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Z.M. Zhong J. Chen P. Zhong J.B. Wu 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》2006,28(9):855-862
As the result of vibration emission in air, a machine sound signal carries important information about the working condition
of machinery. But in practice, the sound signal is typically received with a very low signal-to-noise ratio. To obtain features
of the original sound signal, uncorrelated sound signals must be removed and the wavelet coefficients related to fault condition
must be retrieved. In this paper, the blind source separation technique is used to recover the wavelet coefficients of a monitored
source from complex observed signals. Since in the proposed blind source separation (BSS) algorithms it is generally assumed
that the number of sources is known, the Gerschgorin disk estimator method is introduced to determine the number of sound
sources before applying the BSS method. This method can estimate the number of sound sources under non-Gaussian and non-white
noise conditions. Then, the partial singular value analysis method is used to select these significant observations for BSS
analysis. This method ensures that signals are separated with the smallest distortion. Afterwards, the time-frequency separation
algorithm, converted to a suitable BSS algorithm for the separation of a non-stationary signal, is introduced. The transfer
channel between observations and sources and the wavelet coefficients of the source signals can be blindly identified via
this algorithm. The reconstructed wavelet coefficients can be used for diagnosis. Finally, the separation results obtained
from the observed signals recorded in a semi-anechoic chamber demonstrate the effectiveness of the presented methods . 相似文献
曹霞 《湖南纺织高等专科学校学报》2014,(1):34-38
在诗歌翻译中,译文会因为译者的不同在风格上表现出差异.然而,译文的质量不外乎经受形美、音美和意美的考量.译者应从本国读者的文化背景上结合时代的脉搏来进行“再创造”,做到形式、音律和意蕴的完美统一.歌德的诗歌《中德四季晨昏杂咏》(之八)的四种中文译本各有特色,均在不同程度上实现了“三美”的融合. 相似文献
Abstract Intrinsic thermal clothing insulation and surface air insulation were measured on human subjects by the use of indirect calorimetry. Four male clothing ensembles (0-1-1 -8 clo) and three female clothing ensembles (0-2-1-2 clo) were investigated. Using the standing position as a reference, the influence of sitting, bicycling (40r.p.m., 20 W), walking (3-75 km hour?1) and of light packing work on the thermal insulation was studied. The influence of an air velocity of 11ms?1 on thermal insulation during the standing and walking conditions was investigated. The results showed that: (i) intrinsic clothing insulation was maximal in the standing position. It was reduced by 8-18% in the seated position and by 30-50% during bicycling and walking. An air velocity of 11ms?1 did not influence the intrinsic clothing insulation during walking, but decreased it by 18% in the standing position; (ii) surface air insulation varied with activity and air velocity, but not with clothing. It was increased by up to 25% in the seated position, reduced by 7-26% during bicycling and by 30-50% during walking. An air velocity of 11 ms-1 reduced the surface air insulation by 50% in the standing position and 30% during walking. 相似文献
This paper introduces a measuring method of early lateral energy fraction in the scale model experiments. According to the interference principle of half wave length making the high frequency figure-8 directional microphone. With the signal-processing technique, a receiving and analyzing system, for the measurements of lateral energy fraction in the scale model is realized. 相似文献
阀门流场的数值模拟及流噪声的实验研究 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
采用非结构、非交错网格的有限体积法求解用二方程模型封闭的雷诺平均N S方程组 ,对水管路系统中 3种常见阀门的三维分离流动进行数值模拟。模拟结果表明 ,随着蝶阀、闸阀和球阀开度的减小 ,流体在蝶阀背面、球阀阀门内外分别形成两个方向相反的漩涡 ,闸阀的漩涡出现在挡板与管道的壁角处 ,并且漩涡在阀门下游逐渐消失。同时实验表明 ,阀门下游的流噪声大于阀门上游的流噪声 ,涡声是阀门噪声的主要来源 相似文献
提出了用高分子压电材料——PVDF薄膜作为激励声源,将其内嵌于基体材料聚氨酯橡胶中制成具有特殊功能的消声材料。通过声时延的方法,用布置在消声样件前方的两传声器检测出平面入射声波和反射声波,利用压电材料PVDF薄膜的逆压电性能,对其施加具有一定幅值和相位的电压,实现样件材料的声阻抗和介质声阻抗的匹配,以使得反射声波达到最小或零,从而实现回声控制的目的。最后对不同频率的入射声波进行了基于声阻抗管的回声控制实验测试并对结果进行了分析。 相似文献
木地板改善混凝土楼板撞击声的隔声性能研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过对混凝土楼板和各种木地板构造方案的撞击声隔声性能的对比测试,对其隔声机理的定性理论分析,以及对铺装方法、弹性垫层等影响因素的讨论,研究了木地板对混凝土楼板撞击声的隔绝作用。结果表明,木地板可有效降低楼板撞击噪声的透射,其中浮筑木地板构造的隔声效果尤为显著,它可以使楼板对撞击声的隔声性能达到一级标准的要求。 相似文献
为了分析特厚煤层区段煤柱宽度变化区的冲击危险性,以大佛寺煤矿40103回风巷煤柱宽度变化区域为研究对象,通过统计分析巷道掘进过程中煤柱宽度变化前后的微震、地音监测数据,以及锚杆、锚索轴力变化情况,分析煤柱宽度变化对冲击危险性的影响规律,得出煤柱宽度变化后冲击危险性升高的原因,提出弱化静载荷源、增强煤柱稳定性和提高支护强度等冲击地压防治措施。现场监测结果表明,采取的针对性防治措施大幅降低了冲击危险性,取得了良好的防控效果,保障了掘进工作面煤柱宽度变化后的安全生产,可为类似开采技术条件下的区段煤柱区域冲击地压防治提供技术参考。 相似文献
Abstract Musicians have long been interested in using iterative processes to aid the composition of musical forms (macrostructure) and to synthesize sounds (microstructure). This paper introduces a new sound synthesis method exploring the non-linear behaviour of two iterative cross-coupled digital oscillators. It begins with a brief introduction to iterative systems followed by background information on previous attempts at using them for synthesizing sounds (e.g. feedback frequency and amplitude modulations). Next, it introduces our synthesis method and briefly explains how it has been implemented in a system for real-time composition and performance. The paper concludes with a discussion on how the system has been put into practice to compose and perform a number of works. 相似文献