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Gas/liquid mass transfer has been investigated using a stirred vessel gas/liquid contactor using non‐Newtonian media and carbon dioxide as absorbent and gas phase, respectively. The volumetric mass transfer coefficients at different operational variables have been determined. Non‐Newtonian media (liquid phase) were prepared as aqueous solutions of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose salt. The influence of the rheological properties, polymer concentration, stirring rate, and gas flow rate on mass transfer was studied for these liquid phases. Kinematic viscosity and density experimental data were used to calculate the average molecular weight corresponding to the polymer employed. The Ostwald model has been used to fit the rheological behavior of aqueous solutions of the polymer employed as absorbent phase. Reasonably good agreement was found between the predictions of the proposed models and the experimental data of mass transfer coefficients.  相似文献   
In the present study of gas–liquid contactors, mean residence/contact time was calculated from knowledge of superficial velocity and the gas phase hold-up, for various gas rates and impeller geometry and speeds, and compared with values obtained from RTD measurements. A new correlation, involving Flow Number, Froude Number, system geometry and the physical properties, is proposed. This uses the authors data and those available in literature.  相似文献   
In this paper, the test results of liquid injection impact on the performance of new alternative refrigerant mixtures such as: R-410A, R-507, R-407C and R-404A are discussed, analysed and presented. The test results were obtained using an air-source heat pump set-up with enhanced surface tubing under various liquid injection ratios. Performance tests were conducted according to the ARI/ASHRAE standards. The performance data demonstrated that as liquid injection ratio increases, compressor head pressure and discharge temperature decrease. This has a positive effect in protecting the compressor. The effect of liquid injection on mixture behaviour varies from one mixture to another depending upon the mixture's composition. Furthermore, liquid injection appears to have a significant influence on R-410A behaviour compared to the other mixtures in question. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We introduce a new probabilistic approach to dealing with uncertainty, based on the observation that probability theory does not require that every event be assigned a probability. For a nonmeasurable event (one to which we do not assign a probability), we can talk about only the inner measure and outer measure of the event. In addition to removing the requirement that every event be assigned a probability, our approach circumvents other criticisms of probability-based approaches to uncertainty. For example, the measure of belief in an event turns out to be represented by an interval (defined by the inner and outer measures), rather than by a single number. Further, this approach allows us to assign a belief (inner measure) to an event E without committing to a belief about its negation -E (since the inner measure of an event plus the inner measure of its negation is not necessarily one). Interestingly enough, inner measures induced by probability measures turn out to correspond in a precise sense to Dempster-Shafer belief functions. Hence, in addition to providing promising new conceptual tools for dealing with uncertainty, our approach shows that a key part of the important Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence is firmly rooted in classical probability theory. Cet article présente une nouvelle approche probabiliste en ce qui concerne le traitement de l'incertitude; celle-ci est basée sur l'observation que la théorie des probabilityés n'exige pas qu'une probabilityé soit assignée à chaque événement. Dans le cas d'un événement non mesurable (un événement pour lequel on n'assigne aucune probabilityé), nous ne pouvons discuter que de la mesure intérieure et de la mesure extérieure de l'évenément. En plus d'éliminer la nécessité d'assigner une probabilityéà l'événement, cette nouvelle approche apporte une réponse aux autres critiques des approches à l'incertitude basées sur des probabilityés. Par exemple, la mesure de croyance dans un événement est représentée par un intervalle (défini par la mesure intérieure et extérieure) plutǒt que par un nombre unique. De plus, cette approche nous permet d'assigner une croyance (mesure intérieure) à un événement E sans se compromettre vers une croyance à propos de sa négation -E (puisque la mesure intérieure d'un événement et la mesure intérieure de sa négation ne sont pas nécessairement une seule et unique mesure). II est intéressant de noter que les mesures intérieures qui résultent des mesures de probabilityé correspondent d'une manière précise aux fonctions de croyance de Dempster-Shafer. En plus de constituer un nouvel outil conceptuel prometteur dans le traitement de l'incertitude, cette approche démontre qu'une partie importante de la théorie de l'évidence de Dempster-Shafer est fermement ancrée dans la theorie classique des probabilityés.  相似文献   
This study investigates the ozonation of CI Reactive Black 5 (RB5) by using the rotating packed bed (RPB) and completely stirred tank reactor (CSTR) as ozone contactors. The RPB, which provides high gravitational force by adjusting the rotational speed, was employed as a novel ozone contactor. The same ozone dosage was separately introduced into either the RPB or the CSTR for the investigation, while the experimental solution was continuously circulated within the apparatus consisting of the RPB and CSTR. The decolorization and mineralization efficiencies of RB5 in the course of ozonation are compared for these two methods. Moreover, the dissolved and off‐gas ozone concentrations were simultaneously monitored for the further analysis. As a result, the ozone mass transfer rate per unit volume of the RPB was significantly higher because of its higher mass transfer coefficient and gas–liquid concentration driving force. Furthermore, ozonation kinetics was found to be independent of the gravitational magnitude of an ozone gas–liquid contactor. Therefore, the results suggest employing RPBs as ozone‐contacting devices with the advantage of volume reduction. The experimental results, which can be used for further modeling of the ozonation process in the RPB, also show the requirement of correct design for the RPB. Consequently, the present study is useful for the understanding of practical application of RPBs. Copyright © 2004 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
The extraction equilibria of various di- and tripeptides with di-2-ethylhexylphosphoric acid (D2EHPA) were studied at low pH values. The complex extracted to organic phase consisted of one molecule of peptide and two molecules of D2EHPA dimer. The extraction constants of the peptides correlated well with the distribution coefficients of peptides between 1-octanol and water, which is a measure of hydrophobicity. The permeation rates of peptides through an emulsion liquid membrane were examined by using D2EHPA as a carrier, Span 80 as an emulsifier and kerosene as a diluent. The rates varied considerably with peptide type, depending upon the hydrophobicity.  相似文献   
The transport of chromium(VI) through a flat‐sheet supported liquid membrane containing Cyanex 921 as a carrier has been investigated. The permeation of the metal is investigated as a function of various experimental variables: hydrodynamic conditions, concentration of chromium(VI) and HCl in the feed phase, carrier concentration and diluent in the membrane and strippant concentration in the stripping phase. The mass transfer coefficient and the thickness of the aqueous boundary layer were calculated from the experimental data. Furthermore, the selectivity of Cyanex 921‐based flat‐sheet supported liquid membrane towards different metal ions and the behaviour of the system against other carriers are presented. Copyright © 2003 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
探讨了影响煤矿矿井水检测质量的主要因素,按照全过程、全要素控制的理念提出了检测前、检测中和检测后的控制措施。  相似文献   
Periodic man-made changes in the outlet of Lake Huron through the St. Clair River date back to the middle of the last century. These artificial channel changes have been well documented during the present century. They consist of dredging for commercial gravel removal in the upper river during 1908–25 and uncompensated navigation improvements for the 7.6-m (25-ft) and 8.2-m (27-ft) projects completed in 1933 and 1962, respectively. The total effect of these changes on the levels of Lakes Michigan and Huron (hydraulically one lake) and on the upper St. Clair River profile was determined with dynamic flow models. The ultimate effect of the above dredging was a permanent lowering of the Lake Michigan-Huron levels 0.27 m (0.89 ft), which represents a tremendous loss of freshwater resource [32 km3 (7.7 mi3)].  相似文献   
A new unsymmetrical chiral thioindigo dopant 6‐[(R,R)‐2,3‐difluorooct‐1‐yloxy]‐5′‐nitro‐6′‐[(R)‐2‐octyloxy]thioindigo ( 4 ) designed to photoinvert the sign of spontaneous polarization (PS) in a ferroelectric chiral smectic C (SmC*) liquid crystal was prepared using a synthetic approach previously developed in our laboratory. In this new “ambidextrous” design, the (R)‐2‐octyloxy side‐chain is sterically coupled to the thioindigo core and induces a positive PS, whereas the (R,R)‐2,3‐difluorooctyloxy side‐chain is decoupled from the core and induces a larger negative PS. In the trans form, this dopant induces a negative polarization in the SmC host (+)‐4‐(4‐methylhexyloxy)phenyl 4‐decyloxybenzoate ( PhB ). Irradiation of a 1 mol‐% mixture of 4 in PhB at λ = 510 nm caused a sign inversion of PS, from –0.88 to +0.42 nC cm–2 at TTC = –5 °C, which is consistent with an increase in the polarization power of the coupled 2‐octyloxy/thioindigo unit over that of the 2,3‐difluorooctyloxy unit, due to the increase in transverse dipole moment of the thioindigo core upon transcis photoisomerization. The PS sign inversion was confirmed by a surface‐stabilized ferroelectric liquid crystal photoswitching experiment. Spectroscopic measurements on films of the doped liquid crystal mixtures showed that transcis photoisomerization is gradually suppressed with increasing dopant mole fraction, possibly as a result of increased dopant aggregation.  相似文献   
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