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计算机技术应用的普及,为各行各业都开辟了以计算机为平台建立自己的工作程序的新的工作方式。而现在在非线性的系统中进行处理的时候,只要选择所要用的字,再选择“镜像”的选项,字体就会自动的变为镜像了。把编辑好的新闻片,通过计算机数字压缩技术,可以直接存放在硬盘上面,再通过刻录软件利用刻录机将已经编辑制作好的新闻或专题片录像带刻录在DVD光盘上。过去录像带120分钟价格约30元,而1张光盘成本仅仅2元,其价格是录像带的1/16,同样录像带需要大量空间存放,而光盘的存放也就是一盘录像带的1/20。  相似文献   
开孔受压钢板受力特性分析及补强方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过非线性有限元计算,对引起开孔受压钢板极限承载力下降的主要因素进行了分析.对应用四种补强方法钢板承载力的提高程度分别进行了综合比较和分析,结果表明,采用补强板全面积补强效果最佳.  相似文献   
本文考虑到变形区内切应力非线性分布的特点,采用球坐标系下的平衡微分方程和塑性条件联立求解,得出圆棒热挤压时变形区入口球面上的应力分布方程,然后应用功平衡法导出了圆棒热挤压力的计算公式。  相似文献   
证明了非线性耗散型Schrodinger方程初边值问题的解半群S(t)的Lipschitz连续性和挤压性,得到了惯性分形集的存在性。  相似文献   
论文根据小型无人直升机的机理建立了数学模型,并在悬停状态下近似线性化,运用Matlab的非线性控制工具箱(NCD)设计了具有很强鲁棒性的控制器,实现了对于小型无人直升机的纵向和横向的解耦控制,仿真结果证明了方法的有效性。  相似文献   
An important task for multi-agent systems (MAS) is to reach a consensus, e.g. to align their velocity vectors. Recent results propose appropriate consensus protocols to achieve such tasks, but most of them do not consider the effect of communication constraints such as the presence of time-delays in the exchange of information between the agents. In this article, we provide conditions for a non-linear, locally passive MAS of arbitrary size to reach a consensus, when the agents communicate over a packet-switched network that is characterised by a given topology. Both the cases of constant and switching topologies are considered. The nature of the communication channel imposes constraints that are modelled using stochastic delays of arbitrary distribution. We first embed this model in another, distributed but deterministic delay model and provide conditions for the error introduced by this simplification. In our main result, we provide conditions for the locally passive MAS with distributed delays to reach a consensus. In the case of a fixed topology, the underlying directed graph has to contain a spanning tree. In the case of a switching topology, only the union graph of all graphs that persist over time is required to contain a spanning tree. These conditions are independent of the distribution and the size of the packet delays. To show attractivity of the consensus set, we use an invariance principle for systems described by functional differential equations based on an appropriate Lyapunov–Razumikhin function. This methodological approach is the main contribution of this work and can also be applied to other consensus problems with delays. We illustrate our results by numerical simulations showing synchronisation of non-linear Kuramoto oscillators over a digital network.  相似文献   
This paper addresses procurement planning in oil refining, which has until now only had limited attention in the literature. We introduce a mixed integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) model and develop a novel two-stage solution approach, which aims at computational efficiency while addressing the problems due to discrepancies between a non-linear and a linearized formulation. The proposed model covers realistic settings by allowing the blending of crude oil in storage tanks, by modeling storage tanks and relevant processing units individually, and by handling more crude oil types and quality parameters than in previous literature. The developed approach is tested using historical data from Statoil A/S as well as through a comprehensive numerical analysis. The approach generates a feasible procurement plan within acceptable computation time, is able to quickly adjust an existing plan to take advantage of individual procurement opportunities, and can be used within a rolling time horizon scheme.  相似文献   
为了提高电力建设中起重机械设备的安全性,分析了影响起重机械安全性的因素,利用综合模糊评价法对起重机械进行安全性评价,对评价算法、权重分析、结果利用等方面进行了较为深入的研究。  相似文献   
一、引言TRIM是一个相当成熟的解二维非线性静磁问题的计算程序,它在束流光学系统设计中起着越来越重要的作用。最原始的TRIM程序是A.M.Winslow(Lawrence Radi-ation Laboratory,Livermore,California)编写的,后来又经多次修改扩充,并能运行在CDC-6600,IBM-360等中型计算机上。近年来,微型计算机的应用有了很大的发展,IBM-PC/XT或其兼容机在国内已相当普及。在微型机上运行应用软件会更有利于软件的  相似文献   
密肋壁板结构是一种节能、抗震型建筑结构新体系,其主要受力构件--密肋复合墙体的抗震性能受多种因素的影响.在试验研究基础上,利用大型通用有限元软件ANSYS建立了密肋复合墙体的非线性有限元分析模型,对填充不同强度砌块的各个墙体在水平荷载和竖向荷载共同作用下承载力、变形性能进行了比较分析.文中表明了填充砌块与框格混凝土的相对强度对二者协同工作性能的影响,并对墙体设计中填充砌块的选择提出了合理化建议.  相似文献   
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