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根据模板施工规范,参考矩形件排样各相关算法,通过一个系统过程:因数分析法进行分类、背包算法确定最优组合、递归算法和神经算法查找相关板块、填充算法填充空隙等优化算法对胶合板矩形板块进行排样。排样结果表明板材的利用率大幅提高。 相似文献
《Structure and Infrastructure Engineering》2013,9(4):315-322
This paper presents a sequential imperfect preventive maintenance policy for a degradation system. Two kinds of activity, called continuous preventive maintenance (PM) and minimal repair, are simultaneously considered when arranging discrete imperfect preventive maintenance schedules. In order to obtain the maximum benefit in a finite lifetime, an expected benefit model is formulated based on maximal/equal cumulative-hazard rate constraints, and the optimal PM intervals are obtained using a genetic algorithm (GA). It is usually difficult to determine fixed maintenance quality after performing maintenance activities. This problem is addressed in the present paper by assuming that the reduction factor is a stochastic variable following probability distributions at fixed times. It is more rational to describe the fluctuation and trend of quality of discrete preventive maintenance during a lifetime; this makes optimisation results more robust and insensitive to the randomness of the crucial parameters in imperfect PM models. A numerical case is presented to illustrate the proposed model and some discussions are summarised. 相似文献
为了准确得到桩基的承载力,在实测曲线拟合方面提出了采取遗传算法来代替传统人工试凑的方法,以通过编程实现自动求解,并结合工程实例试验,将采用遗传算法的拟合结果与静载荷试验结果作了对比,证实了该方法的可行性与可靠性。 相似文献
针对岩巷掘进速度慢、工效低的问题,通过优化掘进工艺、合理的组织劳动形式、中深孔爆破技术等的综合应用,提高了岩巷掘进速度,实践证明,改进后的工艺和设计,使每月掘进推进距离由原来的60 m~70 m增加至100 m以上,初步实现了岩巷高效安全掘进。 相似文献
网络科学的出现为研究和解决团队系统中的问题提供了新的方法和思路,在其框架下可以将团队的整体表现看作参与者之间的互动结果。文章将网络科学应用于足球运动中,为足球球员组成的团队构建了一个传控网络模型,并对模型的网络模式进行了进一步的分析。 相似文献
In this paper a recursive state-space model identification method is proposed for non-uniformly sampled systems in industrial applications. Two cases for measuring all states and only output(s) of such... 相似文献
The sensitivity analysis functions on globularized fraction of α lamellae were established using a physically-based microstructure model and gradient method. These functions were applied to the sensitivity analysis on globularized fraction of α lamellae in TC17 alloy. The material constants in these functions are determined using the genetic algorithm-based objective optimization technique. The globularized fraction of α lamellae during isothermal compression of TC17 alloy was quantitatively analyzed based on scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observation. The results show that α lamellae mostly change to equiaxed α grains at a deformation temperature of 1083 K, a strain rate of 0.01 s?1 and a strain of 1.2. The globularized fraction decreases with increasing strain rate because lower strain rate provides enough time for the spheroidization. The effect of deformation temperature on the globularized fraction is controlled by the strain rate. And, the predicted derivations of globularized fraction with respect to processing parameters show good agreement with the experimental values. 相似文献
Immunochromatographic assays are widely used to detect many analytes. CagA is proved to be associated closely with initiation of gastric carcinoma. Here, we reported that a charge-coupled device (CCD)-based test strip reader combined with CdS quantum dot-labeled lateral flow strips for quantitative detection of CagA was developed, which used 365-nm ultraviolet LED as the excitation light source, and captured the test strip images through an acquisition module. Then, the captured image was transferred to the computer and was processed by a software system. A revised weighted threshold histogram equalization (WTHE) image processing algorithm was applied to analyze the result. CdS quantum dot-labeled lateral flow strips for detection of CagA were prepared. One hundred sera samples from clinical patients with gastric cancer and healthy people were prepared for detection, which demonstrated that the device could realize rapid, stable, and point-of-care detection, with a sensitivity of 20 pg/mL. 相似文献