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The performance of the energy consumption of an electronic valve and a classical thermostatic valve has been compared when these expansion valves are adopted in a vapour compression plant subjected to a cold store. The main aim is to verify experimentally which type of expansion valve would be preferable from energy point of view when a classical thermostat or a fuzzy logic algorithm are used as the control system for the refrigeration capacity. The fuzzy logic‐based control is able to modulate continuously the compressor speed through an inverter. The results show that with a fuzzy algorithm, the thermostatic expansion valve allows an energy saving of about 8% in comparison with the electronic valve. When on–off control is used, the electric energy consumption obtained both with the electronic valve and with the thermostatic valve is comparable. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
本文介绍了一种在微机上实现的印制板自动布线方法──多级线探索法及其编程方法。这种方法是基于完备布线算法的概念,通过分析李氏算法和传统线探索法的不足之处而得到的。虽然它也是一种线探索法,但有较传统线探索法更强的探索能力,不需要结合李氏算法而能单独完成布线任务,是一种较理想的算法,通过实验获得了较为满意的效果。  相似文献   
本文首先给出了一种新的2.5D 实体表示法,然后在此基础上提出了“原型”的概念。原型法的思想运用在结构库的管理中主要体现在它将模具结构与构成这种结构的零件之间的强联系变成弱联系,结构库面向的对象是一个具有整体性和可运算性的结构原型。这样的原型结构库基本上达到了通用性与开放性的要求。  相似文献   
The electron‐spin‐resonance (ESR) spin‐probe method, was used to study the heterogeneity of denture resins based on poly(methyl methacrylate). Results for three resins processed by microwave energy, conventional curing and cold curing (depending on the curing procedure and exposed to ageing in various environmental conditions) were compared. All three cured resins were stored over the same time (1200 h) in distilled water at ambient temperature and in artificial saliva at 348 K. The temperature‐dependent ESR spectra of a spin probe dispersed in the denture resins are analyzed in terms of line‐shapes and line‐widths. The appearance of two spectral components was taken as an indication of resin heterogeneity. The results reveal that the cold‐cured resin has a lower local density in comparison with microwave and conventionally cured resin. The amount of residual monomer also contributes to the local motion of polymer segments. The change of denture resins exposed to ageing is influenced both by the structure of the original resin and the ageing conditions. Restricted motion of a spin probe incorporated into the acrylic resins exposed to accelerated ageing suggests additional crosslinking of polymer chains. The differences are observed for all the investigated resins, but the highest change is observed with the cold‐cured resin. The ESR results are accompanied by Tg and Tm measurements. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
A novel cholesterol‐imprinted polymer (CMIP‐H) was prepared by a hybrid method of covalent imprinting and non‐covalent imprinting. This approach involves the copolymerization of a template‐containing monomer, cholesteryl 2‐hydroxyethyl methacrylate carbonate, and a cross‐linker, followed by hydrolysis to afford a flexible guest‐binding site accompanied with the easy and efficient removal of a ‘sacrificial spacer’. The effect of solvent on the binding capacity of CMIP‐H towards cholesterol was studied, indicating that a good binding capacity towards cholesterol could be achieved in a less‐polar solvent. The binding experiments of CMIP‐H towards a series of structural analogues of cholesterol, including cholesterol acetate, progesterone and stigmasterol, were carried out in hexane. The results showed that CMIP‐H almost did not bind cholesterol acetate at all because the hydrogen‐bonding site is blocked. It exhibited a similar binding towards both cholesterol and stigmasterol, but much higher binding towards progesterone. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
Visual evaluation experiments of color discrimination threshold and suprathreshold color‐difference comparison were carried out using CRT colors based on the psychophysical methods of interleaved staircase and constant stimuli, respectively. A large set of experimental data was generated ranged from threshold to large suprathreshold color difference at the five CIE color centers. The visual data were analyzed in detail for every observer at each visual scale to show the effect of color‐difference magnitude on the observer precision. The chromaticity ellipses from this study were compared with four previous published data, of CRT colors by Cui and Luo, and of surface colors by RIT‐DuPont, Cheung and Rigg, and Guan and Luo, to report the reproducibility of this kind of experiment using CRT colors and the variations between CRT and surface data, respectively. The present threshold data were also compared against the different suprathreshold data to show the effect of color‐difference scales. The visual results were further used to test the three advance color‐difference formulae, CMC, CIE94, and CIEDE2000, together with the basic CIELAB equation. In their original forms or with optimized KL values, the CIEDE2000 outperformed others, followed by CMC, and with the CIELAB and CIE94 the poorest for predicting the combined dataset of all color centers in the present study. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 30, 198–208, 2005; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/col.20106  相似文献   
Residual stress as measured quantity in quality assurance The x‐ray method is used in the Volkswagen Automotive Group at different world‐wide locations as a standard procedure to determine residual stress. As an important measured quantity in the quality assurance residual stresses are specified in drawings of different components (e.g. gears, coil springs). Measurements are carried out during quality assurance, production, damage analyse, technical development department and design control of components from suppliers. An optimum efficiency can be achieved, if it exists a unique correlation between residual stress values and loading capacity of components, and if the processes to introduce residual stress can be optimized using residual stress measurements during the production.  相似文献   
LaNiO3 was synthesized by sol-gel method in which lanthanum nitrate and nickel nitrate were used as start materials and citric acid was used as complex for gel formation.The precursor was dried and subsequently heated at elevated temperature to form the desired product.XRD analysis shows that pure LaNiO3 was synthesized.Electrical conductivity and electrochemical performance of the material were tested.The electrical conductivity decreases from 34.5that there are current peaks in the curve, which is the evidence of the electrochemical activity of LaNiO3.  相似文献   
Using boundary element based three dimensional modelling for linear fracture mechanics, we present an analysis of cracking in a homogeneous medium subject to contact load. The proposed iterative solution procedure allows a simultaneous treatment of a reasonable number of partially closed cracks. It is shown that the most probable direction of propagation of a vertical internal crack is strongly dependent on its size compared to the contact radius and its location with respect to the axis of maximum normal load.  相似文献   
ETRⅠ-30调速器是瑞士爱舍维斯工厂生产的具有PID调节规律的电液调速器。本文对其液压控制系统作了较详细的介绍,供有关人员参考。  相似文献   
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