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Interaction of Bacillus polymyxa with calcite, hematite, corundum and quartz resulted in significant surface chemical changes not only of the cells but also in the minerals. Both the cell surfaces as well as quartz particles were rendered more hydrophobic after mutual interaction, whilst the rest of the minerals exhibited enhanced hydrophilicity after interaction with the bacteria. The bacteria were also observed to be capable of dissolving calcite, hematite and corundum and biosorbing the dissolved metal ions to varying extents. An excess of polysaccharides could be observed on biotreated calcite, hematite and corundum while the predominance of a protein-based metabolic product was evident on quartz surfaces. The utility of bioprocessing in the beneficiation of the above minerals through bioflotation and bioflocculation is demonstrated.  相似文献   
为了改善不锈钢氩氧脱碳炉渣的稳定性,采用风淬法对不锈钢氩氧脱碳炉渣进行粒化试验,研究了炉渣碱度、改质剂、温度、风速和喷吹角度对其粒化效果的影响规律。结果表明,渣粒平均粒径随着碱度的降低先减小后逐渐增大,碱度为1.8时平均粒径达到最小值4.31 mm;添加氧化硼改质后,粒化渣平均粒径随着碱度的降低与改质前变化趋势相同,但整体减小;随着熔渣温度升高,粒化渣粒平均粒径增大;随着风速增大和喷吹角度减小,粒化渣粒平均粒径逐渐减小,在21.5 m/s风速下得到最小粒径3.67 mm,当喷吹角度为25°时达到最小粒径4.28 mm。  相似文献   
提出了再生混凝土改性方案,通过掺加粉煤灰、硅灰、钢纤维、聚丙烯纤维等矿物掺合料,提高再生混凝土抗压强度;进行了普通混凝土、再生混凝土、改性再生混凝土立方体抗压强度试验;分析了粉煤灰、硅灰、钢纤维、聚丙烯纤维等矿物掺合料对再生混凝土抗压强度的影响;给出了各类矿物掺合料对再生混凝土强度的影响规律。  相似文献   
聚丙烯改性技术及制品应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了我国聚丙烯质轻、耐腐蚀、易加工、力学均衡性好、价廉,但低温脆性大和成型收缩率大的特点、世界用量等发展现状及改性技术,列举一些改性技术实例,说明在复合材料中聚丙烯既可以作为增强材料也可以作为基体等情况。  相似文献   
何军 《大氮肥》2014,(4):228-231
针对一段蒸汽转化炉厚壁型炉管(HK-40)改薄壁型炉管(HP-Nb+M)后,因单根炉管重量减少近30%,受压恒力吊簧无调节功能,不能满足新载荷工况下的使用要求问题,于1996年和2007年两次对弹簧K(弹性系数)值进行校验。鉴于校验值与设计值无明显变化,弹簧特性还处于良好状态,从降低设备改造成本考虑,对竖琴管排承重吊簧进行改造使用,由新核定的工作载荷确定新工况下A、B吊簧改造后的冷态"O"值,并确定管排安装方法和吊簧的冷、热态调整要求。  相似文献   
以异佛尔酮二异氰酸酯(IPDI)、聚碳酸酯二醇(PCDL)、二羟甲基丙酸(DMPA)三乙胺(TEA)、甲基丙烯酸甲酯(MMA)、丙烯酸丁酯(BA)为原料,采用原位乳液聚合法制备水性聚氨酯-丙烯酸酯(WPUA)复合乳液。考察了聚氨酯(PU )含量、m(MMA):m(BA)、初始-NCO与-OH物质的量之比等因素对WPUA复合乳液及其胶膜性能的影响。结果显示,当w(PU)质量分数为80%、初始n(-NCO):n(-OH)=6.0、w(DMPA)=5%、m(MMA):m(BA)=4:6时,所得WPUA乳液性能稳定,其胶膜吸水率降低至9.80%,相比较未改性的聚氨酯胶膜的吸水率24.75%,其吸水率降低了60.4%;改性胶膜的拉伸强度达到28.9MPa,是未改性聚氨酯胶膜的1.53倍,制备出了性能稳定、具有优异耐水性和物理机械性能的WPUA复合乳液。  相似文献   
《CIRP Annals》2019,68(1):373-376
The stream finishing process represents an efficient mass finishing process capable in mechanical surface modification. In order to generate a deeper understanding of the cause-effect relationships, normal forces, material removal and surface topography were analyzed and correlated for varied process parameters of disc-shaped AISI 4140 specimens. Local resolution of tangential velocities of the particles and normal forces on the workpiece’s surface were simulated using the discrete element method for defined process parameter configurations and were correlated with experimental results. A deep process understanding is accomplished enabling the process design for efficient surface smoothing and improved residual stress depth distribution.  相似文献   
This paper uses data from the UK River Restoration Centre's National River Restoration Inventory (NRRI) and the UK Environment Agency's River Habitat Survey (RHS) to analyse the relationship between restoration technique and the physical catchment context in which they have been implemented. Specifically we tested the relationship between categories of restoration technique and energy conditions, the relationship between restoration project and degree of channel modification, and whether the associations between restoration and physical catchment attributes have changed over time. Significant associations between categories of restoration technique and catchment variables were found, with direct morphological interventions needed in lower energy conditions; however, the analysis shows no change over time. This work shows that analysis of existing data sets can provide useful information to support the science and practice of river restoration and suggests that further analysis of existing ecological and geomorphological data sets provides an important learning opportunity to strengthen river restoration.  相似文献   
综述了喷涂聚脲弹性体的改性方法,重点介绍了环氧树脂、有机硅、酚醛树脂、液态聚硫橡胶改性喷涂聚脲弹性体的反应机理及改性后材料的性能变化特点.利用不同材料改性的方法,喷涂聚脲弹性体除保留原有的性能优势外,收缩率还明显减小,附着力得到改善,耐温及耐化学介质等方面性能也得以提高,扩大了其应用范围.  相似文献   
核电厂电气贯穿件作为安全壳上的关键设备,承担着核岛内外各种电力和信号传输以及保证安全壳压力边界完整性的重要功能。通过秦山核电厂一期工程30万千瓦机组第18次大修期间国产在役DDG-1型电气贯穿件更换改造项目的实施,分析了秦山核电厂一期工程在役电气贯穿件设备现状和改造的必要性;针对在役核电厂更换改造工期短和贯穿件密封性能验证难等问题,通过优化检验工序、制作专用检漏工装的方法,缩短了贯穿件改造的工期并验证了贯穿件密封性能。  相似文献   
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