效性与可行性,与原来的通信系统相比,相同条件下的通信速率有了较大提高,并具有一定的抗干扰性能。  相似文献   
赵忠义  唐召胜  黄海龙 《电波科学学报》2015,27(2):391-395, 408
为了进一步提高飞机舱内电子设备对雷电间接效应的防护能力, 依据SAE-ARP5412等相关标准的规定, 以飞机舱内电子设备所在位置的电磁环境为研究对象, 建立了雷击时飞机舱内电磁环境的仿真模型, 对仿真参数进行了设置.仿真比较了雷击飞机时不同舱室内的耦合场, 并获得了舱内电子设备所接线缆的瞬态耦合电流.仿真结果表明:同一放电通道下驾驶舱内的耦合场最强; 舱门处定义了缝隙结构以后, 舱门附近的电场和磁场强度都增大; 同轴线缆有较好的屏蔽效能, 在飞机遭受雷击时, 可以有效避免芯线产生较大的瞬时感应电流研究结果对飞机舱内电子设备的雷电防护具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   
研究一种用于圆形封闭管道内气固两相流实时截面相浓度测量传感器。该传感器采用新型栅极式电容电极设计,有效地均化了空间敏感电场分布,减小了因截面流型变化而导致的测量值波动,提高了测量精度;同时,栅极轴向检测特性的优化,提高了传感器对圆管截面相浓度信号的实时跟踪及瞬态检测能力。  相似文献   
现代电机设计朝着大电流、高磁密及结构轻巧的方向发展,但同时电机也产生了更大的电磁噪声。为提高电机的品质,可通过改变槽配合、采用斜槽和增大气隙等方法,提高电磁力波阶数、改变力波频率、降低力波的幅值来实现降低高压异步电动机的电磁噪声。并结合生产实践加以说明,如何判断电磁噪声,从而有针对性地采取措施来降低电磁噪声。  相似文献   
电磁感应式电度表虽说接线简单,在使用中若不慎或不清楚,就会造成错误接线,除了不能正确计量电能外,还容易造成窃电和电表损坏.文中总结归纳出了几种容易错误的接线,并分析了其错误原因,剖析了造成的危害,给出了更正办法.  相似文献   
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